Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 97: bonfire

Brother Jiang?

Wang Yuyan has never seen a cheeky person like Jiang Ning. At first, she felt that Jiang Ning was very heroic, but she didn't expect it to be like this...

In fact, Jiang Ning was only in a good mood, plus Wang Yuyan was pleasing to the eye and made a joke, but Wang Yuyan concealed himself, and finally lowered his head and said in a low voice, "Brother Jiang."

"Well, okay, okay, okay." Jiang Ning was very satisfied with Wang Yuyan calling her brother Jiang, but Wang Yuyan continued to ask: "Brother Jiang, where are we going next?"

"Find a place to live first, and go to Emei in some time."

Jiang Ning replied.

"Go to Emei? Why go to Emei?"

Wang Yuyan is very curious.

"It's nothing, it's just that I'm bored by myself. I plan to go to Emei for a tour. I saved your life. You are not required to show your love. At least you should accompany me to travel around the mountains and rivers?"

Jiang Ning watched Wang Yuyan say like this. After listening, Wang Yuyan thought for a while and finally nodded and said: "Well then, but my cousin."

She had some concerns about her cousin, Jiang Ning waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, your cousin is okay, let's go."

After saying this, Jiang Ning didn't say anything, and walked straight ahead. There are mountains and ridges here, and there are wolves shouting from time to time. Even though Wang Yuyan is a strange woman, she is a little scared. Women themselves are afraid of the dark, let alone Said in this kind of place.

Right now, Wang Yuyan couldn't help speeding up and walked to Jiang Ning's side, and some walked next to Jiang Ning.

The silence of the night really seemed a little weird, so Wang Yuyan got closer and closer.

I felt a little bit yi. As I walked, Jiangning soon came to a city outside. In ancient times, the city was very strict with curfews. Basically, when the time comes, people in the city are not allowed to go out, nor are people outside the city. You can come in.

At this moment, Jiang Ning and Wang Yuyan looked at the city quietly. After a long time, Wang Yuyan asked weakly: "You said we knock on the door, will they open the door?"

"you guess."

Jiang Ning looked at Wang Yuyan, and the moonlight fell on Wang Yuyan's beautiful face, with a bit of immaturity, and more of a graceful style. It made Jiang Ning feel particularly good. It would definitely make him feel happy if he looked at beautiful women frequently.

Hearing Jiang Ning's words like this, Wang Yuyan couldn't help but sighed, looked behind her, and couldn't help but said: "Are we two going to sleep on the street?"

"I guess it's almost there."

Jiang Ning nodded. He looked up. The city is not very high. It looks like thirty or forty meters. He can easily fly up with his light work, but holding a Wang Yuyan is a little troublesome, and there is one more point. It’s almost time now. It was three or four in the morning, and the inn closed early. Even if you knock on the door yourself, I'm afraid no one will open the door to pick you up.

When the time comes, some officials will have some trouble.

Just like that, the two were silent for a long time, and Jiang Ning couldn't help but say: "Or just sleep outside for a day."

"Ah, this." Wang Yuyan didn't say hypocritical, but she didn't want to sleep on the street outside. She hadn't tried this kind of life.

Gu Gu Gu~~~~

At this moment, Wang Yuyan heard a cry from her stomach, Jiang Ning glanced at her, and the latter immediately lowered her head in shame, but she was even more beautiful.

"I'm a little hungry, let's go and find something to eat."

Jiang Ning did not embarrass Wang Yuyan, but said that he was hungry, which eased Wang Yuyan's embarrassment, and then took Wang Yuyan slowly into the forest.

Jiang Ning, who is a martial artist, wants to hunt some beasts easily. Jiang Ning’s first target is a wild deer, but before he takes a shot, Wang Yuyan stopped Jiang Ning, "This deer looks so cute in the past, you have to kill it. What are you doing?"

Listening to Wang Yuyan's words, Jiang Ning nodded thoughtfully, and then said, "You are right."

Just as Wang Yuyan smiled, Jiang Ning suddenly left, like a gust of wind and lightning, and directly cut off the deer.

Without a word of nonsense, he carried the deer and came to Wang Yuyan and said: "If you don't kill it, then you will be the one who starved to death. This world is so cruel. Your kindness will one day kill you. ."

He said quietly, then he found a place and personally smashed a medium-sized tree, and then cut it into segments with a sword, and then looked at Wang Yuyan and said, "Do you have a firefly on your body?"

Wang Yuyan has been in a daze, because what Jiang Ning said to her was the first time she heard it. In addition to Jiang Ning, she didn't know what to say, but after hearing this, Wang Yuyan woke up from her lack of consciousness, and then took out a Huozhezi To Jiangning.

After getting the Huozhezi, Jiang Ning directly lit the trees and grass, and the sparks of fire started to burn, and soon a bonfire appeared in front of him.

The place Jiang Ning chose happened to have a creek. He was very skilled in cleaning the internal organs of this wild deer. He had been a cook before, so it was very easy for him.

After cleaning up the internal organs, Jiang Ning cut the pieces of venison and burned them on the bonfire.

"Wait here for a while, don't go anywhere, if there is a danger, shout immediately, I will go find some materials."

Jiang Ning spoke, watching Wang Yuyan say like this.

"Ah? Are you leaving? Can you take me there?"

After all, Wang Yuyan is still a woman, she has some fear, after all, it is too dark around her, she has some fear.

"Eh? Well, come if you don't find it bothersome."

Jiang Ning maintained an indifferent attitude, and took Wang Yuyan to find some materials, nothing more than some condiments and seasonings.

It is best to find salt, but there should be no such place.

After searching for a while, Jiang Ning could not find anything, but Wang Yuyan knew what Jiang Ning was looking for. She picked a few small red fruits and said, "This is a spicy fruit, smeared on the meat, not only can remove the odor. And add some spicy flavors."

"Unexpectedly, you are not only a martial arts book, but also know a lot of flowers and plants?"

Jiang Ning smiled, he really didn't know this.

"I usually stay at home, just to accompany my mother, grow flowers and plants, and I know some of this."

Wang Yuyan said with a slight smile. To be honest, although many people know her, they all admire her beauty. Wang Yuyan feels that her knowledge and martial arts are the best, but no one has discovered this. Now Jiang Ning praises her like this. , Just ask, who doesn’t like being praised?

After looking for several seasonings, Jiang Ning took Wang Yuyan back, but...