Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 345

Dawn, evening, noon, and midnight, these four points of time have special significance in occultism, and which world is no exception.

The difference is that these time points on the earth only have theoretical significance, but in this world of gods and various supernatural forces, these four points of time have significant practical significance.

Especially dawn, it symbolizes the birth of life, symbolizes the germination of power, and of course symbolizes the rise of the new god.

In other words, this moment is the best time to seal God!

"According to statistics, more than 90% of the gods are successful at dawn." Even after the most critical and stressful moments, Vier's mouth could not be spared. As he stared at the city of Rem, where the Holy Light had reached its zenith, he was still vomiting: "But all the records of the failure of the gods are all at dawn."

"Wait a minute, if the man fails, the goddess of harvest will definitely kill you." Morani sighed.

"He can't beat so many of us." Vier smiled and had a well-thought-out. "I will hide behind you when I am, and let you go to the front."

"...you are such a good brother!"

"I am over-flattered."

"...I didn't praise you."

At this moment, headed by the Great Goddess Church, all the goddess of the harvest goddess shouted loudly and at the same time heavily worshipped on the ground. Many people even used excessive force, and their foreheads blew blood on the ground.

At the same time, a **** who presided over the ceremony took out the prepared sacrifices - a few gemstones with powerful power, a strange light ball that exudes powerful positive energy, and a black and white ink. Constantly emitting **** and horrible atmosphere like a muddy thing.

These three sacrifices are carefully selected. The powerful creatures captured from the "positive" and "negative" world rings are fine-tuned to equal power. The positive and negative energy of each other is offset by the force of God and will eventually cancel each other. It will be integrated with divine power, wash away the original traces of divine power, and purify the divine power into the purest state without impurities, for the gods to absorb.

As long as it can absorb this power, it is enough to form a temporary weak system of divine power, which can transform the power of faith from Rem City into divine power.

With strong prayers and shouts, the power of faith flourished, and the sacrifices that were shattered and blended in an instant were turned into a clear light, rushing toward the top of the great emblem.

At the same time, there was a crack in the sky, and the scene of the goddess of the goddess was revealed in the crack, but it was not clear, as if it were a mirage.

But the power of the roaring out of the shadow of the kingdom of God is not false at all!

The two gods are from the bottom up, one from top to bottom, colliding on the top of the holy emblem, and the great elder who is preparing to seal the **** is standing at the top of the holy emblem.

The two different gods, which are completely different but have the same origin, drowned him in an instant. They were intertwined and disordered in his body.

The elders calm down and follow the teachings of the previous harvest goddess to guide the flow of two divine forces, construct a cycle of divine power in the body, and engrave the trajectory of divine power in the soul.

The former is not the same, it is just like a knife to cut meat, but most tough guys can tolerate. But the latter is different. By relying on external forces to sculpt one's own soul, each one is more painful than wearing a chaotic arrow. Moreover, the elders have become a demigod before, and there is already a preliminary trajectory of divine power in the soul, but now he has to erase the trajectory that he has drawn up according to his original path, and re-encode another set, which doubles the pain. the above.

His body trembled a little, and the cold sweat kept coming out. Soon the whole person seemed to be fished out of the water. If it is not the sacred robes of the body, the fire is not invaded, I am afraid that even the clothes are soaked.

But the elders are also very hard, and they are so painful that they can't wait to die immediately, but they clench their teeth, and they don't even scream, they can be distracted, and they build a divine cycle, while engraving the divine power, neither side hold up.

Although Jorga Deman criticized his heart's demise, there was no determination to turn back at a critical moment, and he could become a demigod who could be weak and incompetent, and no amount of pain could stop him from advancing.

On the contrary, because of the pain on both sides of the body and the soul, his originally weak spirit is like an iron block that has been repeatedly burnt red, gradually being excluded from impurities and regaining strength.

This change is naturally nothing more than Jorga Deman, the **** of justice staring at the old man who is doing his best, with amazement and a little appreciation.

Even He did not expect that the old man could withstand the pain and in turn use his pain to hone his spirit and will.

In this way, the ceremonial rituals that must have failed, there may be some chances of success.

It’s just... after all, it’s just a few points.

Relying on external forces to seal God and tamper with their original path, the success rate of such a thing will not be high.

Jorga Deman looked at the old man who was almost soaked in cold sweat and his face was firmer, and he could not help but sigh.

If this person gives up now and returns to his original path, he will be able to go further. If you give him enough time, you may be able to step into the step of closing the gods by your own strength.

However, it takes a long time, at least for a thousand years.

The Harvest Goddess can't wait that long, and He needs to be from God now.


Jorgaardman shook his head and shook his head and looked up at the shadow of the kingdom of God that emerged in the sky.

As a member of the natural gods, the goddess of the goddess of harvest should have been located in the kingdom of the natural gods, but this time, in order to improve the chances of success, he even moved out of his own country. At present, his kingdom of God has moved to the side of the main plane, almost close to the main plane, but it is similar to the "shelter" of Kazuo.

Strictly speaking, they are barely counted as neighbors.

Of course, the kingdom of God is an independent world. Although it is closely related to the main plane, there is actually no such thing as "putting two big books on the table". Compared to the main plane, both gods are Just a small point. If you don't want to find an example to explain... it is like opening two portals on the edge of the main plane to reach another world. And the scope of contact between the world and the main plane is actually just a portal.

Therefore, it is not true that Yu Xiong and the Harvest Goddess are neighbors.

The Harvest Goddess moved the Kingdom of God to the nearest place to the main plane, facing the city of Rem, naturally in order to infuse the power with the highest efficiency. Although this may not be able to help a lot, but for the harvest goddess, even if it can only improve a little bit, it is worth it.

In recent years, as the strength of the goddess of wealth has increased, the pressure on him has gradually increased. Coupled with a few well-known gods who also had a bad relationship, the situation of harvesting the goddess is really getting harder.

If this time cannot be successfully promoted from God, He would have to change his strategy to fully contract, and he would be completely protected by other gods of the natural gods.

Such a thing is once absolutely strong enough to be able to compete with the goddess of nature who is qualified to compete in the natural gods, so no matter how much it costs, no matter how low the chance of success, He will try his best to try it!

The surging power is like a long river, rolling down from the sky, and the clear power is like a beam of light, rising from the ground. Where the Yangtze River collides with the light column, the great elders who hold the hope of the harvest goddess are doing their best, and will adjust their mind and body when they are hurrying, and make final preparations for the impact of the gods.

From dawn to sunrise, time is not long. When the sun rises, no matter how well it is adjusted and how it is prepared, he will start to shock the gods because of the natural induction, and can't delay even one second.

So for him, time is tight and things are urgent.

At this moment, he is the object of concern of the gods. Perhaps he has never enjoyed such a privilege in his life, but he can't take it all.

Among those who pay attention to him, there are good intentions, malicious ones, and more are purely curious without feelings. In general, he hopes that he will succeed in the majority.

The hatred of the goddess of harvest is not too much. For most of the gods who have nothing to do with him, I still hope to see the great elders succeed.

After all... Who can guarantee that there is no need to promote the day from God? If it was true at that time, a successful experience would be more valuable than a failed farce.

But there are many gods who hope that he will fail. There is the goddess of wealth Mannes.

The goddess of wealth and the goddess of harvest are now almost deadly enemies, and the relationship is even worse than the **** of famine and the goddess of harvest.

Famine and bumper harvests are part of the natural cycle. No one can kill anyone. Even if you spend a lot of effort to kill the enemy, it will not take long for the next famine or harvest **** to appear. It makes no sense. Therefore, the confrontation between the two sides has the meaning of going through the game, and it is not really too dead.

But the goddess of wealth and the goddess of harvest can be different, and both sides are struggling to beat each other down, because even if the other person's priesthood is inherited by the latecomers, it will never inherit the interpersonal relationship. As long as this time wins, killing the other party is a great victory, once and for all.

In the current situation, the goddess of wealth has the upper hand and can even be said to be an absolute advantage. But He is not satisfied, but is still full of vigilance.

Every **** can't be underestimated. No one can dare to say what will happen if the opponent is completely degraded.

Just like now, although the goddess of wealth has contacted a lot of helpers and arranged a lot of backhands, can these preparations be successful? How much effect can you get if you succeed? Still unknown.

He certainly hopes that this opportunity will be taken to the fall of the harvest goddess, Moritel, but only hope. He is not sure if he can't do it.

The darkness of the mind is calculated, and he can't help but sweep through his own allies with the corner of his eye.

(Void masks, steel lions, etc., are all decent people, they may do things in the snow, and most of them will not fall. As for the **** of justice... He will thank God for not coming to trouble, and can’t expect him to help. .)

(Celebration teenagers may help, but his combat power is not worth looking forward to... Hey! Friends are good people, although very warm and reliable, but sometimes it is not convenient!)

The graceful and graceful goddess Mannes, who looks like a dark man, has a dark sigh.