Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 474

Yui’s statement is naturally very reasonable.

No matter what the evil spirit wants, everyone just has to act according to their own pace.

There is no wisdom in the world that is as deep as the sea. From a little clue, you can figure out the whole plan of the enemy and come up with the gods who are targeted to break the way, but they are certainly not.

Since it is not a god, it is a pragmatic way to solve problems.

The mortal's method is to steadily and steadily. What to do, what to do.

After everyone agreed, they will move on.

About to find them came, the cry heard by the pastor was clearly clearer. After a while, the Ranger and the Master heard it, and after a while, even the Cavaliers and the soldiers heard it.

"Cry really annoying!" The soldier muttered dissatisfied. "It sounds distracting!"

“Will anyone be in danger and need help?” The Cavaliers listened for a while and worried, “Let's go check it out.”

"Hey, how can someone need help in this place?" The Ranger sighed. "Look at the ground, in addition to the footprints we left, are there traces of others walking?"

The knight looked at it for a while and shook his head.

"That's right. From our footprints, there have been no people in this place for at least two or three months." Ranger said, "If someone is locked up here, they haven't eaten or eaten for two or three months. That must have been dead long ago."

"Even if you don't die, you don't have the strength to cry so loudly." The soldier added a sentence.

"Maybe there is dry food and water tanks in her place..." The Cavaliers guessed.

"Captain, don't be stupid, who is holding prisoners and preparing to dry food and water tanks? Are you a retreat for the priesthood?" Even the pastor couldn't help but laugh.

The Cavaliers thought about it, and they felt that the idea was not reliable. They could not help but laugh twice and shook their heads.

"Sorry, I couldn't help but want to help when I heard someone crying and sad."

"There is nothing to be sorry about." The soldier smiled and patted him on the shoulder. "Because you are such a person, I just thrown my **** and picked up the weapon to accompany you out to take risks."

"Yes, captain, you are a good person. This is something that can stand taller wherever you are. Nothing needs to be sorry." Yuyi also nodded in agreement.

No matter where you are, good people are always better able to get everyone's trust and support.

After the small episode, everyone continued to follow the established plan. The direction of the beginning was the same as the direction of the cry, but it soon turned away.

If you listen carefully, you can tell that the crying is from a room in the middle of the third floor, but they are searching on the second floor without hesitation. There is no need to go upstairs to save people.

Perhaps the evil spirit is also anxious, the crying becomes strange and strange, and the direction has changed.

"Hey? The direction of the crying has changed." The Ranger was the most sensitive to the direction. She frowned and immediately found this and hurriedly told everyone.

"Don't worry about it." Yui sneered, "No matter what kind of tricks the guy plays, it's nothing more than trying to lie to us. If we don't, we can't do anything!"

"But...the cry is slowly approaching us!" The Ranger worried, "is slowly approaching the direction of our heads."

Yui frowned and looked up at the ceiling above his head.

Evil spirits are a kind of incorporeal creatures, and incorporeal creatures are able to penetrate ordinary physical obstacles - the ceiling is naturally also listed here.

Could it be that... the evil spirit wants to launch an attack from everyone’s head?

She pondered and shook her head.

This is unreasonable. If the evil spirits dare to attack them positively, they will not have to be dragged to the present.

She did not know that in the original history, the adventurers were roughly attacked by evil spirits in their current position.

It is almost at the center of the entire castle, and there is not enough light, especially the side of the window is just blocked by the tower, and the sun does not come in.

For the evil spirits, if you want to fight during the day, it is almost the most suitable place.

Yui didn't know this, but she made a decision soon.

"Retreat!" she said aloud. "For whatever reason, first withdraw! Safety first!"

Everyone turned their heads and ran without hesitation. The evil spirits did not expect the adventurers to run so decisively, and they couldn’t catch up. They had already retreated to the top of the stairs before they reached the top of the stairs. Run to the bottom floor hall.

Seeing that they are going to run away, the spirit of the evil spirit is filled with anger. It makes a sharp scream, and does not care much, and launches a special ability.


At this moment, the Ranger ran in the front and looked down the stairs, but she found a flower in front of her eyes. The surrounding scenery suddenly changed. It was no longer the stairs leading to the bottom floor, but turned into a very luxurious room. The door of the room was hidden, and there was a cry from the woman.

"What is going on?" She was shocked. She didn't dare to push the door and hurried back, but she collided with the pastor.

The priest didn't have a trick in the first place, but he didn't think that the Ranger would suddenly fall back and hit himself. He couldn't help but be distracted.

Followed by the soldiers, his mental strength is not high, naturally it is inevitable.

The Cavaliers stayed a little longer, but they didn't go anywhere for a long time. He saw that everyone stopped in front of him, and he couldn't help but wonder. When he was wondering, he also made a move.

In the illusion, all four people found themselves alone, facing the luxurious room that heard the strange crying, and was at a loss.

This is the most powerful skill of the evil spirits, creating a fantasy and pulling the enemy into the illusion. As long as the enemy is violently stimulated in the illusion, the spirit will be shaken, it will be seriously hurt, and may even be found by its flaws, directly attached.

As the four men successively recruited, from the ceiling not far away, slowly fell a transparent gray-white figure, watching it coldly.

But it didn't rush up, because there is still a person who has no tricks.

Yui looked at the left and right with vigilance and did not dare to have a little care. Although she was not drawn into the illusion, she clearly felt the spiritual attack from evil spirits. When I saw my companions, I stopped and my eyes became dull. I still don’t understand what happened!

Feeling the killing sent from behind, she slowly turned back and saw the evil spirits watching this coldly.

"You dare to come out during the day, it's crazy enough." She sneered, saying without fear.

The evil spirit will naturally not chat with her, it makes a low snoring, want to intimidate this girl who has not been pulled into the fantasy.

The answer is that it is the white light of Uyimo’s palm.

Trick, frozen rays.

This spell is very powerful, it can freeze a cup, or let an ordinary person who lacks exercise slammed and chills. If you hit two or three times in a row, you can knock down or even kill an ordinary person.

But for evil spirits, its power is not enough. If you want to knock down a evil spirit by this spell, it is absolutely impossible to have twenty or thirty.

However, this wand can only be cast five times in total.

Unfortunately, the evil spirit does not know this. It only knows that it has been attacked, and the attack is really powerful, but it can really hurt itself.

So it suddenly angered and screamed, making a scream of madness and rushing to Yui.

(This is the same!)

Yuyi was not nervous, took off the pair of eucalyptus swords hanging around her waist, and at the same time, she had a spell in her mouth.

Super magic skills, fighting spells.

This is definitely not a trainee mage to display. In fact, even without special training, even many high-level mages can't fight while playing spells.

This kind of skill is one of the best skills of the "Magic Warrior". As an extreme war mage who needs to fight while fighting and fighting, the magical gunners can practice the "combat spellcasting" ability of the common wizard, and even derive from it. A special super-magic technique has been developed so that they can cross the white-knife with the enemy and play the spell smoothly, without delay.

As a disciple of the world's most outstanding magical gunner, Felix, Yu Yi has also learned the housekeeping skills of this magical gunner. And... she also learned very well.

More complicated spells are certainly not possible, but if it's just a low-level flash, then that's fine.

Seeing that the girl and the evil spirits are going to be killed together, she suddenly screams and her right hand slams.

The evil spirits never dreamed that there was such a mage, and they immediately got a move. They were dazzled by the strong light, and they unwittingly opened up the illusion and untied the **** of the four adventurers.

The next moment, the powerful pastor first broke free from the illusion. His eyes became clear again, and he heard the voice of Yu Yi and the evil spirits.

When he was not careful, he immediately lifted the holy emblem of the goddess of fortune, launched the pastor's housekeeping skills, and dispersed.

The priest's "dispelling" theory can dispel a lot of things, from demons and ghosts to various negative spells, and even the bad luck in life can be dispelled. But for this trainee pastor, his dispersal has only one effect.

Dispel the undead.

The golden light suddenly lit up, turned into a circle, spread to the surrounding, and covered the Yuy and the evil spirits who were fighting.

The body of the evil spirit violently ignited a white smoke and embarrassed the anger.

This "dispelling" did not cause much damage to it, but made it even more angry.

At the same time, however, the power of dispelling also allowed the other three companions to completely break away from the illusion and restore their sobriety.

The Ranger took out the bottle of holy water without saying anything - because it might have to be poured onto the evil spirits, this bottle of holy water was handed over to her best to throw - rushing toward the evil spirits.

She knows that this thing has limited power and must be sure that it is poured.

The warriors and knights do not have to explain, they rush to the evil spirits, and use the body to limit its actions, on the one hand to rescue the seemingly dangerous wizard, and on the other hand to fight for the ranger.

This is a good strategy for prior consultation. Everyone even rehearsed this morning a few times, in order to ensure that this set of attacks can work well together and that one strike is effective.

It turns out that prior training is really useful.

The evil spirits were attacked by two people. Even though the two men’s attacks did not work for it, the two took out the pendant that could be slightly defensively attacked and used it as a weapon to the evil spirits.

On the pendant, there was a disgusting atmosphere of evil spirits, which made it slower.

At this moment, the Ranger had already rushed to the front, unplugged the bottle of holy water, and poured a whole bottle of holy water on it.