Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 508: hope

Jiang Ning probably never thought that he would become a nightmare for the entire martial arts, but at this time, he no longer cares how high his reputation is, and he doesn't care about the thoughts of defeated generals, because his eyes have been far away. The fiery red star was attracted.

So, could it be the Huo De power technique?

Feeling the inexplicable commotion in his body, Jiang Ning only felt that his heart seemed to be beating extremely fast. He knew that Ling Donglai would help him, but he did not expect that Ling Donglai would take care of him in this way.

The most precious treasure conceived by the earth mother is the water virtue technique! After all, it was the treasure he got after several life and death tests. Even if he got it, he has a clear conscience!

But for this treasure, he couldn't help but feel a sense of guilty conscience. As the supreme master and the guardian of the rules of heaven and earth, Ling Donglai used the rules privately to bring this god-level treasure to the world, which was only an ordinary treasure to others! Would this be too obvious?

"Brother Ling, your kindness, maybe Jiang Ning can only repay it with his life!"

Closing his eyes, Jiang Ning couldn't help but see the kind and gentle figure of Ling Donglai in front of him. This is his elder brother, who has only met twice, but this elder brother regards him as the closest person in the world. , And even committed the law for him.

That star Yao is about a quarter of an hour away from the world.

Jiang Ning glanced at one-third of the internal power of the fire attribute in his body, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Naturally, he sees the gloating of those in the arena, but he knows that he might surprise those in the arena again.

Jiang Ning is determined to win this treasure!

Even if it is not for perfecting his body of the Five Virtues, but for the sake of Donglai's kindness to Jiangning, Jiangning will definitely get this treasure in his hands!

This is a feeling more intimate than your relatives, and a firmer belief than those treasures left by the ancestors of Shifang City when they ascended.

The ice sword that Jiang Ning turned into before had already turned into violent cold energy with the frozen world, and returned to the world, but Jiang Ning didn't care. He was calm and sat on the ground with his legs cross-legged. , And then began to forcefully transform his own ice internal force.

Naturally, Jiang Ning could tell the star and even the yang attributes at a glance. And Jiang Ning is not a fool. After having experienced the hardships of water-taking and virtue, he naturally understands what to do if he wants to obtain this most yang treasure.

First of all, it is necessary to transform all the internal forces in one's body into yang attributes!

With the existence of the body of the five virtues, Jiang Ning can effortlessly transform the internal forces in his body into the five attributes at will. Previously, only a few dozen points could be converted per second, but now, with the Five Virtues body evolving to 40%! Naturally, his conversion speed has risen to more than one hundred points per second.

Jiang Ning's internal strength now has grown to a terrifying total of 40W as he practiced the water virtue technique! With so much internal force, if Jiang Ning wanted to convert, it would take more than half an hour to complete the conversion. But now, Jiang Ning's conversion speed has increased a lot, and it only took him more than three thousand seconds to convert all these internal forces into fire attributes.

However, more than three thousand seconds, it seems a bit too long!

Seeing that the treasure that can already vaguely feel the hot energy is getting closer, but his internal strength has only changed about half, Jiang Ning's brows tightened.

He is determined to obtain this treasure, but if he can't possess pure Yang internal power, how can he **** it from those masters?

It is true that Jiang Ning can beat those masters, but what about he? The same cannot be recognized by that treasure! If all internal forces are converted to fire attributes, although they can be recognized by the treasure, they can't fight with people!

Otherwise, after the fire attribute internal power in Jiang Ning's body is exhausted, how can he attract the favor of the fire attribute treasure?

This seems to be an unsolvable situation. The only solution is to kill all the masters on the scene, so no one can compete with Jiang Ning. Naturally, he can gradually complete the conversion of his internal power and then obtain it in one fell swoop. Recognition of Arcana.

But this idea is a bit too crazy. Jiang Ning glanced at the nearly one million elites who surrounded Shijuegu and couldn't help giving up this crazy idea.

He is not yet a god, and he can't move freely under the siege of so many people, especially these people are not ordinary people, they are at least the most elite disciples of those sects, and they are masters with famous names and surnames on the rivers and lakes!

They may not be able to compare with the top masters in front of them, but when their number has formed a terrifying suppression of one million, I am afraid that Ling Donglai does not dare to kill so many people so cruelly.

This is not a question of strength, but more than one million people, after being killed, they will be intolerable! I am afraid that only people in the real demon world dare to do such an unjust act. Even the barbarians who are known for their brutality do not dare to do so.

However, Jiang Ning not only did not dare to defy God's will, but also lacked that strength. Therefore, he could only watch these people dodge his eyes vigilantly, but couldn't go up and kill each other.

Moreover, Jiang Ning glanced at his half-transformed fire attribute internal power, and knew that he had lost the twenty times the recovery effect. Today, he can only use the characteristics of these ten absolute valleys, which is slightly better than those ordinary ones. The **** master is stronger, and it can't be the same as before, so that all the masters of the gods are all holding their heads.

"Hahaha! There is the treasure here, how can I leave?"

Meng Chixing and Pangban returned, making everyone feel a little shocked. These two people are already second only to Jiangning in the arena. Before leaving sadly, they thought that the two masters and disciples had given up the grabbing of the treasure. Now that I have gone back and forth, I am afraid there will be another wave of trouble!

Looking at the two handsome men, Jiang Ning couldn't help but a strange flash in his eyes. ,, ..