Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 636

This story is of course not original, he is an artist, not a philosopher, and can't write such a deep story.

As for the original source of the story, he is naturally unclear - he can see the art history can be seen as sleepy, you let him go to see "Zhuangzi", pick up the book for ten minutes without falling asleep, even if it is a miracle.

The reason why he knows this story comes from the teaching of a teacher during school.

At that time, his academic performance was relatively poor. The possibility of being admitted to a key high school was about zero. His parents were very worried and he was very upset. Then a teacher who had a good relationship with him advised him not to play his favorite art and have a certain talent advantage. From now on, he will work hard to practice painting, and he will forget the art school in the future.

“Is this method reliable? Can you really support yourself by painting?” Parents are worried.

"The situation in our country will be getting better and better, the economy will be more and more developed, and the demand for art will be more and more. As long as the painting is good, it should be worth the income." The teacher analyzed.

So Xiongxiong went to learn to paint, but learning painting is not easy. He studied for half a semester. He felt that his progress was limited, but he spent a lot of time. He felt very hard and had no return, so that he doubted his life.

“Do I have no talent for painting?” he asked.

“Most artists don’t have much talent.” The teacher who taught him painting said, “The most talented person in this society will still become a scientist. The artist’s business depends first on love and persistence. Especially the painter, talent You think so important."

"But... what if you don't learn well?"

"I have never seen a person who studies painting seriously, but it is nothing more than a question of speed of study." The painting teacher said, "Zi Baishi, the master of Chinese painting, did not become famous until later."

When he wanted to come and think, he still felt that "until later in his life" became a problem, so he was more suspicious of his life.

Because he was so sad all day, the teacher told him the story.

At the end of the story, the teacher said: "A person's life is very short-lived. A person who is lucky can live to a hundred years old. A person who is not lucky may die in his early thirties. So consider a far-reaching thing, In fact, it doesn't make much sense. After all, none of us knows whether we will be short-lived bugs or long-lived turtles."

"So? What should I do?" asked Xiongxiong.

"First of all, you can support yourself and then do what you want to do." The teacher said with a smile, "Life is so short, no one knows how long he can live. So he is worried about whether he can make a grade. Come, it’s better to do the things in front of you. Small bugs, gods and turtles, as long as you live seriously, life has no size."

Strictly speaking, this is a pot of chicken soup. If he is twenty-five years old, he will not be poured by this pot of chicken soup, but he is still very pure at the age of fifteen, so he believes and continues to study hard to paint.

Later, he was admitted to the art school; later, he became an amateur illustrator; and then he went through.

But in any case, the teacher said to him that "as long as he is serious and alive, there is no difference in life", it is indeed very encouraging. Yuxiong used this to inspire that he will never catch up with the previous generation. The sun god, the wolf who can never revenge, now Wolverine uses this to inspire the confusion and does not know where to go to Owen, the effect is good.

Owen was originally distressed - he is the saint of the **** of scholars, and it does not matter whether he believes or not. Anyway, whether he believes or does not believe, does not affect the coming of the scholar's **** when necessary. However, now the **** of scholars has fallen, and his priesthood has been inherited by the **** of knowledge and culture. The existence value of his own Son has disappeared. The life of the past ten years seems to have been denied. The existence of the whole person seems to have no meaning. Up...

He is so honest, and his heart is filled with complaints. I feel like I am a toy, and maybe my life is just a joke. The gods who are on the top are just a few tricks, and they turn around and turn around.

What is the significance of such a life?

At this time, he heard the teachings of Wo Wei, and suddenly he was bright.

The mortal is indeed insignificant relative to the gods, but the value of life lies only in oneself, and what does it have to do with others?

God turtles, **** woods, how long are they living, what is the relationship with short-lived bugs?

Even if the bug is eaten by the bird right away, at least it will live seriously and have its own life.

As small as yourself, as long as you live a serious life, this life is valuable, it is not an empty toy!

Therefore, his heart suddenly became more and more open, and he was full of respect for this **** of knowledge and culture.

It is very different from the **** of the unreachable scholar. This majesty is the great existence that he really wants to follow!

Not only that, but his majesty showed him a magnificent world beyond imagination, which made him full of yearning.

As long as you follow behind this majesty, perhaps even if you are as small as yourself, you can truly see a broader and magnificent world, and live more exciting!

"Great majesty, please let me follow your footsteps!" He said sincerely, "I have already understood the value of my life, but I also want to see a more magnificent scene and see a farther future!" ”

Wolverine smiled and helped him up.

"From today, you are my pastor." He said, "I will give you a promise. If you can reach the peak of high-level, I will help you step into the legendary realm and promote you as a voter. The body."

This commitment is extremely heavy, and the elders of the Hart family, as well as the top leaders of the scholars' churches, are all moved.

To soar the voters is to give a trace of divinity. This is not a small loss for the gods, so most of the gods are not so willing to soar the voters.

For example, the **** of scholars, for many years, he has not soared even a voter.

In contrast, just being a **** has soared a voter, and now promises to soar the fertility of another voter, and it feels a little different.

But this does not affect the beliefs and reverence of those new believers. On the contrary, their beliefs become more and more intense.

Although faith is based on ideas rather than interests, a generous and generous **** is certainly more easily loved by people than a stupid god.

Life is alive, and interests are a must.

When Werner left, the people of the original **** of faith in the city of Gray Tower City had all changed their faith and became his beggars.