Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 310

Since the lord and the commander have decided, the entire military camp is busy. The logistical supporters prepared the dry food, inspected and repaired the soldiers' equipment, and the soldiers who will be going to expedite tomorrow stopped training and concentrated on refueling.

The soldiers were a little nervous when they learned that they would go up the mountain to destroy the gray goblin tomorrow. Although after this period of training, their physical fitness has increased a lot, their strength has also improved, and they generally have one to two "soldier" occupations. But when they have to face the real monster, they still have no confidence.

As a famous monster, although the individual force is not strong, the damage caused by the goblins is many. In particular, their intelligence is not low. They not only know how to use weapons, but also can arrange traps. It is also common to use various tactics when fighting. According to the statistics of the Adventure Association, the most dangerous enemy for the fledgling adventurers is the goblin, no one.

The horror stories about goblins were everywhere in the folks. When a businessman came out with a Hummer, he was attacked by a group of goblins. Although he ran away, his livestock and goods were lost. As a result, a certain village was attacked by a large number of goblins. Except for a few strong guards who broke away, the rest of the men, women, children and livestock were killed and eaten... and there is even a famous legend that the goblins also established a country, a barbaric and fierce s country. This country even has its own patron saint, and their unique "Ground Word" is created by this god.

Of course, there are more rumors in these stories. Although the goblins are fierce, although they breed faster, they don't like to fight hard. The favorite is the picking of persimmons. Even in the midst of a shortage of food, they would rather kill the same kind of food that they would not run to attack human villages.

Those so-called "villages destroyed by the goblins" are generally plagued by theft and misappropriation. The name of the goblin is probably not a problem. After all, in many people's eyes, there is no difference between banditry and goblin.

As for the goblin kingdom and the **** of the goblin, Vier had been very curious in the past, but even the gods who lived from the ancient gods to the present, do not remember the existence of the kingdom of the goblin. The history of the Goblin family is not really long, even if it is not yet human. They are one of the by-products of the gods when they created the creatures. The era of birth is roughly after the appearance of humans and orcs, about thousands of years. .

"However, the world is very big. It can only be said that there is no goblin kingdom in the main plane and the common planes. It can only be said that there is no **** of the goblin in the gods of the Pantheon." Yeah said in the end, "The world is big, bigger than we can understand, even bigger than we think. Maybe in a world we don't know, there is a country with a goblin; Maybe they really have a patron saint, but they have not officially accepted the priesthood and have not stepped into the Pantheon..."

"The world is so big, anything is possible."

It is certainly impossible for the soldiers under Crick to have the romantic style of Vienne, a literary youth. They only know that they are going to set foot on the battlefield and kill them with dangerous monsters.

this is too scary!

Although according to Sean Knight, they trained for two months and were fully armed. If a group of goblins could not be beaten, it would be better to hang the gallows, which could at least be used to scare the thief. But they themselves, but they have little confidence in themselves.

After all, just two months ago, they were only a group of ordinary farmers or laborers.

Who has seen farmers and laborers to fight the monsters? I have never heard of such a thing!

However, it is not good not to fight. The military order is like a mountain.

The military discipline of the Baron Keane is also very strict. Although at the request of Crick, the abolishment of some too strict military disciplines and the elimination of the punishments that will bring disability to the soldiers, but for these honest people For the soldiers, reprimanding, starving, confinement, and some mild corporal punishment that Shaun seems to be worthless are enough to make them fear.

Compared to the danger of fighting with the monster, it is even more terrible to be punished for violating the military discipline!

So even though the soldiers were frightened, they had to work hard to encourage themselves and comfort themselves.

Seeing this situation, Crick frowned and sent someone to find the "three arrows" Reid who was patrolling with several soldiers.

Rhett is a very veteran adventurer. He used to take risks with the Dwarf Oss Knight and made a name for himself. Also in the adventurous team are the deputy offerings of the Church of the Glory of the Baron, the priest "Fire Hammer" Morton, and Mr. Raffle, the current head of the Knights of Keane, who is now a gentleman like a gentleman. It is said that there was a terrible nickname in the past, called "backstab".

Sean’s strength is unquestionable. Although he is young, he is already a knight with a total rank of six. He is a young and promising. But compared with Reid, the predecessor of the rivers and lakes, he is still tender regardless of his strength or his adventures.

Needless to say, Rhett's current level is fifteen - he was originally a 14th-level adventurer. After joining the Knights of Keane, he has upgraded a level of "officers", which is a steady step. Into the high-level field.

In contrast, Sean James's father, Howard James, is currently only nine, and there are two levels of "leaders" that honestly can not be considered a level of combat occupation.

If you really fight, the James family and the three men join hands, and most of them are not enough for Rhett to fight.

When Reid learned that Crick wants the soldiers to go into the mountains tomorrow to destroy the gray goblin, he suddenly understood why the atmosphere of the military camp was so heavy, so he laughed and said that he could temporarily open a class and explain to the soldiers about the gray. The knowledge of the goblins and the key points of fighting them.

Crick did not rush to agree, but turned to look at Sean.

Although he is the lord, Shawn is the commander of this unit. Before he decides, he should respect Shawn's attitude, at least ask Sean's opinion.

Sean glanced, did not expect the Baron adults to first seek their own opinions, this respect suddenly made his heart warm, could not help but smile, nodded hard.

“No problem!” he said. “Mr. Rhett is my elder. What he wants to say is the valuable experience that the adventurers of the predecessors summed up with blood and even life. It is a pleasure for me and my subordinates to listen. !"

Crick also laughed, and Sean was much smarter than his father, and he was worthy of the eleven intelligence.

There is a saying that the flower sedan chair is lifted by everyone, and Shawn’s compliment and respect make Ryder very useful. He smiled and touched the two beautifully-cut beards and nodded, and began to lecture.

"First ask a question, who has seen the goblin here?"

Soldiers, look at me, I look at you, shake your head. Only Shaun raised his hand and said that he had seen it.

Of course he has seen the goblin and has killed a lot. His level 6 knight rank is not from the sky.

Seeing this situation, Rhett smiled and shook his head and took out a projection crystal.

Projection crystal is a more expensive magic item that can project the picture in the user's memory. However, it is very demanding for the user, if it is the caster, the intermediate level is required, and if it is not the caster, the high level is required.

Rhett has also recently upgraded its strength to use it well. Even so, the picture he projected was a bit fuzzy, just like the old-fashioned TV video was played on a computer screen.

However, as far as the basic science is concerned, such a picture can also make do with it. At the very least, the soldiers can get a general idea of ​​what the so-called "grey goblin" is.

"Grey goblin's 'grey' refers to their skin color." Reid explained while projecting, "Generally fine skin is green or gray-green, but gray goblin skin is grayish black or light gray. And ordinary Compared to goblins, they are taller and more powerful, but correspondingly, there is no such thing as a general goblin."

"This must be remembered, which means you don't have to worry about losing a smog as they run away because they don't run very fast."

"But this also means that their melee ability is stronger than the average goblin." The picture projected by Rhett changed a bit. The gray goblin in the picture was put on the bark, vine and wood armor. I took a sharp-edged wooden spear in my hand and it seemed to be a little more dangerous.

"They can use spears, although they are much shorter than your rifles, and they are not too sharp. If you are stabbed in a lack of protective parts, you will still get hurt, or even get serious." Reid stressed, "But don't Too scared, your armor is enough to withstand such weapons, so just protect those parts that lack armor protection."

The soldiers turned their heads to look at the armor that was being taken care of, and suddenly felt a little more convinced.

"But the most dangerous thing in the battle with the goblin is not their spears, but bows and arrows."

Ryder said, and changed the picture of the projection. This time it was an unusually tall goblin, holding a wooden bow and posing in an archery position: "Gnomes are very good at making wooden bows, although their arrows are not far, but their arrows are not far away, but At close range, those arrows that use bones or teeth as arrows from the wooden bow are also dangerous."

"But I have to tell you a good news. Gray goblins are different from their distant relatives. They are not good at archery. You don't have to worry about the so-called 'bird shooters' in ordinary goblins, so small but extremely sharp guys. Gray goblin can't grow up inside."

"Of course, you can't even look down on the goblin shooters. They may not shoot well enough, but their bows can be stronger than the general fine bows, and they are shot in the head... Oh, I don't think I need to say more. Let's go."

The soldiers have shrunk their heads, and they have made up their minds to put the helmet on, and never take it off!

"Finally, what you have to worry about is the goblin shaman. To be honest, I don't think there will be shamans in this group of twenty or thirty goblins, just as they are unlikely to have chiefs. But if you have, then the only thing you have to do is The thing to do is to avoid it, the farther away the better - one feature of the shaman spell is that the range is short, as long as you don't die close to an empty hand wearing a bone necklace, or a goblin holding a bone wand, don't worry This one."

The projected picture has changed two times, first the goblin shaman, then an unusually majestic, the goblin sparkling in the eyes with a different wisdom than other goblins.

"The two of you remember, the goblin shaman, the goblin chief. If you really encounter it, hand it over to your commander to deal with it, just because of you...at least you can't deal with them now."

When Rhett finished, he turned to look at Sean: "Do you have the right weapon?"

"Yes, I have a set of refined armor and two good swords."

Rhett nodded and thought about it. He took a gray wristband from his left wrist and handed it to him.

"One of the spoils I got in my adventure, the Ogre Bracer." He said, "It can enhance your strength. It is one of my most important equipments. Let me lend it to you for a while."

When Shaun glanced at it, he looked at the famous magical equipment and hesitated. He took it with both hands.

"I won't let you down!" he said seriously.

He carefully put on his wristband and suddenly felt a force coming out from the bottom of his heart. He picked up a wooden stick next to him and broke it with force.

In Crick's eyes, there is already a "special equipment, power plus two" in his attributes.

Seeing this scene, Crick's heart moved, with some inspiration.

Perhaps... I should investigate the equipment of the subordinates and help them prepare some magic equipment.

Mid-level magical equipment such as the Ogre Bracers can't afford it for a while, but it can be bought for low-level magical equipment like "Bagboy Bracers".

If you buy a group, you may be able to make a discount.