Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 659

For the civilians, or for the lord?

Yan Xiong found that he had not considered this problem for a long time.

This should have been a matter of course. Whether it is his morality as a human being or the need to promote the development of the world, he should think and do things from the standpoint of the civilians.

But in recent years, especially with the demise of mystery, the various churches in the Vatican Federation have been paying more and more attention to the work of the mission, and gradually shifted the focus of their work.

Even the focus of even thinking has changed.

Why is he helping the lords to continue their lives? Just to expand the influence and spread the church?

In that case, why did he limit the life-threatening potion invented by Slim alchemist Wendy? Isn't it better to introduce the potion that can continue to be renewed directly and infinitely? As long as the potion is firmly in control, which old people will dare to confront him?

Now he is not the original, he is very emboldened. At least in the main plane, he is not afraid of any challenges, and he is fully capable of protecting the benefits of Yanshou Potion.

So, should he change his course and change direction?

Of course not!

What about those old lords who are not dead, shut him down!

They support their own churches. Of course, it doesn't matter if they don't support them. If they don't want to wait for ten or eight years, they will be thirty or fifty years old. Can they still not die?

When they die, the next generation of lords may not support the Void Mask Church. Even if the next generation does not support it, then wait for the next generation.

Maybe a few generations, this lord family must be servant. On the mainland, the general lord family is probably passed down for five or six generations. It is almost finished in one hundred to two hundred years.

The reasons for the completion are all kinds of things, the most common is war, followed by political struggles and the like. More than once, several heirs of a certain lord had been fighting against each other. In the end, the contradictions intensified to kill each other, and then the immediate heirs died. The king was so angry that the rest of the nobles who had relatives with his family inherited the territory.

Generally speaking, the king cannot dictate the inheritance of the lord. This is the rule and the unspoken rule recognized by the lords. But like this inherited people, it’s not like words, even in the case of direct severance. The king, as the lord of the lords, has the right to come out to mediate and punish the family that has violated the rules of fire. This is also the rule, the same is The unspoken rules recognized by the various lords.

Therefore, in general, the battle for the succession of aristocracy will pay attention to the rules, leaving some feelings for the losers, and will not hurt their lives. However, as the family inherits more and more, the contradictions accumulate more and more, and in the end it will often fail to hold hands. As a result, a long-standing family has almost reached the end.

Of course, these things have nothing to do with Xiong Xiong. Anyway, the noble lords are prosperous, unlucky, their children are prolonged, their families are broken, and he does not care. As a **** of eternal life, he is completely unnecessary, and he ignores these lords.

Most importantly, he does not want to pay attention to these people.

In his view, the lord said that this thing is almost the same as the parasite, but it is attached to the civilians to **** the blood. It has no indispensable contribution to the society. Look at the earth. The place where no lord is generally developed better than the place with the lord. . Even if the former had oil at their feet, they did not see that they developed a democratic and prosperous society. Instead, there were a large number of wonderful things and wonderful things.

In the 21st century, it still maintains the values ​​and moral values ​​of the 7th and 8th centuries, and removes all the terrorist organizations that do not accept this old-fashioned theory of rancidity. The source of the terrorist organization is lying on the oily sea. Free and noble aristocratic lords.

Of course, there are also enlightened advances among the lords of this world, and efforts are made to bring benefits to the people. But they can't establish their own practices, and they can't ensure that their thoughts and practices can still be observed after they die, passed down from generation to generation, and even promoted. On the contrary, the death of people is the normal state.

In the eyes of the wise lords, the lords of other peoples spend their days, the lords of others are relaxed, and the lords of others are arrogant... Why should I be subject to various restrictions? Why should I restrain myself from enjoying? Why should I work hard?

Then the bad money expelled the good money.

Yan Xiong feels that this kind of thing is unsolvable. Anyway, he has never learned a solution, either from the textbook or from the Internet. Even when I was in college, those professors who learned the rich five cars and knew the past and the present couldn't think of any solution. Oh, there are ways. Their approach is revolution.

By the way, when Xiong Xiong went to college, the two professors who had the most influence on him, one was a thorough humanist and the other was a determined Bolshevik...

Yan Xiong did not want to revolutionize the world. He felt that he was not the one. But he can't force himself to accept and like the guys who step on the top of others and spend their days as a blessing.

Therefore, he will have some untimely republican system, and he will almost rely on his own single-handedly to create the first Republican home in the world, and promote its continuous progress.

So now, is he going to change?

Of course not!

Thinking of this, Xiongxiong couldn't help but laugh.

"I was taught..." He said with some self-deprecation. "I thought I was a visionary. In fact, it was only a local custom."

After laughing, he bowed to the infinite darkness of the underworld, and thanked him, then turned and left.

The next day, the Temple of the Void Mask and the altars of the Church were received by the gods.

The gods reminded them not to ignore the core of the teachings of the void mask because of the great situation in the present mission. It is important to remember that only the ability to make the people happy is the real development and progress. It is the foundation of the Void Mask Society. If it is reversed for the sake of mission, then even if the belief spreads widely, it will be a failure.

This **** made many of the main sacrifices shocked. Many people decided to think behind closed doors. Because of the changes in the situation, many of the main sacrifices are gradually shifting the focus of their work toward the aristocratic lords. They feel that as long as they can persuade the lord to believe in the vain face, they can let the church spread quickly, but they have not thought that the belief stems from the identification. It is easy to ask a high-ranking lord to truly agree with the concept of development and progress!

Even if the lord agrees, will he not change his mind in the future?

Even if he does not change, what about his children?

In contrast, it is much more reliable to let the public agree with this concept.

After all, the people will always have this demand.

For a time, the entire Void Mask Church began a large-scale adjustment...