Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 662

Some truths are reliable in any world, for example, "practice is true."

In the face of the cold lords and the people who are very difficult to live, the reformists with innocent thoughts have been greatly touched. Their thoughts have undergone tremendous changes. Many of them even made a big turn of 180 degrees and turned directly into the most fierce anti-aristocratic faction. So that Xiong Xiong had to change his angle to give them ideological and political lessons, talk about the principle of gradual progress, and talk about "Rome is not built in one day", and try to detoxify them with high concentration of chicken soup.

Fortunately, this is not the extreme left or the extreme right, after all, not too much, most reformists did not jump from one extreme to the other after realizing their mistakes. They just sank a little, and they re-energized, and once again, they were full of enthusiasm and high morale, and they were put into work.

As for the merits of the articles that Yuxiong sent to them, especially if there is no such thing as Paul Kochak’s inspiration to countless readers on the earth, “the life of a person should be spent this way: when he recalls the past He will not repent because of his ignorance; he will not be ashamed of his inaction. When he is dying, he can say: My whole life and all my energy are dedicated to the most magnificent cause in the world. Fight for the liberation of all mankind." Then no one knows.

"I suddenly found out that as a traverser, I have a huge advantage." In the rumbling sound of the rumbling, Yan Xiong said to Crick, "Those who have broken the streets on the earth, the chicken soup, those even children. I can listen to the last sentence and say the famous sayings in the next sentence. In this world, it is still very fresh. Just use them, it is simply unprofitable, it is completely an external level artifact!"

Crick sighed and said, "I already knew it."

He turned his wheelchair with his hands, slowly walked over to the table, poured himself a cup of tea, then took the teacup and sighed again, saying, "Do you not feel that you have a bit of a neurotic sign?"


"A good person, talking to himself all day, this is obviously a bit of schizophrenia." Crick shook his head and said, "We are one, not only the same knowledge, but even the ideas are connected. What are you going to say, I knew it before I said it; what do I want to say, and I also know before. What does this chat mean?"

Yan Xiong smiled: "You don't remember the fairy tales novels you saw before. The high-ranking people who practiced in it often like to smash three corpses. When you squat, you jump out of the body and swear, say a word. 'See you like a friend..."

"That's not a corpse, it's a split personality." Crick frowned. "And even if you have three corpses, you haven't seen people chatting with the three corpses that you have smashed. You actually ran. Come to me to chat, what is the difference between talking to myself? Think about it more seriously than personality splitting! This is not a neurosis, the world is afraid there is no neuropathy."

"Not so serious..."

"That though it is not for the time being, it will be serious if it continues to develop." Crick said with a blank expression, "I have done a statistic. In recent years, you have been chatting with me more and more times."

"What does this mean?" asked Xiongxiong.

"It means that you are lonely. You are so lonely that you need to talk to yourself to send loneliness." Crick said coldly. "In terms of strength, you may already be close to the top of the tower of this world power pyramid." There are very few strong ones. But in terms of spiritual cultivation, you are still just an ordinary person. You are much stronger than the average person, but your spirit has not changed in essence. Your emotions are still similar to ordinary people. I have also studied the mental state of other gods, and feel that although they also have joys and sorrows, their emotions and sorrows have a feeling of 'esparation' or 'devious film'. Perhaps it is this way that they can be independent. The mentality outside of time. This mentality, I think it is exactly what you need to master."

Yan Xiong was silent for a while and said, "Remember "Wife and Wife"?"

"Jiangzhou Sima Qing shirt is wet, can't I learn too much to forget?"

"Yeah, I can't do it."

"I haven't done it, how can I know if I can't do it?" Crick shook his head and said, "Do it."

When he thought about it, he suddenly smiled. "You said, will I do this?"

Crick’s face suddenly collapsed and his face was frustrated.

Of course, he knows that Xiong Xiong will not do this.

In fact, he himself is also a gun, and as he said, he and Kao Xiong do not have any "one body two sides" and so on, the root is the same person. So not only does Xiong Xiong not do this, he himself will not do the same.

"It’s really a good idea for me!" He sighed for a long time, and finally he said indignantly, "I am really muddy and can’t help the wall!"

"No way, natural nature." Yan Xiong smiled and patted his shoulder with his tentacles, and found a way to transfer the topic. "Right, how did the exercise last so long? This has been playing for half a year. ""

"The main reason is that the depth of this exercise is higher than in the past. The previous exercises were all based on the elite gods. It is good to mass-produce the gods as long as they obey the command. But this time I intend to adjust my thinking to mass production of God. At the core, the elite gods appear only as a sharp knife force when necessary.” Crick said, “This way, it is very helpful to effectively strengthen the combat skills of mass production by the exercise.”

“The mass production **** is so weak, can you help?”

“It’s because they are weak, so they are easy to be summoned. And if their fighting skills are enhanced, they will be able to help more after being summoned.” Crick said, “For the priests on earth. In other words, mass production is much more important than the elite god!"

Yan Xiong nodded, and looked at the distant tree, a tree that grew slowly at a speed almost invisible to the naked eye, and asked: "That is the altar that is ready to be used for mass production." Is the progress so slow?"

"There is no way, because energy depends on God to make it overflow in the battle." Crick said, "The only way to maximize the fit and improve the success rate."

"The reason is this, always feels too slow..."

“It’s not slow,” Crick said with a smile. “I’m guessing, waiting for your 'winding movement’ to be finished, the altar on my side is finished. It’s just time for the mass production **** to be mass-produced. Summon, effectively improve the combat power of the human priesthood."

"With the help of God, the power of the church must be greatly enhanced." Yan Xiong nodded and said, "At that time, I believe that it will be a great development and progress."

"That is of course! Since I have come to this world, I have to do something - to promote its development and progress, it is just right for me!"