Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 355

If there is a Bai Xiaosheng in this world, the weapon spectrum will be selected, and there will be an unnamed thick rod.

Under normal conditions, the stick is about ten meters long, and the bones look like a bone of a huge creature. In the section of the rod, there is a huge gimmick that is ugly.

Whether the stick or the **** is pure black, the rod is black and the head is dark and the two blacks are completely different.

The owner of the rod did not give it a name, not because he did not like his weapon, but because it was not necessary.

The rod is in His hand, in the name of Him. If one day the rod reaches someone else's hand, then he must have died, and the name has nothing to do with him. It is not worth paying attention to.

The owner of the rod is also unknown. Maybe he has a name, but no one knows it; maybe someone knows it, but the person who knows does not disclose it, even if it is "Bai Xiaosheng".

Everyone only knows that he is called "the king of the dead of blood bath", living in the negative world of the ring of the world since the world named "the country of death", commanding the huge army of the dead, and has been through and Demon fighting, enriching your army.

This is a wicked god. He is strong and surpasses most of the world's strongest, and his rod is also strong, surpassing most of the world's most powerful weapon. Even the artifacts created by the gods are not comparable to it.

This stick rarely appears, and every time it appears, it usually means the death of the evil enemy. And it is not a general death, it is a complete destruction, or it is transformed into a non-dead creature and becomes a subordinate.

Which is better for the two methods of death? It is not known.

How powerful is this stick? It is still a mystery to this day. Even a knowledgeable god, on the other hand, only knows that it can impose a powerful and unimaginable death curse on the opponent in even the slightest contact. This curse will cause the living to die directly and then become the king of the dead. The undead creatures controlled.

Almost no living person can resist this curse, the usual "protective curse" and other spells, or "immune curse" and other abilities, it is useless. Only the existence of death, not afraid of this curse, or with strong positive energy protection, can block this curse. Even so, it will be hit hard.

Its power is not only that, it can be determined that it can make the owner ignore any restricted teleports - "secondary anchor" spells, "space imprisonment" magic array, "blocking space" power, all can not hinder it . It can also be determined that it can be used to greatly enhance the speed and intensity of the Death King's summoning and transformation of the Necromancer, which is called the king's scepter.

As for more, it is only the dead who died under the stick that they will know.

Now, Xiong Xiong has the opportunity to experience the power of this legendary horrible wand.

A muffled sound, black wands wands on his head.

A powerful and unimaginable force instantly invaded his body, defeating the line of positive energy, smashing the core of his life and attempting to erode his soul.

Then there is no more then.

In the body of Yan Xiong, there is no core of life at all.

The power of the wand swept his body and caused him serious damage.

Well, it caused serious damage. If it was in the game, he would definitely flash red on his head and pop up the scarlet "-9999".

However, his life is definitely more than 10,000, and it must be greatly exceeded, so this blow can only be regarded as a heavy blow to him, but he can not kill his life.

As for other effects... The power of the wand swept his body, and then failed to find the core of his life, and failed to attack his soul.

In other words, he slammed it a bit, nothing more.

The word "just that" is not suitable for use here. He really feels very heavy and hurts, causing him tons of damage.

But compared with the experience of the strong people who were injured by this wand in the past, it seems that it is not worth mentioning.

Of course, Yan Xiong himself will not think so.

"Ah!" He screamed fiercely, whispering, waving his blade into a knife-like tentacle, slashing and tearing around the wand and the wand, and countless attacks completely covered the wand and its surroundings. A large space, even a mosquito, can't hide.

Of course, the Necromancer who is hidden in this space will not do either. He intends to display his own tricks, and he will be able to kill his opponents fatally, or he can add a powerful subordinate to himself, but he did not expect that Xiongxiong will not die. Even without suffering the damage that caused him to lose his action, he was maddened by the pain of the injury, and he was in a state of violentness. The shot was quicker and heavier, and he was hit by surprise.

When countless attacks fell like raindrops, he didn't even have time to react.

(What is going on here? Why didn’t He die? Even if he didn’t die, he couldn’t be hurt!)

In the light stone fire, a thought flashed in the heart of the Necromancer.

He only had time to think about it, and if nothing else could be done, he was overwhelmed by the violent storms.

Because of the pain, Yuxiong instinctively chose the "purification" that is the most contradictory to the "death" force. The entire body emits pure white light peculiar to the field of purification, attacking wildly.

Purification of the Purification Blade Purifying Spear Purifying Fire Purifying Rain Purifying Thunder Purifying Tide Purifying Sea...

Countless sounds burst in the dark flame, and a small part of it was the result of the collision between the power of purification and the power of the dead spirit. More than half of them were the tentacles of the males, the tears, the tears, the puncture hammers, and the death of the dead king. the sound of.

This sound is like a storm, and it has become a ring.

It was a long and disturbing "one ring".

The sound lasted for about ten seconds, and finally accompanied by an earth-shattering scream, a somewhat broken black figure skyrocketed, breaking through the black flame, breaking through the barriers of countless tentacles, with countless The wounds of the Qing, full of fear and frustration, roared away from the head, and left the godland of the goddess of harvest, and did not know what to do.

Some people noticed that it was the king of the dead, the famous powerful evil spirit.

It has been noticed that his body is clearly incomplete.

Others noticed that the wand that he was holding on his hand seemed to have a short tail.

Of course, everyone will certainly notice that shortly after his whistling and escaping, the black fire of the earth was sucked up by a big jellyfish that turned into a dark color, and then the big jellyfish was still full.

"There is always a bad breath!"

Yan Xiong smiled with satisfaction and threw a broken bone stick into his mouth.