Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 357

Jorge Dedeman, the **** of justice, has a wealth of experience in combat and is extremely accurate in his judgment of the situation. He estimated that he couldn't stand for half an hour, but he couldn't stand it for half an hour.

Just now, when the divine power of the incarnation reserve is about to run out, He wants to work harder again, to win a defeat, to display a wonderful magical power, to change the giant, and to try to use Wu Yong to recover the defeat.

He does not seek to defeat the dragon of chaos. As long as he can retreat the old dragon, he will rush straight over, save the goddess of harvest, and then immediately run away.

However, the chaotic dragon's combat experience will only be richer than He. When he sees Jorgar Deman's change, he immediately sees through his weak nature. Instead of retreating, he also becomes a dragon, and he does not retreat. It’s hard to beat, and all his plans have been lost.

In this case, Jorga Deman had to retreat and seek to retreat from the goddess of the harvest goddess by fierce battle. Despite the heavy injuries, at least the worst results were avoided.

If he is really entangled, and still stays in the godland of the goddess of harvest, this incarnation that is almost exhausted will surely escape. It is not easy to create such an incarnation. It is so dead, it is a pity.

And don't look at He seems to be very hurt, but as long as you withdraw from the area polluted by the Chaos Dragon, you can get endless replenishment from the body. He coughed twice in the void, and when he turned and regained his position, he had fully recovered and returned to the peak state, ready to fight for another three hundred rounds.

Just then, He heard the voice of the male.

"Walk around! Just around the way!"

Jorga Deman smiled and shook his head, turned to the goddess of the harvest goddess, but did not rush in, just stood at the door, and confronted the chaos dragon far away.

To those who are at this level, they are very particular about "rules." The strong is against the strong, the weak is the weak, this is the default rule of the gods. The Chaos Dragon is here to face Him, and the construction of the position is also carried out in an upright manner. There is no conspiracy or help to help, so there is no reason for him to bypass the Chaos Dragon and rush from other places.

It is true that He can change his direction and rush into the godland of the Harvest Goddess from the place where the position built by the Chaos Dragon has not been covered. But in that case, he is not obeying the rules. When the chaos dragon conflicts with him in the future, he can ignore him and attack the places he can't guard.

Of course, this kind of thing can't make it happen, so although it is a bit stupid to know, Jorga Deman has no choice.

For example, now that He has been defeated by the Dragon of Chaos, losing is losing. Unless the dragon of Chaos comes out to fight with him, or if there is any change in the situation, otherwise, he can't say it anymore.

This is also part of the rules.

While he was careful to guard, he told these rules as simple and concise as possible, and let him know what happened.

After listening to his explanation, Yan Xiong sighed for a while and sighed deeply.

"It turns out!"

That being said, there is really no way!

He shook his head, too lazy to rush into the goddess of the harvest gods - there is no one to save there, just watching the battle from afar, ready to wait for the war again, see if you can help Jordan a little Deman is a little busy.

After the chaos dragon repelled Jorga Deman, he did not rush out to pursue the victory, but rushed to seize the time and greatly expanded his contaminated area. This time there was no interference from Jorga Deman. After a short while, almost one-third of the entire goddess of the goddess was polluted, and the contaminated area has gradually spread to the core of the country.

In these polluted areas, many eroded believers have completed the transformation and changed into a demon. They roared, but they did not rush to the place where the central government of the gods were fighting. Instead, they formed a battle, and they had to undergo a large-scale expansion.

In the area close to the center of the kingdom of God, the gods who have already had a good harvest goddess can't resist the erosion of the dragon's power and begin to distort.

Seeing this scene, Xiong Xiong finally couldn't help but yell at the harvest goddess with the loudest volume: "Not too fast! Waiting to die!"

The goddess of harvest, which had been a little groggy because of the fierce battle, was awakened by his roar, and suddenly remembered the communication of the **** of justice just now. His eyes swept around and saw that the gods could not support it. The evil spirits had taken full advantage. The only savior was blocked and unable to get close to the outside, and his face suddenly became pale.

He knows that this time is really over.

This is the end of the matter, except for escape, there is really no other choice.

... wrong, you can do something by the way!

In the eyes of the goddess of harvest, the cold light flashed, and the fierce atmosphere flourished. He smiled coldly and lifted his ankle to the ground.

"My stuff, no one wants to take it away!"

He said, he urged all the divine power, so that all the gods suddenly surged in strength, and launched the most violent counterattack toward the evil spirits.

This wave of counterattacks completely depleted the power that could have supported it for a while, and the power of the gods was raised to an astonishing level, which actually reversed the evil spirits.

But the evil spirits did not panic. They knew that this was only the last counterattack. The goddess of the harvest goddess could not afford such a powerful force. After a long period of work, even if they did not blew themselves, they would be weak and weak.

At that time, they should enjoy the fruits of victory.

How can the harvest goddess give them this opportunity! He did not hesitate to use the last divine reserve, one to give himself the opportunity to escape, and the other to launch the last resort.

When the golden light flashed, He raised the artifact "the sickle of harvest" and stabbed it toward the ground.


"What is He doing?!"


"Prevent him!"

"Not too late, run!"

The evil spirits are old rivers and lakes. They understand what he meant when they saw it. They suddenly scared the chickens and dogs, and they could not win the victory. One dog, like a funeral dog, quickly rushed toward the foreign world. .

However, at this time, the whole harvest goddess Godland suddenly had a dazzling golden light. The golden light was like glue, sticking their bodies, making their reaction slow, and it was difficult to escape.

At the same time, with the harvest goddess inserting the artifact into the ground, the whole country of God trembled fiercely, and it was more powerful to the power of the unimaginable power rising in the core of the Kingdom of God. This power is wild and violent, and it is completely uncontrollable. It seems that the next second will break out completely.

Seeing this scene, everyone understands.

The harvest goddess knows that she will lose, and finally made up her mind. He is also very embarrassed. Before he flees, he must detonate his entire country of God. Even if he does not kill the enemy, he will not leave a little resources for the enemy!

"This person is too embarrassed!" Yan Xiong shook his head and sighed secretly.

The Harvest Goddess ignited the core of the Kingdom of God, and then turned away and laughed. The golden light that enveloped the whole country of God has no influence on him. He will see that he will go out of the kingdom of God and grow away.

Just then, the dragon of Chaos smiled.

"This kind of means is really old-fashioned!"

He clearly said that he was slow to speak, but when he finished speaking, the goddess of harvest did not even leave the country of God, but the country of God, which was supposed to explode, also kept the original.

Yan Xiong was shocked. When he looked closely, he saw that the lower half of the old dragon did not know when he had fallen deeply into the ground and merged with some of the gods that were polluted by him.

Not only that, but if you look more closely, you can see countless colorful lines from his body, from every place that is not polluted by him, even from the unpolluted ground, all over the place, completely covered. The godland of the entire harvest goddess.

Unknowingly, this old dragon has completely eroded the godland of the entire harvest goddess!

"How is it possible?!" The harvest goddess was shocked and exclaimed, desperately rushing toward the edge of the Kingdom of God.

He knows that it is now a matter of life and death, and if he does not run fast, it will be completely over.

The three faces of the Chaos Dragon showed a gloomy, excited and ridiculous look, and sneered and said: "Can you run away?"

The voices have not fallen, and countless colorful lines have gathered together and turned into a huge net, which is to cover the harvest goddess that has become slow.

Just then, He heard a sigh.

"How about giving me a face?"

The voice did not fall, and a white light penetrated most of the Kingdom of God in an instant, tearing the formed net around the harvest goddess into an exit, and also dispelling the power of his escape to disperse a part and let him run again.

The goddess of the harvest was undecided, and even the thank you was too late to hurry and rushed to the place where the net was torn. This time, he did not hesitate to ignite his own little power, and then he was seriously injured. He finally rushed out before the re-formation of the net, and escaped the country of God that had been turned into a cage.

The dragon of chaos did not pursue it again, but turned back and looked at the **** of justice.

"You have a good job, I will give you this face." He said lowly.

Jorga Deman sighed and smiled and replied: "Thank you!"

Although I lost my face and lost my face this time, I still owe a dragon of chaos, but I finally saved the goddess of harvest in the midst of a thousand miles, which is a great fortune.

But before he could say anything, he was surprised to see the distance, and the smile on his face solidified.

The goddess of the goddess of harvest is not far from the void. The natural gods who came to see it have been faintly visible, but the goddess of harvest who hastily ran away has stopped, bowing his head and looking at his chest.

A long gun dripping with poisonous poison water stabbed in from his heart, penetrated his body, destroyed the core of divine power, and finally penetrated through the chest.

He tried to turn his head and saw the cold smile of the **** of the swamp.

The harvest goddess wants to say something more, but after all, nothing can be said, and the body suddenly collapses and disappears without a trace.