Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 541

Yan Xiong is not proficient in history, but as a worm, he does not understand history. It is okay for netizens to understand.

When chatting with netizens, he once heard an allusion: in ancient times, there was a tribe that didn’t know whether it was called “Miao” or “Miao Miao” and did not obey the command of the emperor. Hey, he sent a group of big-eyed men, carrying an axe shield, ran to the place near the tribe, and engaged in an armed exercise - so the tribe obeyed.

There is an allusion to this matter, which is called "Xiu Wende". Xiong Xiong does not understand why the armed exercises are "literary" virtues - this is considered "literary". Is it the "wu" that kills the whole family?

He listened to this story at the time, and felt that this practice was really pushing to the extreme, and it was so strong that it was always fascinating. At the moment, I heard Palin saying that I couldn’t help but think of this allusion and couldn’t help but laugh.

After the laughter, he added Palin's plan.

"We not only have to display the fine weapon armor near the portal, but also send troops to train on the portal square. No, the place is a little small, it may not be able to open... Well, we have a large one there. Projection, show the scene of the exercise to everyone!"

Palin turned a blind eye and asked: "Exercise? What is that?"

This is what Yu Xiong thinks. There is no concept of exercise in this world. In this world, if you want to train the army, besides burying your head in the military camp, you are going to find a monster or a robber. Of course, if conditions permit, large-scale hunting can also be organized. With hunting as a military performance, their military concepts are quite backward!

He didn't know, in fact, it was almost the same in ancient times on earth. It is not because the military concept is backward, there is simply not enough resources to afford the military exercises in the modern sense.

Military exercises will inevitably lead to injuries. The ancient medical level is far behind the modern ones. The death rate of soldiers after the injury is extremely high, so no one can bear this toss.

But this is not a problem for the Northwestern Republic. Not only do they have enough medical teams, but they also have the full support of the heroes. Even if they are hurt again, they will not be able to deal with them personally. It was not easy for him to watch and the soldiers wanted to die unexpectedly.

With reliable security, you can of course behave.

So Yan Xiong summoned the military officials of the Northwest Republic and announced the incident.

"This is no problem." Reindeer, who is almost the equivalent of the military chief, said, "But it takes some time to prepare, to mobilize the various local forces, and to dress them up, after they have fully adapted to the new equipment, Only after the training can be carried out. After training for a while, it is possible to conduct exercises."

Yan Xiong frowned and asked, "How long does it take?"

"If the equipment supply can keep up, it will take about two months."

Yan Xiong naturally understood that Leonard was right, but could not help but sigh.

It takes two months... the mortal army is really inconvenient!

If this is the God-given Legion, today it is decided that the team will be able to start training at the latest tomorrow. Even if it is in a hurry, once it is decided, it will be able to start the exercise immediately.

But he also knows that God makes a completely different mortal. They are essentially the realization of divine power. It does not make much sense to exercise them on them. The elite gods who have their own souls have fallen, and there are some effects, but for the mass production gods of cannon. Any training is meaningless.

Therefore, in the shrine of the gods, no one has ever wasted time and divine power to train the cannon fodders that have been with them.

In fact, in terms of efficiency, the gods sent a large number of gods to deal with human wars, which is the fastest and best. But this will not only consume a lot of divine power, but it will also easily cause public anger. Everyone is honestly training the mortal army. You are sending the gods directly to the army. Is this a show muscle? Still have to flash everyone's dog eyes?

This is like a sloppy, full of banknotes and gold and silver on the clothes, and came to the slums of the chaos of the public security, then laughed three times and yelled "I am really rich."

Well, basically no words other than begging can be described.

Of course, he does not want to do this kind of thing, so he can only wait patiently, waiting for the mortal army to be slowly trained.

Fortunately, before that, he can also find something else to do.

For example, improve the process.

He came to the metallurgical technology research team led by Palin, asked about their research progress, and visited the new armor they made.

Compared with the traditional armor, these new armor looks a bit too simple. There is almost no decorative pattern or item on the one-piece piece. The place where the piece is connected is only connected with strong leather and metal rope. There is no decoration. the meaning of.

From the appearance of several samples, the armor is really unpretentious, not to mention the simplicity of the style, even the colors look gray and fall - because Palin also specially made them a surface anti-rust treatment, Avoid rusting steel. This kind of gray color is not the result of anti-rust treatment. It doesn't look good, but it works.

Yan Xiong carefully looked at the armor and experimented with their effects. The samples taken for reference were generally satisfactory.

The quality of these armor is certainly not as good as the fine armor created by magical power or magic, but it is much better than the refined armor created by ordinary craftsmen. Using them to arm the soldiers is enough to make any army in the world look jealous - know that many knights don't have such a complete heavy armor!

It’s just that he pondered for a while, but he felt that the armor seemed to be shortcoming, and there was room for further improvement.

(What is missing?)

Kao Xiong did not hinder Palin's research, and he quietly stayed aside, facing a pair of new-style production armor and another radiant breastplate, wondering where this new style of armor is still Can be further improved.

He pondered for a long time, and finally he finally came up with it.

Look at this new armor, the bare piece above, is a brand new white paper. With such a blank piece of paper, why do you draw something? For example, do you get things like magic patterns?

He and Palin and others said their thoughts, Palin, they looked at each other and finally said that they thought about this, but could not do it.

"Hey? Is this difficult to do?" Xiongxiong was a little surprised. "On such a flat brilliance, it is necessary to engrave a magical pattern. It should not be difficult..."

"The key is... we won't." Palin said with a wry smile, "The magician's enchantment technology needs to start in the process of armor production. If you want to enchant after the armor is completed, or ask the high-level wizard to display it." High magic spells, either to find a rune wizard to engrave runes. The cost of the former is too high, not worth the loss; the latter... Where do we go to find the Rune Master?"

Yuxiong understood this, so he took a shot and said that it was wrapped around him, and then immediately set off to find the Rune Master.