Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 624: Cinnabar Palm and Immortal Seal

Da Sikong Shi Zhixuan was also a top-notch powerhouse, and he stood up and stopped one of them in black.

"Your Excellency tells you your name, the undead and nameless soul under my palm."

"Haha, what a big tone. Shi Zhixuan, others are afraid of you, I am not afraid. I am the cinnabar in charge of Emperor Zhu, and today I will learn your immortality seal."

Emperor Zhu's martial arts are all based on his cinnabar palm, and he will learn this kind of martial arts throughout his life. It can be said that he has practiced the cinnabar palm to an unprecedented level.

Shi Zhixuan no longer talked about it, he shot directly, the immortal seal method matched his Tianyi Mind method, and the Taoist method seal hung in front of Shi Zhixuan. The Dharma Seal is slowly rotating, and the breath revealed from it is like death from hell.

Seeing that the opponent's strength was so extraordinary, Emperor Zhu did not dare to be careless. Immediately raising his left hand, a red and purple palm print flew towards Shi Zhixuan in an instant. This palm print not only has the meaning of temptation, but also pave the way for the following moves. As long as Shi Zhixuan takes the initiative, he will definitely take the lead.

It's a pity that Emperor Zhu's calculation fell through, and Shi Zhixuan remained motionless, letting the purple palm print hit. "You're looking for death." When Emperor Zhu saw Shi Zhixuan so indifferent to his heart, he sneered in his heart.

In the next moment, the sneer in Zhu Di's heart turned into disbelief, and then it suddenly became apparent.

"Illusory Demon Body Technique?"

It turned out that Shi Zhixuan's magic body technique had reached the highest level. When he stood there, he was actually just giving Emperor Zhu an illusion that his true body was no longer there.

"Well, you Shi Zhixuan, you are really cunning." As soon as Emperor Zhu was about to make a move, he saw that the immortal seal in front of Shi Zhixuan had been set up and flew towards him.

Emperor Zhu didn't dare to underestimate these palm prints, and immediately wanted to dodge, but these palm prints had locked his breath, no matter how he moved, he couldn't get rid of it. When Emperor Zhu saw that he could not leave the range of the Immortal Seal, he stopped and prepared to shake the Immortal Seal.

Looking at the immortal seal that was getting closer and closer, his palms pushed out in a staggered manner, and a red light passed through, actually forcing the immortal seal to stop. As soon as Emperor Zhu saw that his trick worked, he immediately attacked. I saw Emperor Zhu's palms slowly turning purple, crossing the Immortal Seal, and directly attacking Shi Zhixuan.

Shi Zhixuan didn't feel annoyed when he saw that his immortality seal was frozen. When he saw Zhudi Zihong's palms, he immediately displayed the magical demon body technique, and in a flash, there were many figures, and he couldn't tell which was the real Shizhixuan.

Emperor Zhu is not an easy man. He has been immersed in this trick for many years, and he has a solution to various situations. Just like now, with so many figures, Emperor Zhu couldn't tell which one was.

But he had his own way of cracking it, and saw that he suddenly issued a huge and boundless palm print, which instantly enveloped these figures. This palm print had no power, but it was more than enough to remove those fake figures.

Shi Zhixuan's phantom was swept away by the huge palm prints, and he was forced to show his true body. "Good Kung Fu!" Shi Zhixuan couldn't help applauding. This was the excitement when he met his opponent, and it was also a kind of confidence in himself.

"To each other, you are also good at Shi Zhixuan." Zhu Di looked around and found that everyone in black was entangled, and his heart sank slightly. "I am also honored to be able to face you Shizhixuan today."

Shi Zhixuan and Zhu Di are two rivals, and it is difficult to tell the winner for a time. Regardless of their skill or palm skills, the two of them are among the peers, and the only thing that Shi Zhixuan has an advantage is her body skills.

However, Emperor Zhu is like an untouched King Kong, no matter how powerful your body skills are, he will respond calmly, and Shi Zhixuan will not be able to prevail in a short time. At this time, Shi Zhixuan decided to change his tactics, and his martial arts skills immediately changed.

"Yeah." The Emperor Zhu felt it right away, Shi Zhixuan's moves had changed, becoming more mysterious and more difficult to resist. how is this possible? He actually has spare energy. Emperor Zhu was shocked. He had always thought that the strength of the two was almost the same, but now he discovered that Shi Zhixuan actually hid a hand.

"The first form of the seven phantoms of immortality is based on the fictitious." As soon as Shi Zhixuan's voice fell, he slapped Emperor Zhu. Zhu Di was shocked and immediately took a step back.

Shi Zhixuan's move is a combination of immortal seal technique and magical body technique, and then integrates his lifelong learning, which is the embodiment of the evil king's martial arts. Combination of body, law and seal, elegant like a ghost, fierce like a tiger.

Emperor Zhu was immediately under the wind, but he still responded calmly in order to find out the flaws in Shi Zhixuan. However, since Shi Zhixuan had the upper hand, how could he give him a chance. The immortal seal rushed toward Emperor Zhu continuously, not giving him any breathing space.

Zhu Di has already begun to feel that his internal strength is inadequate. Damn it. The internal strength of this Shi Zhixuan is clearly between me. Why is it still so abundant now that it doesn't look like fighting me.

Zhu Di's thoughts were actually correct. In terms of internal power alone, they were indeed the same. However, Shi Zhixuan’s immortal seal method is designed to absorb the internal forces of others and turn it into his own use. Although it is not very useful when facing masters, it is one and two, plus after such a long time, Shi Zhixuan’s advantage is Reflected.

Zhu Di's skill had already declined at this time. He saw that Shi Zhixuan's skill was almost at its peak and he knew that if he didn't let go, he would be consumed alive here today.

When he thought of this, Emperor Zhu shouted, summoning all the internal forces to shake Shi Zhixuan aside. Shi Zhixuan was wondering how such a momentum had only shocked him. Just when he thought so, a sudden crisis hit, and a huge palm print fell from the sky.

Shi Zhixuan was in danger, he didn't care about the palm print in the sky, he took the Zhu Emperor straight. The palm prints that descended from the sky had exhausted Emperor Zhu's life's skills. At this time, seeing Shi Zhixuan attack, there was no more means to resist.

"Boom!" Emperor Zhu flew several meters away, and fell on the ground motionless. It should be dead.

The menacing palm prints from the sky also hit Shi Zhixuan at the same time. Shi Zhixuan had no time to escape, so he had to rely on his body to harden it. He mobilized his only internal strength to protect his heart. "Boom!" Shi Zhixuan stepped back, vomiting blood. Shi Zhixuan finally survived, and he successfully defeated Zhu Sha Zhang.

Daming State University Sima Shizhixuan still stands tall! ,, ..