Crossing to Konoha and Become Naruto

Chapter 58: fog! Hidden threat!

Rao is like this, the destructive power caused by such a degree of ice escape is also astonishing.

The Ice Escape Ninjutsu of Wolf Fang Avalanche forced Naruto to retreat again and again. This "tiger" roaring out of the ice, chasing after him, never gave up on Naruto, trying to devour Naruto completely.

This momentum is ferocious, and its destructive power is extremely amazing.

Under this continuous destructive force, the entire glacier swayed and vibrated, as if it might disintegrate at any time.

"Naruto!" Sakura exclaimed, and she, who has been protecting Princess Fenghua Xiaoxue, can see the overall situation of the battle.

"Damn it! That person is so strong!" Shikamaru said, not thinking that Naruto, who should have no problems at first, is now in the most dangerous situation.

Such a large-scale ice escape ninjutsu, even a few of them can't stop it!

"Art fire escape **** fireball!"

Sasuke's voice sounded out of thin air, and a huge red flame spurted out, colliding with the "Dragon Breaking Tiger".

The red and white slammed together, and the resulting air wave made it impossible for ordinary people to look directly.

Sasuke gasped in his chest. Obviously, he did his best to use this fireball, and the consumption of chakra was quite large.


Sasuke sneered and looked at Naruto with a sense of comparison.

The ninjutsu you can't resist, I can resist. This is proof of strength, Naruto, I am stronger than you!

He wanted to see Naruto's astonishment, but what he waited for was...

"Be careful!"

Behind him, Sakura, Shikamaru and the others were eagerly calling out.

What else is there?

The opponent's ninjutsu has been cracked by him!

Make a fuss!

"Dance of the Gust!"

A small hurricane blew and swept Sasuke. Although the wind was fast and fierce, the inside was unexpectedly soft, not aggressive, and force majeure. He couldn't stop when he was taken out. Unable to resist.

One of only two wind arts that Naruto stole from Temari.

In terms of level, it is very low.

However, after Naruto's own research, combined with his wind attribute chakra, he can make this move less aggressive. On the contrary, it improves the restraint ability of the entire ninjutsu.

His unique wind chakra attribute changes allow him to have perfect control.

Even the undefended red beans and Yuhika can be trapped at that time. Sasuke's words will naturally be a piece of cake!

"Naruto! What are you doing!?" Sasuke said angrily. Before he finished speaking, Boom~~, where he was standing, the Ice Dun that should have been melted by his Fire Dun was smashed there.

The ice surface was smashed down into a huge deep pit, which pierced the ground ruthlessly.

The original anger turned cold in an instant, Sasuke felt cold all over his body, how could it be possible! ?

The fire escape that he has always been proud of has no effect?

The flames of their Uchiha family were actually extinguished by ice. What was even more humiliating, what made him feel uncomfortable was Naruto's rescue. His arrogant self-esteem was frustrated, which made him feel ashamed.

Of course, this is only what he thinks so.

When ninjas didn't make a careless mistake, they were worried about the safety of their partners. Everyone was relieved to see that Sasuke didn't have an accident.

However, people's ideas are always different.

Especially Sasuke, who has been digging his horns recently, he is now on the verge of darkness, and he will fall into darkness at any time.


"Shukamaru, how is everyone's retreat arrangement?" Naruto said with a serious expression at the moment, without turning his head.

"Everyone has been evacuated to the boat, but Ms. Yuki..." Shikamaru said anxiously.

Xue Ei sat there tremblingly, looking dazed and full of fear.

Once again, I fell into that unknown horror memory...

"Second!" Naruto uttered a foul language, this woman is trouble, something happened at this time.

"Xiao Ying, don't hurry up and take her away!" Naruto shouted, if she doesn't leave, you won't take her away! It really won't work!

The new ninjas were inexperienced and not calm enough in the face of things, so they were exposed at this time.

The wolf tooth avalanche had already chased after him. As he moved, his hands quickly formed a seal again.

"Ice Escape. A Beluga!"

He gave a soft drink, and a huge beluga whale with one horn came to life.

This is simply an unbearable weight. The ground of the glacier was completely penetrated by the beluga whales that drilled out, and it was almost torn apart.

This time, Naruto did not dodge.

His hands were folded together and quickly formed a seal.

"This is... how could it be?" Wolf Fang Xuebeng looked in disbelief.

"Bing Dun. Breaking Dragon and Tiger!" Naruto shouted in a deep voice.

From above the glacier, the "tiger" attacked, entangled with the beluga whale in the wolf-toothed avalanche.

"Tiger" and "Moby Dick" seemed to have activated their intelligence, roaring and fighting each other.

"Why can you copy my ninjutsu!" Wolf Fang Avalanche asked in an incredible anger.

"As an enemy, I don't need to explain to you!" Naruto smiled mysteriously.

This is his trump card!

Under the fierce struggle of the two "beasts", the glacier finally completely collapsed and collapsed.

Pieces of floes appeared and floated on the sea. Judging from the current situation, this crisis can be temporary...

kindness? fog?

The thick fog that suddenly rose made Naruto vigilant again. At this time, this location was definitely not a natural Could it be that there are still hidden enemies?

Are there other snow ninjas waiting around? The first wave failed, and the second wave followed?

"Shadow Clone!"

The cloned avatars continued to stay here and were responsible for investigating the surroundings, while Naruto of the deity went to everyone's location immediately.

The thick fog blocked his vision, and even Naruto could only see the surrounding environment two or three meters away.

The situation became unpredictable in an instant, and Naruto intuitively told Naruto that there must be more terrifying enemies here!

Because of the thick fog, Naruto has lost everyone's trace and can only search on the sea alone.

"Shukamaru, where are you?" Naruto called out loudly, but, strangely, no one responded!






Naruto's calls in sequence, without exception, all fell to the ground, and there was no response!

Not good!

This time, it's really not good!

Vaguely, Naruto had some guesses in his heart, but if he could, he really didn't want it to be like that.

Definitely... not!


"Shukamaru, Dingji, Ino, Sasuke, why are there only four of you, and the others?"

Finally, with his own perception, he found the ship of the crew that had drifted far away.

After getting on the deck, Naruto immediately started to check the situation of everyone here.

"Ms. Xuehui, and Xiao Ying, they were taken readers to come and read, the latest, fastest, and most popular serial works are all users Please read.