Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 549

The so-called heavy weapon of the country, Xiong Xiong does not care about this reputation, but he is in favor of the view of the **** of the rune.

The root of a country, no military and civil affairs, is more straightforward, that is, money and knives.

The question of money is another matter. The knife is the military construction of the country. The army needs people, weapons, and armor.

Where do the weapons and armor come from? Most of the lords are obtained through purchasing. If the conditions are slightly better, buy steel and build your own armor. Only those who are the most powerful can start from the raw materials and produce one-stop.

The armed forces come from the purchase, and do not say how much it costs, even if there is enough money, it may not be able to buy enough arms for a time. Even if you buy it, quality is always a problem. Even if the quality is no problem, the armed forces are to be worn out in use. Repairing and replenishing is always very troublesome.

Therefore, only those forces that can self-produce armed forces are qualified to talk about words such as "being in the world and winning the Central Plains". The same is true in this world.

For example, the gold coin federation was not actually a country, but a large and small seal by dozens of merchants and nobles. They attacked each other and fought each other for hundreds of years.

In the hundreds of years of war, several major forces that have finally emerged have their own smelting and forging workshops and the ability to produce arms stably.

It is also by virtue of this kind of productivity that they can kill the old opponents who have competed with themselves for hundreds of years, as if they were competing for the leader in the herd, and only a few of them are the strongest.

However, under the mediation of the goddess of wealth, Manis, these most powerful forces did not pass the final battle to distinguish the outcome, but compromised each other and formed a federation.

This is of course that they have no confidence in each other to beat others, and in the end, it is also the strategy of Manis.

There is a mutual cooperation between the king and the theocratic rights, as well as great contradictions and conflicts. In countries where the kingship is consolidated, theocracy is often weakened. In a country with a strong theo, this situation is reversed.

What the aristocrats want is that the people will obey themselves and do not want to stand on the side of the people and limit their power. Even if you don't consider the actual interests, you are embarrassed, so that the lords who are accustomed to a single statement are irritated.

What the church wants is that the people are devout to God, and the lord should encourage this piety and promote church building. A ruthless lord will obviously hinder the stable life of the people. Without a stable life, where does the church construction start?

Not to mention that people have faith, and with the church, there is organization. If the people have organized, they will easily obey the rule of the lord. Is it honestly exploited and oppressed?

Therefore, in the long history, the struggle between the kingship and the theocracy can be described as consistent, either the east wind overwhelm the west wind, or the west wind overwhelm the east wind, and rarely have peaceful coexistence with each other.

The biggest exception to these years has been the Northwestern Republic. In the Northwestern Republic, the aristocratic identity is only an honor and does not represent the actual dominance. The political activities of the Void Mask Church are also strictly limited to the perspective of “supervision” and “justice”. Yuxiong never allowed them to cross the pool.

For example, in every town, the Void Mask Church has a special job, which is to accept the opinions and suggestions of the people. These opinions and suggestions will be reviewed before God. If they are correct, they will be summed up and passed to the government for processing. If the local government can't handle it, or if the result is dissatisfied with the people, then report to the higher level church, and eventually even go straight to the altar of the male.

Of course, in the past few years, there has really been no such thing as a big deal. In the case of supervision, most of the bureaucrats are more careful and honest. Second, the Northwestern Republic is currently on the rise. Everyone has a good day and not so much grievance.

So in the Northwestern Republic, theocracy and royal power—assuming that there are really these two, are indeed peaceful coexistence, and can even be said to be complementary.

In addition, even if the situation is relatively good, the conflict between the theocracy and the kingship is extremely serious, and various kinds of disputes are endless, and even the means of assassination are frequently used.

The struggle between theocracy and the kingship has naturally dragged down the development of the country. Just like a factory, the leaders are divided into several factions, and all the time to make a trick with each other, the workers are not enough to wear and not warm, and occasionally make troubles... Can develop well, then it is really a ghost!

The Northwestern Republic, just like the factory in front of them, is stable, strong, and orderly, and everyone has a good treatment, and they are all working hard for a better tomorrow, filled with a positive atmosphere.

The **** of Rune smiled calmly, and did not explain to him the meaning of the evaluation of "the heavy weapon of the country."

In fact, in his view, this factory that can quickly produce a large number of weapons and armor, and can quickly expand the scale, is not a real country. The active atmosphere in this factory, the joy, self-confidence and positive attitude seen from the faces and hearts of the researchers and artisans are the reasons why He truly sighs.

(How many years have passed, I have never seen such a good view!)

The dwarf god, who had to be white, smiled, but his heart sighed.

Since the dwarves were defeated in the war, they had to retreat from the most fertile eastern plains of the main plane, and after retreating into the Broken Mountains, the atmosphere in this race was no longer as positive.

It was from that time that the habit of drinking was spread among the dwarves. Many older dwarves are not so much like the taste of wine, but rather anesthetize themselves with alcoholism so that they don't have to think about the years of defeat and escape, not to think of their hometown, without sighing.

The **** of Rune is also the old dwarf of that generation. Even though He has become an immortal god, many past events are still clearly engraved in the heart.

Not only He, the dwarf gods are thinking, in what direction is the future of the dwarves? What is the best way to make your race shine again?

In the big factory in the Northwestern Republic, the **** of Rune saw hope.

The biggest problem for the dwarves is the lack of population. People are the most important productive forces. The population is insufficient and productivity is insufficient. In this factory, the number of workers is significantly less than that of a normal factory. According to his estimation, if the dwarves have to build a factory of the same size, at least three times more people are needed!

The ability to save production means that an equal number of people can generate greater productivity.

Perhaps this is the direction the dwarf gods have been looking for!