Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 514

Tuyaan did not hinder the work because of his mood. He quickly finalized the contract with the mayor of Almack and then returned to Taojin Town to sign the contract.

Later, the mayor of Almak convened the residents of the town and announced the matter.

Everyone feels a little surprised that there is a lot of people outside the town who are volunteering for everyone. Some timid people rushed to ask in detail about the location of the site, and then said that they would never go in that direction, and even look at it without looking at it.

Some people have some concerns about this, and they are worried that accidents may occur. But the Mayor of Almak convinced them - in any case, increasing the income of the town is the most important. Compared to a new farm that may be added in the near future, a group of rampant threats is indeed acceptable.

Moreover, the threat is not so big. The gold-plated town is not without armed forces. The two retired mid-level adventurers are captains. The total number of 30 patrols is enough to easily defeat 200 ordinary shackles. If something really happens, everyone just ran back to the town and let the patrols move.

Anyway, it’s impossible for you to rush into the purification circle!

As the mayor of Armaq had expected, there was a cleansing platoon as a card, and the residents of the gold rush town were not so afraid of cockroaches. There are even some daring people who take the initiative to express their reasons as inspectors and regularly check their work.

So this matter was finally settled and everyone was very happy.

Tuyan returned to the Magic Tower with satisfaction and told his sister about the harvest. The next day he set off again and went to the city of Kaohsiung.

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"Basically, people can do it, but there is no way to be very fine. In general, it is rough and the efficiency is not high." Tuyaan said, "After all, it is only the lowest level of common cockroaches, the only advantage is probably It’s tireless and doesn’t require money.”

Ms. Asna thought about it and said, "So, is logging possible?"

"of course can."

"Do you farm?"

"...this is a bit difficult. I never thought about using cockroaches to farm." Tuyaan honestly said that he was very polite in the face of a legendary strongman.

This is not to say that his dog eyes are low, but between the legendary powerhouse and the legendary powerhouse. Naturally, they will respect each other from the bottom of their hearts. This is completely different from their respect for ordinary people. The latter is only out. In courtesy and even alms, the former is truly derived from identity.

"If you are not sure, if you can leave the work of logging, it will be quite good." Ms. Asna said, "It’s just that the area of ​​purification around the city of Hohhot is a bit big, so that’s it. There is an extra need to arrange the handling of the wood... and the unpurified wood is of little use and can only be used as fuel..."

She wrinkled her good eyebrows and fell into meditation.

After a while, she asked again: "Can you work underwater?"

"Of course, they are heavier than water, and they won't come up." Tuyaan knows a lot about it, and all kinds of information open his mouth.

"So, then, we are planning to dig a reservoir in Huizhou, which was originally intended to be dug in the purification array. I have been worried about where to put it." said Ms. Asna, "The Pyrotech City Purification Law Very large, but there are a lot of supporting facilities needed in this town. The land that can be used at present is not plentiful, and it is difficult to draw a large block to build a reservoir."

"But since you can let you work, you can let us explore new canals and build reservoirs for us. For those who can work underwater, this is not difficult."

Tuanan slightly pondered and nodded.

Because the Necromancer saw the light, so many Necromancers placed their lab or magic tower under the water. When building a foundation, it is often to summon a group of people to work. They are hard-working, and they are not afraid of drowning. They are the most reliable.

Next, Ms. Asna asked him to wait a couple of days, and the city of Pyrotech will mobilize specialists to study how to arrange the canal and where to place the scheduled reservoir.

She said it was done, and it was two days to say two days.

Two days later, her husband, the deputy director of the fishing and hunting resources investigation office of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Northwestern Republic, came to Tuan'an Magic Tower, visited him, and took out a construction plan that had just been drawn.

Seeing the black-haired swordsman who looked like a sissy, Tuyaan was a little surprised.

The wife is a legendary strongman, why is the husband? When the couple saw it, they knew that it was really not too old. How did they step into the legendary realm?

Of course, he would not really ask this kind of rudeness. He had to bury his curiosity in his heart, took the construction plan and looked at it carefully.

This design is obviously designed for laymen. The map uses realistic painting techniques and looks like a bird's-eye view from the sky. Just in the real forest, an additional river channel was drawn, and another reservoir was added.

Tuanan noticed that there were a lot of strange signs on the map and asked what they meant.

“It’s just some of the markers that make it easy for you to arrange the construction plan.” Deputy Director of the Creto said, “After all, even if there is a map, it is very easy to make mistakes. So we placed some markers on the ground, and then we compared these markers. Construction will definitely not go wrong."

Tuyaan was silent for a moment and nodded.

He actually wants to ask: "When are I the myopia of Cambrona?"

But he did not ask after all.

Everyone has no friendship, and they don’t even know each other before. People are prepared enough to be detailed. What is wrong?

After a little research on the map, he bid farewell to Tessa, and departed with the deputy director of Creto, and went to the outer suburbs of the city of Kaohsiung to summon and start construction.

As the deputy director of Creto said, there are already many more markers on the ground. With these markers as a reference, Tuanan can easily arrange our work, and the efficiency is better than before in the town of Taojin. I really don't know where to go.

Perhaps this is why Huishi Town can develop into a gemstone city, and Taojin Town is always the reason for Taojin Town...

In the next few days, Tuyaan was busy with this matter. He has rarely been so busy with other people's affairs, this time it is a brand new experience.

However, this feeling is not bad.

When everything was ready, and hundreds of cockroaches were seen, according to the arrangement of the design drawings, he couldn’t help but laugh at the construction site on the long site, and he felt a sense of accomplishment from the bottom of his heart. .

Necromancer spells can't just be used to do damage, or to do something that is frightening. It can also be used in construction!