Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 514: Violent fire energy

The fire attribute became more and more violent, and Jiang Ning's clothes and hair were even scorched by the violent fire attribute.

But Jiang Ning still didn't mean to stop. He kept advancing with his own fire element admiration, with his own vision of the fire attribute, and with his own expectations of the Wood technique.

Jiang Ning has taken every step very steadily, because the soil attributes present have been roasted into stone by the fire attributes, and even they themselves have begun to transform into the fire attributes.

This world can be transformed into each other, yin can be transformed into yang, and the five elements are also mutually generating hooks. But this transformation must happen when everyone is conscious.

Now, this situation has happened without the fire attribute unconsciously.


Jiang Ning stepped on the land that had been assimilated by fire attributes, and felt the scorching heat that was exactly the same as in the air, which could melt his mind and soul.

Jiang Ning didn't insist this time, he retracted his feet decisively.

This may be related to the straightforward violent fire attribute or Jiang Ning's already calm mentality.

In fact, Jiang Ning has long discovered his almost abnormal psychology when dealing with water morality.

Judging from the situation at the time, if he could retreat to the surface of the lake, and then analyze the situation in the lake carefully and then convert all his internal forces into water attributes may be the safest and most perfect way.

But things have happened, and Jiang Ning has already got the water virtue technique, and now let him evaluate the process of obtaining the water virtue technique, he will not have any regrets at all besides being afraid.

But not regretting it does not necessarily mean not thinking. At least for Jiang Ning today, Jiang Ning has seriously rethought how he would respond if he encounters such a situation again.

Now that he has encountered the Huo De power method, Jiang Ning naturally does not think that his situation at this time is the same as the previous situation of the water virtue method. But Jiang Ning is a person who can think very well. He can bring the current situation into the previous situation. He believes that unnecessary persistence at this time will not play any useful role.

Therefore, as soon as Jiang Ning felt that his soul was threatened, Jiang Ning decisively withdrew his actions.

Most of the crowds present were already waiting at the entrance of the cave sullenly. In their concept, this Jiangning has not encountered a failure, at least Jiangning has not left any oil or water to outsiders.

Now that Jiangning has once again stepped into the road of this fire attribute treasure, then this fire attribute treasure must be Jiangning's no different!

This is the thought of the vast majority of the elites present, and it also represents the deterrence that Jiangning has formed against the elites in the past few years.

Therefore, when Jiang Ning stepped out of the cave in embarrassment, and the strong fire energy was still shining in the cave, the people present couldn't help but feel curious about Jiang Ning.

"No? Even King Daming failed?"

"Sure enough, it is the most aggressive attribute in the world! This fire attribute, I am afraid it will only turn this Ten Juegu Valley into a Jedi again, and then just bury this treasure in this way?"

"It's already a land of ten absolutes! If you are ravaged by this fire attribute, it will be nothing more than a land of absolutes! What's so terrible?"

"Hahahaha! Jiang Ning occupies these ten absolute valleys, we are just spectators! Let's see how this King Da Ming handles the ten absolute valleys!

Qunhao's comments were harsh, but Jiang Ning didn't show any unpleasant expression on his face.

This time, the treasure hunt of the Huo De Cultivation Method was a complete failure for Jiang Ning. Jiang Ning is not a person who cannot bear failure. Even if the others are ridiculed, what can he do? Could it be possible to occupy these ten absolute valleys? Or can they let them be the masters of the Huo De Gong method?

They can't, no matter how cynic they are, it doesn't matter to Jiang Ning. In Jiang Ning’s eyes, these people are nothing more than losers. They are the losers for a lifetime. They will only ridicule the failures of others, but when others have achieved remarkable achievements, they will turn into disdain. A person with the highest morals, they will comment on this success, and tell us how much luck and dark curtain there is.

But these people have ignored that the world is inherently unfair. They may have regarded a failure caused by luck as a dark curtain, and since that time, they have regarded all injustices as a dark curtain.

But from that moment on, they lay down on their father’s account of merit, pointing to the younger generations whose talents and hard work would have surpassed them, and then bringing these younger generations into their plans. Lie down and enjoy the credit above.

People are inert, except for those peerless geniuses, ordinary geniuses will sink into the inertia of course, and then gradually become an ordinary person.

This is perhaps the scene most mediocre people want to see.

But Jiang Ning was an accident, an accident like Ling Donglai.

Ling Donglai was born with an instinct, understood the truth of the world by himself, and then set off.

Jiang Ning is like a traveler who descends from the sky. Although he has a lot of discomfort with the world, he still works hard under the spur of the system.

Now Jiang Ning has developed a habit, the habit of working hard without system prompts.

This habit is difficult to develop, and it is easy to be disturbed by others after it is developed. However, Jiang Ning has a heart of martial arts in Akagi, so it is rare for him to continue to stick to his martial arts after he develops the heart of martial arts.

Now, after finally hearing the cynicism of others, Jiang Ning only felt cordial for a while, but did not feel any discomfort. Perhaps for him, these cynicism has become a goal of his struggle. ,, ..