Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 919

Tie Niu followed Jiang Ning’s gaze, and then said with deep meaning, "Brother Jiang, you like this type."

Jiang Ning's face changed when he heard the words, and said with some embarrassment: "What are you talking about!"

"Hey, Brother Jiang, don't worry. To tell the truth, many of our disciples admire Wantong. This is a matter recognized by everyone, so there is no need to be shy at all, but I am old. A cow is a woman who likes some muscles. It's so healthy."

Jiang Ning was also in a cold sweat, looking at the iron cow in front of him, but he didn't want to explain more. After all, he wanted to protect Zhou Wantong, so even if he was misunderstood, it wouldn't be a big deal. On the contrary, he could perfectly hide his behavior.

Jiang Ning seemed to think of something, and said to Tie Niu: "By the way, Tie Niu, you just joined the sect soon, right?"

"Yes, it was the last time I suddenly expanded the recruitment of Jianzong, I just took the opportunity to join in."

Jiang Ning nodded, and understood the significance of this sudden recruitment expansion of Jianzong. Although it was said to improve the quality of the sect, in fact it was to give Zhou Wantong, the daughter of the suzerain, a reasonable opportunity to start. No need to wait another year until Jianzong's next big move.

"Then I have a question, I don't know if you want to answer it."

Tie Niu smiled boldly and said, "Brother Jiang, let's talk about it. You are not the same as those gentlemen, and you have an appetite for me, so I will tell the truth if there is any problem."

"That was the last time you were in the practice field. What did you say to that man about your sister?"

Speaking of this, Jiang Ning paid attention to Tie Niu's performance, but saw that his brows suddenly frowned, and then said with some helplessness: "Brother Jiang, in fact, this matter is not something that needs to be kept secret. It's just I generally don’t want to mention it, but since you asked Brother Jiang, let’s just talk about it."

"My sister was originally a disciple of this Sword Sect, but even though I was her brother, her strength was not enough to compare with her. The last time I quarreled with others outside, I was taken down by the other team. In order to save me, my sister had no choice but to steal the tokens of the three elders, pretending to be an order from the Sword Sect, and rescued me. Later, the Dongchuang incident was reported by others. Zong’s cell."

Speaking of this, Tie Niu couldn't help sighing, tears flashing in his eyes.

"My parents in my family died early. It was always my sister and me who depended on each other. I didn't have any abilities, but had the brute force. I was always working as a blacksmith outside, giving people some useful weapons, but my sister was It's completely different. She is not only a gifted talent, but also a genius in swordsmanship. She was easily selected when recruiting people in the Sword Sect. This time she was arrested entirely because of my fault."

Jiang Ning patted Tie Niu on the shoulder, feeling sympathy for Tie Niu's sister.

"I am alone, and there is no good way to rescue her, so I can only go in when the Sword Sect is recruiting people. With brute force, I just reached the end, but even if I enter the Sword Sect, I have no chance to see her. Sister, after all, I’m just a new disciple who just started, but I heard that the second elder is the penalty elder of the sect, and all punishments are judged by him, so I found a right assistant under the second elder and wanted to borrow This opportunity to find my sister."

Jiang Ning sighed and said, "Then Tie Niu, you may be disappointed. To me, that person is not a right-hand man of the second elder at all. How could he choose him just by relying on the realm of the golden core. Besides, even if he is really the second elder's right-hand man, it is absolutely impossible to get a person out of prison with a word."

Tie Niu said desperately: "I understand, but even if there is only a chance, I want to save my sister, I will never give up."

Jiang Ning shook his head, showing respect for Tie Niu in his heart, but he also felt deep helplessness.

"But fortunately, the great elder found me some time ago and told me that if I could make outstanding contributions in the sect, I would have the opportunity to save my sister. So after hearing about the mission, he did not Hesitatingly agreed."

Jiang Ning smiled, but he also understood in his heart that this elder can only say half of his words. You must know that stealing the elder's token is a felony. Maybe this iron cow's sister is really talented. The death penalty is exempted, but that little contribution is absolutely impossible to save her. If you want to accumulate such a task, it will take at least several years.

Tie Niu wiped his eyes, smiled and said, "Hey, Brother Jiang made you laugh. I blame myself for these things, and you are still sad with me. I'm really sorry. We are about to enter the forest soon, let’s see what we need to do now."

Jiang Ning also nodded, and then looked at Zhou Wantong again. At this moment, she was still surrounded by a group of Jianzong male disciples in the center, looking embarrassed and embarrassed.

Jiang Ning was a little speechless. You must know that their group of eleven people, including the leading deacon, himself and Tie Niu, a total of seven men, and the other four are female disciples of the Jianzong including Zhou Wantong.

Although the other three female disciples of the Sword Sect are also considered shameless, no matter where they are placed, they are outstanding beauties, but if they stand with Zhou Wantong, they can only serve as green leaves to support them, and they can't be enough. .

It's no wonder that the men were all around Zhou Wantong, and only Jiang Ning and Tie Niu walked behind alone. It was a bit weird indeed.

The three female disciples were naturally angry, and the eyes looking at Zhou Wantong were also quite unfriendly. After all, the women were still a little jealous, so the three of them all walked together and seemed to be discussing something.

"Hey, it really doesn't give me peace of mind. I make enemies all the time." Jiang Ning said helplessly. ,, ..