Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 765

Sect Master Guizong's complexion turned red, and he didn't know if it was caused by strenuous exercise or was angry.

I saw him angrily said: "If you have the patience, you can watch him! Otherwise, as long as the Sect Master finds a chance, he will be broken into pieces!"

He and Sect Master Tianlan's combat power are basically the same, if you want to tell the victory or defeat, it will be impossible in a short time.

Regarding the threat of the ghost sect master, the Tianlan sect master just smiled faintly and ignored it.

After Ye Feng wins the inheritance, he can't say who will hunt who!

Although the two temporarily stopped due to similar strengths, it does not mean that the masters brought by the two will also stop.

The **** storm continued.

There were already dozens of corpses lying in a pool of blood.

These are enough to deter the existence of one party in any place in the world, but here they are as worthless as carrots and cabbage.

Although the sect masters of the ghost sect and the sky-lane sect did not stop this battle, it does not mean that they are not heartbroken for the loss of these combat power.

However, this is the point where the arrow has to be sent.

The two can only save one side.


What caught Jiang Ning's eyes was a white-haired lion whose body was large enough to hold more than a dozen of itself.

A mouthful of white fangs exudes a faint cold light all the time.

At this time, the white-haired lion's sharp eyes were staring at Ye Feng, an unexpected guest.

The reason why he didn't make a move was because he sensed the threat this human brought him.

Although Ye Feng's strength was suppressed in the God-Throughout Realm, the golden cores he killed in his daily life were also extremely numerous.

The murderous aura accumulated for a long time is always on the surface.

For murderousness, beasts often feel more clearly than humans.

"Roar!" The white-haired lion roar suddenly.

Instructed Jiang Ning to leave here quickly. If he doesn't leave again, it will kill Jiang Ning.

This is a warning. Although Jiangning can pose a threat to it, it does not mean that it will be afraid.

Since its birth, it has been fighting all the time. Every time it is a life-and-death struggle, how can it escape without a fight?

In fact, this is Jiang Ning. If he changes to someone else, I am afraid that the white-haired lion will not even have a warning, and will rush to tear it to pieces.

Beasts are extremely important to what they see in their territory, and they cannot be violated by others.

Jiang Ning directly ignored the white-haired lion's warning. Instead, he assumed a fighting stance and hooked his finger at the white-haired lion.

Being provoked by an ant ten times younger than himself, this white-haired lion couldn't bear it anymore. With a roar, he threw himself directly at Jiang Ning.

There were whizzing sounds, and in the blink of an eye, the white-haired lion rushed to Jiangning.

Lifting his right paw, he slapped Jiang Ning fiercely.

It will beat this guy who dared to provoke itself into flesh.

He was about to hit Jiang Ning, but Jiang Ning suddenly disappeared.

The white-haired lion stepped on the air and let out an angry roar, then looked around with some doubts, obviously looking for Jiang Ning's trace.

"Idiot, I am here." Jiang Ning patted the white lion's head and said helplessly.

Although his realm is no longer in the past, his physical strength is still there, and his speed is better than that of the white lion!

I am afraid that even the Supreme Profound Venerable who established this trial in the first place would not have thought that someone would exercise their body to this level, right?

You must know that physical training is not only troublesome, but also suffers hundreds of times the pain of cultivators of the same level.

If it's just that, the most important point is that, throughout the ages, no one has trained his body to the realm of Jin Dan!

Otherwise, people who exercise their bodies will not be so rare, and Venerable Supreme Profound will not miss this.

"Roar!" The white-haired lion who realized he was being played with was furious, his two front paws slammed on the ground, and the huge body suddenly turned upside down.

After a full 360 degree rotation. This steadily landed on the ground.

Jiang Ning also had to jump off the white lion because of its movements.

I saw his eyes full of wonder when he looked at the white lion.

It was really unexpected that the white-haired lion's huge body did not affect its flexibility in the slightest.

Even the speed at which he rushed towards him was the same.

This is yourself.

If you change to another person, I am afraid that you will not be able to escape the end of being slapped into flesh.

"Go to hell!" After a brief fight, Jiang Ning had already determined the strength of this white lion.

So he no longer hesitated, shouted, took a step forward, clenched his right fist, and slammed out.

"Bump!" A heavy muffled sound sounded.

I saw Jiang Ning's fist hit the white-haired lion's waist severely.

The white-haired lion let out a miserable howl, and its body flew to the side.

After smashing down several trees in succession, it stopped and fell heavily to the ground.

The next moment, I saw the white-haired lion lying on the ground, motionless.

"Hmph, get up, don't pretend, this attack must not cause any harm to you!"

Jiang Ning snorted and said directly.

If someone saw him, they would definitely think Jiang Ning was crazy. How could a beast understand human language?

Unexpectedly, as soon as Jiang Ning said this, the white-haired lion immediately got up from the ground and shook the lion's head. His eyes were full of doubts, obviously doubting how Jiang Ning could see it.

That's right, the trick it used just now was to play dead!

Although this trick is very useless, very nasty, and very low-grade.

But as far as the facts are concerned, it is a very useful trick.

It has used this trick to kill enemies who don't know how many are stronger than him.

Who knows, this Bailing trick has lost its effect in Jiangning today.

Regarding this, Jiang Ning couldn't smile.

Others may be fooled, but he will not.

He has already mastered his own strength to the point of perfection.

No one knows exactly how powerful this punch can be.

However, these are not the main points. The main point is that this white lion is too smart.

He would actually use human tactics, and I don’t know where it was learned. ,, ..