Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 711

The ping-pong sound was endless, and the pedestrians carefully bypassed the "no entry" danger zone marked with white ash, and did not dare to approach the big circle.

Here is the southernmost tip of the Northwest Republic, where the rye fortress is. In the past, if you wanted to travel from the Gold Coin to the Northwestern Republic, you must pass through the fortress built in the valley. Now the fortress is still the same, but the mountain next to it is inexplicably bowed, and there is a road that allows people to bypass the fortress and head to the rye city to the north of the fortress.

As for the fortress, it has been completely surrounded by white and gray circles. There are many brands in the circle, and the words "dangerous" and "not close" are marked in various languages.

Not only that, if you are illiterate and want to be close, then every time he walks in this circle, he will feel a little panic. The closer he gets, the more panic he will be. Only when he turns away can he get better.

If it were not by this means, it would be impossible to stop those who were rude or curious, with white ash and warning signs.

This is of course the work of Yuxiong. Now he is tossing in the fortress. He intends to build this originally unremarkable fortress into a tourist attraction with the theme of “fortress”. Naturally, he cannot let others disturb.

After turning into an attraction, you can no longer play the role of a fortress... A knife is beautifully decorated, can you not kill anyone?

Of course, Kazuo does not feel that this fortress may be used. Although the population of the Northwest Republic is not enough now, there are many strong people. If there is a conflict with the gold coin federation, they will not take the initiative to fight out. The gold coin federation should be thankful. How can it be countered?

If you really have to be attacked into the valley, you need to rely on the fortress defense day, the situation does not know what it will be like!

However, as the saying goes, "The tree wants to be quiet and the wind does not stop." Yan Xiong wants to be safe and secure to do his oversized model toy, but the gold coin federation has already produced a problem.

The big migration has ended. Today, the gold coin federation is still a complete country on the surface, but it has actually divided into two parts. The south is dominated by the forces with the big aristocracy as the core, with a large population, and the industrial sector is dominated by agricultural production; the north is dominated by the power of the big businessmen, and although the population is small, it has a large amount of funds with developed business.

The plan for "businessmen heading north to the northern nobility" seemed to be quite successful, but the problem soon came.

The aristocrats in the south began to impose heavy taxes on merchants in their territories.

It is also a matter of course, the aristocrats have consolidated their rule, and then it is natural to weaken the power of the merchants. It’s just that they are too rough and they are too rude to do things.

Businessmen seeking profit, as long as there is enough profit, even if it is not a problem to cooperate with the nobility. But the nobles did this, and the merchants in their territory suddenly lost their profits. Many small businessmen broke the production directly, and even the big business associations were seriously affected and hurt.

Of course, the merchants did not agree and immediately arguing. But this time the nobles did not buy it at all. They said that they had no need to deal with the despicable and ruthless merchants.

In some places, the aristocratic lords took the army directly to the Chamber of Commerce to investigate and uproot them.

In this way, the contradiction is completely intensified.

The big businessmen were very angry and began to recruit mercenaries, posing a posture to use arms to protect their own interests. But the nobles did not give in and began to summon the army, but they were prepared to fight a big fight.

Under this circumstance, the atmosphere on the border between the South and the North is getting tense, and the soldiers on both sides are waiting for you to be ready to fight.

Fortunately, the Church of the Goddess of Wealth has taken the shot. They watched that the situation had reached the point where they couldn’t be cleaned up. They no longer care about the means of resort. They used the toughest methods directly. The legendary powers and the gods made it to force the leaders of the aristocrats and merchants to grab them. I got a parliament hall on the border and ordered them to negotiate.

"I don't care what contradictions you have, what are the hatreds, but I am a word, don't fight!" The goddess of wealth personally lowered the incarnation and said with sorrow, "Whoever dares to do it, I will press him under the parliament hall forever. No relief!"

Over the years, the goddess of wealth has always preferred to use moderate means. His church has always mediate mediation and mediation between merchants and aristocrats. It has never been so tough. At this moment, once his thunder was angry, he immediately smothered both factions. Even though there were thousands of small abacus in his heart, he couldn’t fight it, so he had to negotiate honestly.

When the two sides talked and talked, they felt that there were not enough people, so they recruited talents from the rear. All the powerful aristocrats and the middle chambers of commerce rushed to the temporary construction of the parliament hall to participate in the big parliament compulsory by the goddess of wealth.

Seeing that the Grand Council was finally engaged, a large stone in the heart of the goddess of wealth fell to the ground, and the face that had not seen the smile was finally relaxed.

It’s just... He paid a lot of money.

The coercive means is contrary to his doctrine. In other words, if he forces the merchants to send and negotiate with the nobility, he is hurting himself. Regardless of the success of this negotiation, his divinity has been seriously hurt.

This is still the most recent year. With the help of Yuxiong, the gods have improved a lot. The divine nature has grown tremendously, and there has been some space for autonomous. Before I had the psychological preparation, I could make such a decision. Otherwise, if it was placed a few decades ago, He would have thought of this method and could not implement it. He could only watch the situation corrupt and eventually he could not get rid of it.

Therefore, when the aristocratic and merchant factions finally began to negotiate honestly, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then went to thank Xiongxiong.

"This is really thanks to your help over the years!" He said sincerely, "If there is not a divineness of these years of growth as a buffer, I definitely can't use this method this time!"

"This is also the opportunity you have seized before you have accumulated." Xiong Xiong did not make a contribution. He said with a smile, "People still have to help themselves after all. If you don’t accumulate yourself before, who will help this time?" No, you can't."

"Well..." The goddess of wealth nodded, but looked worried. "I don't know if they can talk about the results this time... This time the parliament has only businessmen and nobles, no clergy and civilian representatives. I always feel that it is not appropriate."

"Then why don't you force them to join these two parties?" asked Xiongxiong.

"Forcing them to negotiate is already my limit. If I have more coercion, I can't do it." The goddess of wealth sighed and shook her head.

Yan Xiong smiled: "Do not worry, it will be fine for me."

"It's nothing more than just shutting them up and threatening it. This method I used it not long ago, I am very skilled!"