Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 320


It was another earth-shattering loud noise. The tall furnace exploded and the red iron **** and the hot coal flew around, but not even fell to the green jellyfish that was close at hand.

Because Xiong Xiong has already put a trigger magic on himself, once it is attacked, it immediately transforms the virtual state. Although the power of the blast furnace explosion is amazing, it does not hurt the existence of an incorporeal body.

Of course, the virtual body can't directly attack the existence of any entity. The "untouchable" point is fair to each other.

After a while, the smoke gradually subsided, and the hot debris on the ground gradually cooled down. Xiongxiong changed back from the virtual body to the entity, and looked at the land and sighed deeply.

"Where is it wrong?" He said to himself, "I have obviously improved so many times, I think it should be no problem..."

Just then, he tipped his head and heard the voice from Palin.

"My Lord, today is the day of the retirement ceremony, please don't forget to participate."

He snorted and took the tentacles to calculate the time, only to find that he had forgotten the days without knowing it.

Since visiting the frog elder, he took back the avatar and concentrated on the blast furnace. Unconsciously, it has been so many days.

If it wasn't for Palin's reminder, maybe he would really forget the big thing about the retirement ceremony. When the ceremony began, everyone prayed to him, he reacted, and ran to the venue with a slap in the face... then he lost his face and lost!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but laugh a few times, hurriedly packed up and rushed to the Void Mask Playground.

The gods walk very quickly, especially when they return to their temples. A moment later, Xiong Xiong had already arrived at the temple of the Void Mask, the southernmost part of the center of the playground, and met with the priests and pastors who had already waited here.

Seeing the arrival of their gods, the priests and pastors are all rejoicing. They sang hymns with excitement, and the hymns that Lean smuggled from the eagle's sacred books were repeated and repeated. I don't know how many times. If you can't stand it, let them stop, I'm afraid they can sing all the time.

These guys are not ordinary people. At least they have the level of intermediate adventurers. They are really full of vitality. The lungs are conservatively estimated to be more than 10,000. They have to go to the earth. They are all kings of swimming and sneak out in one breath. One hundred meters is absolutely the kind of thing. If they don't stop, they sing and sing, singing for a few days and nights is fine.

...they can stand it, and the heroes can't stand it!

At this time, on the square of the playground, a simple and solemn table has been set up. The two hosts have already arrived on the stage. The guests invited by the audience have been seated, and there are many curious tourists and residents. Outside the guest room, a large piece of dense.

The waiters walked around the guest room like butterflies and sent fruit and drinks to the guests. The fruits are cut into pieces, and they are inserted with a toothpick. It is very convenient to eat. The drinks are based on the tastes of the people. In addition to not providing spirits to avoid drunkenness, there are all kinds of different kinds.

Onlookers who do not have seats also have benefits. There are dining tables on both sides of the venue, offering drinks and fruit. Of course, the texture and type are far worse than the guests. After all, the principle of differentiated service is universal in all worlds.

However, such a welfare has been enough to satisfy people. A tourist from the southern country took a cup of iced fruit with ice and snow specialties and dried it to make a big drink. He smiled and smiled at his family. Said: "This is in the restaurant, a cup of two gold coins, now free, drink two more!"

His son had a string of roasted ground meat in his left hand and right hand. He ate his mouth full of oil and looked at Lussie’s old man with disdain. He said, "Dad, why are you so worried about money? Meat skewers are usually available in limited quantities. Today, they are infinitely available. Of course, you should eat now!"

"Dragon is also a Warcraft after all, is it not good to eat?" The mother holding a small cup of dessert asked with concern.

The father snorted and looked at the son who had eaten his spirits. He thought about it and smiled.

"If there is a problem, will they be offered in unlimited quantities?"

The son is very open-minded and said indifferently: "There is no pastor next to it, even if you have any problems, it doesn't matter."

Situations like this abound, and it is rare to encounter such affordable benefits, and tourists are happy. Residents nearby have also chosen some of their favorite foods, waiting to eat and drink.

Although they do not have seats, they are also very satisfied.

As for the guests, most of them are very knowledgeable. Even though the fruit and drinks provided by the Void Mask Playground are really high-end, they only want to surprise them a little, and they will never be so excited.

Of course, some of the guests were very excited and even shocked.

Let's say, Reif them.

Reif sat uncomfortably on the guest table, and the surrounding guests knew that they were big men at first glance. By contrast, he was only a worker in the district, and his identity was really too much.

He always felt that sitting here was a huge mistake. I am always worried that the next big moment will come over, and I will hold myself and throw it into the ditch.

The same is true of several workers near him. They are fierce and fierce, and their faces are full of fear.

"I don't think it's a big deal..."

"Yeah, we are sitting here, isn't it?"

"Would you like to sneak into the back? I think standing and watching is not bad..."

Specially let Mrs. Teagues arrange their seats in front of them. They heard their whispers, laughter and anger, turned their heads and said to them, "Don’t look down on yourself so! You know, you all It was chosen as a 'outstanding laborer' to watch the ceremony. Don't look at today's sitting downstairs. Maybe one day, you will also be a representative to the high platform and accept the high-profile honor!"

Reif they suddenly stopped, you look at me, I look at you, and then look at the simple but solemn high platform, 10,000 in my heart do not believe.

"Mayor, are you kidding us?" Riff asked uneasily.

Fei Rex couldn't help but smile and shook his head: "Your eyes saw that I was joking. The mask of the void mask is very important for the promotion of the status of workers. You are the best workers, and indeed they are very good in the future. It may be accepted. This is a sure thing."

"But...but...we are just some ordinary people..."

Feireke shook his head and pointed his finger at the sky: "Who is not an ordinary person in front of the gods? Aristocrats, adventurers, workers, farmers, for the great existence of eternal immortality, very different ?"

Reif thought for a moment and whispered: "The difference is still quite big. Rich people can donate more money..."

Feirex laughed: "Money? Void masks don't care about that. His most important thing is money... Do you know? In the ground floor of this playground, there is a dragon living in a rock cave. She is responsible for keeping the vault for her Majesty. Guess, how much is there in the vault?"

Reif and his companions looked at each other and a worker carefully guessed: " Ten thousand gold coins?"

The "10,000" unit was just learned by them on this journey. Before that, they only counted with "five" and "ten" - most farmers are similar, able to count without error. It’s good to go to thirty. It’s just an intellectual who can count to one hundred. Wan? They simply don't have this concept.

When the temporary teacher described these concepts to them, they spent a lot of time understanding the concept and asked the teacher to give several examples.

But this is also the case, they have a special awe of such a huge number of "10,000", whenever they say the word from the mouth, they feel that they have also become a great point.

Felix could not have their thoughts. She smiled and shook her head: "What is the 10,000 gold coins! This number is too small, guess again."

Reif they look at each other, "10,000" is already an unimaginable number for them, is it too small? Then, in the underground vault, how much is it in the collection!

Fei Rex saw their face look stunned. They estimated that they couldn’t guess. They sighed and said, "I don’t know the exact number, but I happened to have something to do last time. I chatted with the dragon who guarded the vault. At that time, I saw that behind her, the gold coins of the golden yellow can be piled up like mountains. At least it is as high as three floors. How far it extends, I didn’t go in and look carefully. ""

Rif imagined the picture, swallowed and asked, "Which...what is it?"

Felix took out a gold coin and spread the small metal disc in his palm: "Look, a gold coin is so big. Stacking it into a hill as high as at least three floors, how much? What about gold coins?"

She smiled and sighed softly: "I don't want to count, it will make me feel depressed."

Although she doesn't care about money, she looks at such a huge fortune, the countless gold that glitters under the illumination of the magic stone... Whenever she thinks about it, she can't help but let her go, and she can't help it. I was deeply envious and jealous of the dragon that was sleeping on the heap of gold coins.

(That guy... must be the happiest dragon in the world...)

Countless gold coins.

This concept made them stunned. They tried to imagine the huge Jinshan, trying to calculate the exact amount of mathematics that they had just learned, but in addition to letting themselves dizzy, there was no even a little bit of results.

But it is also the blessing of this calculation, their original nervous emotions have been greatly relieved, and the mood has finally calmed down a bit.

"... In short, don't worry, don't burden yourself." Firex looked at noon, the ceremony was about to be held, and he whispered. "If you are hungry, you can eat it. If you are thirsty, you can drink it. You probably can't understand this for the time being." The meaning behind the ceremony, then you should come and join in the fun to eat white food."

"Does this work?" Reif asked worriedly.

"I didn't say it right now. The Void Mask Church has money."

Think about the huge Jinshan that I just mentioned. Reif, they suddenly let go of their hearts and pick up the fruits and drinks with all their hands and eat them.

They only ate for a while, and the sun moved to the center of the zenith.

On the high platform, the two hosts looked at the sky and nodded. At the same time, they raised their wands. The special wand made a soft glow, and the shower was refreshed, so that every guest and audience felt a refreshing moment.

“Void Masked Playground, the first employee retirement ceremony, start now!”

The two presenters came from the Void Mask Church and the Church of Fortune Gods. They are all veterans of the mall. They are not only handsome, but also eloquent. They designed a set of rhetoric in accordance with the outline prepared by Yuxiong in advance, and made the "retirement" thing extremely high, so that all guests and audiences are all awe-inspiring.

In their mouths, the old workers exhausted the whole youth and all their energy for the construction and prosperity of the Void Mask Playground. Now that they are old, they can no longer work as they did in youth, and they will return them to the playground.

According to the rules set by Kaohsiung, each playground employee will automatically add a small amount of money to their personal pension account when he receives each salary. After a long period of accumulation, one year and a year, I have gained a considerable amount of wealth.

The money will not be paid in a lump sum when they retire, but will be paid out on a monthly basis, with an average of ten years.

The reason why the time is set to ten years is because the ordinary people in this world generally live to about sixty years old. Retirement at the age of 50, if it is 60 years old, it is not exactly ten years.

Of course, there may be people who are less than sixty years old, and maybe someone will live after the age of sixty. Yu Xiong’s approach is that if he fails to live to be 60 years old, the extra pension will be merged into the funeral expenses and distributed to his designated heirs. Don’t worry if you live until the age of 60. Money, don't care about paying months or even decades. Even if you have the ability to live to a hundred years old, it is nothing more than paying a four hundred and eighty-month pension. For Xiong Xiong, he really does not care about this money.

When the host people detailed the system formulated by Xiong Xiong in detail, the audience was silent, the guests were good or the audience, all of them were there.

Not only that, but almost all the gods who care about this ceremony are also immersed in contemplation.

After a while, the goddess of spring water first promulgated the gods, let the church choose a region, tried to learn the practice of the virtual masked church, and promoted the retirement pension system. Then one and another good gods promulgated the gods and tried to learn from the practice.

The gods have lived a long time and accumulated a wealth of experience. A lot of things they didn't think of at first, but once there were examples in front, they could quickly sort out the middle of the thread, analyze the pros and cons, and draw conclusions that are useful to them.

The retirement pension system proposed by the Void Mask seems to increase expenses, but it can greatly enhance the cohesiveness and centripetal force of the church and enhance the status of the church in the hearts of ordinary people.

When a person knows that he can be dependent on the old, he will certainly be grateful to the church that provided the benefit. Not only that, the world's affairs are not afflicted with unequalness, some churches can provide retirement pensions, some churches can't, ordinary people naturally have a tendency, and naturally they will make choices that are beneficial to them.

This is the greatest benefit of this system for good gods!