Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 396

"Today is a day worthy of an annals of history. Starting today, the Republican system first appeared in the history of world civilization. This is a great beginning..."

Xiong Xiong, who was invisible in the sky, listened to the speech on the lower platform. Felix carefully read the speech and announced the official establishment of the Northwest Republic. He couldn’t help but smile.

"You really did something wrong!" Vier smiled and gave him a glass of wine. "I have visited several older gods and discussed the set you made. Most of them think that you At first glance, it seems to be deviant, but it is very good to think about it. Now many gods feel that you are not about chaos, but really promote the progress of civilization."

“Hey?! They changed their minds so quickly?” Yan Xiong was a little surprised, although he believed that the republican system would definitely be much more advanced than the aristocratic feudal system, but according to his estimation, how can it be more than a few hundred years, When the Northwest Republic flourishes and demonstrates its vitality and vitality, it can convince the gods with facts.

Unexpectedly, there are many wisdom people among the gods. Just relying on silent deduction and thinking, we can see the advantages of the republic.

"What else do they say?" Yan Xiong asked curiously.

"There are too many specifics... I choose a few representative ones. The glory of the Lord believes that although your approach temporarily damages the social hierarchy, it can build a more efficient and more Vitality is more motivating people's motivated class system. So he is looking forward to seeing the way the Northwest Republic develops. He also said that if he is in trouble, he can ask for help. Of course, He will also put some resistance on you. Down, you don't have to worry about the rejection of the two gods from the king and the nobility."

Yan Xiong’s eyes brightened. Although he did not like the Lord of Glory, he had to admit the powerful power and amazing power of the Lord God. If you can get his support, the future Northwest Republic will not dare to say that it is as stable as the Mount Tai, at least the biggest worry.

To be honest, for the **** of the nobility, in fact, he is still very taboo. This **** is not small, the means is more powerful than the ability. Especially the ability to play with conspiracy, so that Xiong Xiong could not help but secretly fear. If you can, Yuxiong would rather fight with him and fight against him.

He knows his family affairs from his family, and he is not a person who is good at conspiracy. Even with the information from Crick, with the experience that Crick has tried his best to fight with the surrounding aristocrats in the past few years, facing the **** of the nobility, he does not feel that he can take up the conspiracy. Even a little advantage.

Not to mention the **** of the aristocracy and the ally of the conspiracy god, the two conspirators come together, but not one plus one equals two so simple!

Fortunately, the Lord of Glory made a speech. As long as He can say it, the **** of the nobles must not violate the courage of the Lord of the Human Gods. The Lord of Glory is a recognized tyrant-type character. If you play with him, you will be able to clean up the portal and let the gods of the nobles do it for themselves.

The human gods are talented, and the outstanding demigods, holy spirits and low-level gods abound. The kind of gods that have not yet found a suitable priest on the threshold of weak power, or who have been suitable for themselves, have been occupied, so there are many gods that cannot progress. . It is no exaggeration to say that most of the gods in the human gods, including the Glorious Lord himself, can find substitutes in a short period of time, and some priests can even find several substitutes.

The **** of the aristocracy must also have a substitute, just as he himself was one of the substitutes for the **** of the old king. Later, she killed the **** of the old kingship through conspiracy and seized several priesthoods. This was the **** of the nobility, and it became a rising star in the human **** system.

Even so, the priesthood of "kingdom" did not fall into His hands, but was inherited by the Holy Spirit transformed by an ancient sage under the arrangement of the Lord of Glory. Although the **** of the new kingship is usually very low-key, there is no sense of existence, but the **** of the nobility never dares to do anything against him.

This is of course not because of the special ability of the new king of the king of power, but the **** of the aristocracy does not dare to risk the anger of the glory.

The deterrent power of the Glorious Lord is evident!

For Xiong Xiong, it is a great incentive to hear the glory of the Lord's affirmation of the republican system.

The glory of the Lord is a key figure in the race of mankind from the weak to the powerful. Before him, although the **** of the knight was brave and good at war, he could only barely maintain the survival of mankind, and could not make mankind bigger and stronger. Until He went to the stage, he used various means, or Wen or Wu, or Ming or Dark. There were also many who could not see the light or the blood. Yan Xiong did not agree with his practices, but he had to recognize his achievements.

Nowadays, mankind is already the most powerful race in the main plane, not only far beyond the dwarves, gnomes and races that were similar to their own situation, but even to some extent overwhelming the mortal enemy who has fought for tens of thousands of years.

You must know that human beings are far from being orcs in terms of innate conditions.

When the **** of the knight became the human god, he knew that he was fighting with the orcs. Although he was very brave and even singled out almost the orc gods, the development of human beings was greatly dragged down. Until he stepped down, humans have not been able to develop.

The first strategy after the glory of the Lord came to power was to take the initiative to retreat, command the great migration of mankind, and let out the most abundant and resource-rich prairie in the north-central part of the main plane, and turn to the gray stone and the behemoth. The natural defense line surrounded by the three mountains of the Broken Cloud - the current eagle kingdom. At the same time, it bypassed the Broken Mountain Range and attacked the South, suppressing and capturing the territory of the gnome--now the Blue Moon Kingdom.

It took humans about two thousand years to defeat the gnome's country, annexed the fertile wilderness along the eastern and central coasts, and then, after about a thousand years of operation, launched a large-scale attack on the territory of the elves. The country of Qianquan was established in that offensive. Until today, the country of Qianquan is constantly eroding the Taikoo forest where the elves live, never ending. At the border, there is often a fierce conflict between humans and elves.

Around 5,000 years ago, human beings have acquired a stable territory and can concentrate on development. In the thousands of years that followed, humanity ushered in a burst of talents, and nearly 20 gods emerged around the scene. Although most of these gods have fallen, it is that period of time that laid the foundation for human beings as the dominant hegemon.

It is said that human beings have developed to this point, and then they are almost at the limit of geography. After all, the ocean is also a desert, and it is not a land suitable for human reproduction. The rest can be done, nothing more than choosing to play with the orcs or with the elves.

However, the Glorious Lord has taken a different approach in this situation and launched a grand immigration development plan that was later called "great navigation."

The establishment of the Gold Coin Federation, the Federation of the Fata Tower, the Thunder Principality and the Dhaka Business Alliance are the result of a great voyage. How much it cost, how much hard work, how much sweat and sacrifice, is really countless. But in any case, mankind finally succeeded, occupying more than one-third of the territory on the mainland of the main plane, and became the well-deserved master of the main plane.

All of this is achieved under the leadership of the Glorious Lord!

Can get the affirmation of this master of the lord, even if he does not like him, can not help but be a little self-satisfied.