Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 580

Satan’s exit is indeed because he has cultivated to the peak of the legendary realm.

In theory, there is no limit to the legendary realm. Even if you can't become a demigod, you can continue to become stronger and stronger.

In the more ancient times, there are such legendary powerhouses. Their power is even enough to make the gods look at them. Not to mention the weak power, even weak powers are not necessarily their opponents.

But the legend is a legend. Without realizing the transformation of life, there is no such thing as jumping out of the ages and ignoring the passing of time. As time goes by, these legendary and powerful legendary powerhouses will eventually endure the years, one by one, old and dead.

According to Yuxiong, there are no such legendary powers in the world.

It is not that the ancients are better than today's people, but in today's world, after the legendary powers reach their peak, they will pursue the semi-god realm and try to overcome the time and gain immortality.

The same is true of Satan.

His embarrassment is to start to purify the ash forest on a large scale, to verify the "purification" with this achievement, to let himself be recognized by the world, to make his soul sublimate and move toward the demigod.

In some genre claims, this is called "igniting the fire." Because at the moment when the soul sublimates, the whole person will emit a strong flame like burning.

Originally, Xiong Xiong said that he also had a little experience in purifying, and he could give him a trace of divinity to let him directly swallow this divinity and start the sublimation of the soul. However, Satan insisted on relying on his own efforts to get a response from the world and to sublimate himself.

Of course, it is much harder to sublimate after getting "purifying" the divinity from Kaohsiung. However, one point of paying will have a reward, relying on the response of the world to initiate the sublimation of the soul, and the resulting divinity is the most suitable for yourself, and it is not necessary to slowly It is much easier to slap and correct it in the future.

Because the world has responded to you, it means that "the source" has already prepared a share for you. In the future, as long as you have accumulated enough faith or reached enough strength, you want to implement this share and turn it into a chair in the Pantheon. The difficulty is not too big.

In contrast, relying on the deity of others to sublimate, there is no response and recognition from the world, and you need to try to earn a share. It is obviously more difficult to seal the gods than the people who have already gained a share. It can be said that it is not at all a level.

Therefore, Xiongxiong never mentioned the need to give Leon a divine nature, because he hoped that Leon himself could find a way to gain the share of the source, so that there is hope for God.

However, Satan does not need to be so cautious. The "purification" of this priesthood has not been obtained so far. Even if he is not alone, there should be a lot of local share in this area. Even if he does not get the soul when he sublimates, it will not be difficult in the future. get.

Yuxiong and Satan talked about this matter in detail. Satan strongly stated that since he had the opportunity to monopolize a priesthood, why not try to monopolize it? If you can get the world's response and ignite the soul of the fire, you will know if you have a competitor at this moment. If not, of course, the best, if anything... Oh, there is something you don’t have to understand.

Yuxiong was convinced by him that the gods who are monopolizing the priesthood are indeed not comparable to ordinary gods. For example, Wo Wei, he monopolized the "knowledge" of the priesthood. Since then, although many gods of the gods have been inspired to work hard in this field, there is no way to divide them in the ministry. If at a critical time, He can even temporarily block anyone's ability in the field of "knowledge."

Similarly, Akane also monopolized the "medical" priesthood, which also has this effect.

The other one of Yuxiong’s gods, the **** of healing, is not the case. Although the **** of treatment once monopolized the “treatment” of the priesthood, but the luck was not good, it was harmed by the previous sun god. A loving angel. In the long years since then, although there has been no one to replace the "treatment" of the gods because of the existence of loving angels, there are many people among the gods who have turned around and divided a part from this priesthood. Nowadays, there are basically gods with "healing" priesthood in the larger gods. Even though he regained his life with the help of Yuxiong, he has obtained most of the source of "treatment" at once, but after all, he has no exclusive occupation. Domineering.

Now, He can only cut off the healing power of the gods who do not have this priesthood and only master this field, but the gods who have mastered this part of the priesthood can't.

If Kazuo and other gods fight, his ability to directly block the other side and his followers' "knowledge" and "medical" from the gods is much smaller in terms of "treatment".

So for this benefit, it is really important to know if Satan has a competitor earlier.

Satan and everyone chilled a little, and gave Ness, who hadn't met for several years, a homework assignment, a new magic research topic, and then talked about business.

"I plan to build another large-scale purification system." He said, "The plan is to take two steps. The first step is to build a clean-up array for those pioneering villages. The second step is to use all these clean-up arrays as nodes. , to include them all, to build a giant purification matrix that includes all current pioneering areas."

Everyone imagined that he could not help but marvel at his huge plan. Only the big governor in charge of civil affairs, Mrs. Teague, changed her face.

"It takes too much resources!" She immediately objected. "We can't afford such a large-scale project right now!"

Yan Xiong heard a word and asked: "We are actually short of money now?"

"It's not a question of money." Mrs. Teague realized that she had been in a state of urgency and hurriedly explained, "We don't lack money. But building so many purification squads, especially the last super-cleaning squad, needs to consume a lot." The manpower, and the many materials needed to build the magical array, we have not enough reserves. If we have to rush to start work, it will not only slow down the construction of the whole country, but it is also likely that more than half of the projects will be found and no materials are found. The embarrassing situation."

Everyone understands this, and they can't help but frown.

Insufficient manpower is always the biggest problem facing the Northwest Republic. Even if they use even the workers, the population is still far from enough. Many construction work is still in the dilemma of long-term shortage of manpower.

This plan of Satan Master is indeed magnificent and huge, and it will bring great benefits after completion. But... In the current Northwestern Republic, how many people are building so many magical arrays?

Compared with the shortage of manpower, the lack of materials is not so dazzling, but it cannot be prevented.

After hearing Mrs. Teague’s explanation, Satan’s brow frowned and asked: “I really can’t make a man’s hand? I guess it’s enough for just a thousand people.”

Mrs. Teague’s eyes widened, as if looking at him like a madman: “A thousand people?! One hundred people have to manage to draw, a thousand people... Where do I find so many people to give you!”

"We don't have labor, let the Necromancer summon a batch." Stil said lazily. "For him, it is nothing more than two or three days for him."

The words came out, Satan Master sighed, and Nisi couldn't help but laugh: "Aunt Stil, that is the construction of the purification process! In the past, is it not directly purified by the materials?"

Stil's thought of it, and she couldn't help but laugh.

Indeed, let 骷髅 go to build a purification matrix? This is harder than playing with a meat bun!