Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 713

Because the merchants sent another compromise, the final result of the negotiations was relatively unfavorable to the merchants.

Although the taxation has been alleviated, the nobility lords can send people directly to the management of the chamber of commerce.

In the aristocratic way, this is called the right to supervise. As the lord, they must ensure that they can monitor every force on their territory, and there must be no truly uncontrolled forces. But everyone knows that, in this way, the Chamber of Commerce in each territory is almost completely under the control of the local lords.

Don't look at the fact that they can manage to make money safely and steadily, but as long as the lord turns his face, he can always give them a pot, and don't even want to escape.

According to the results, it is certainly unacceptable to Yan Xiong. How can the world allow the enemy to bring his own knife into his own house? What's the brain in the water!

But for business people, as long as the tax is less, it will not affect their money, and others can make concessions.

In the final analysis, merchants care most about money, and they only care about money.

When the results of the negotiations came out, Yan Xiong waved his hand and let the guys who had stinked to be like rotten. They left and returned to the Kingdom of God.

"It's really muddy and can't help the wall!" He returned to the Chamber of Deputies, and he spoke up with this sentence. "Mannis, the merchants really didn't save!"

The goddess of wealth was somewhat puzzled and asked: "Is this result not very good? You don't have to fight."

Xiongxiong couldn't help but be speechless, and then he thought... This is a special thing that is not on the beam! The goddess of wealth is a dull goose that only sees money and can't see the danger. How can we expect businessmen to be smart and far-sighted?

Thinking of it, he couldn't help but sigh deeply.

"In any case, this matter has finally come to an end." He was too lazy to mention this kind of shit, and directly talked about the business. "I think we should take the precepts of the Northwestern Republic."

"Learn to be a ring?" The gods of the Nether God, look at me, I look at you, do not understand exactly where you need to "take a warning."

After a while, Wo Wei asked: "Your Majesty, we have no real aristocrats in the Northwest Republic."

Yan Xiong shook his head: "The problem is not here. The question is - what country do we depend on, and which kind of person is the core of society?"

“Should it be a businessman?” Worth thought and said, “The Northwestern Republic is almost a business-based country. The core of the country should of course be a businessman.”

"The businessman's bones are too weak and unreliable!" Yan Xiong shook his head and denied this statement. "This time I witnessed their weaknesses. I have already forced the merchants and nobles to the same height, as long as they Insist on not to retreat, and finally must only be aristocratic retreat - the issue of the inheritance rights of businessmen is well solved. The top is the separation of the family, can the nobles be separated? The aristocrats die, the children will compete for the inheritance right. Play the pig brain, not to mention the relatives who have inheritance rights but have a bad relationship with their children... So as long as a group of representatives are killed, when I grab the second batch of representatives, the nobles will not give up. ”

"Though this is said, it is too embarrassing..." Morani shook his head. "Do you have to get the dead?"

"There are more dead people in the fight. Can you say that the leaders of the aristocratic and merchant factions are raised by the mothers, and the soldiers who are bitter and haha ​​are not?"

Morani thought for a moment and nodded: "You are right. If you die, a few big aristocrats or big businessmen can solve the problem and avoid the war, let them die."

"But the ending is that the merchants have retreated. Because the aristocracy is determined not to retreat - the aristocrats have the determination to die the first batch of people, the merchants did not." Yan Xiong sighed, "The dead can not bear to die, The result was lost to the dead."

"This is normal. For the nobility, maintaining honor is to maintain the inheritance of the family. So they have the courage to fight and dare to die. In almost every family of the aristocratic aristocracy, there are members of the war dead. This is condensed with blood. The courage is incomparable to the merchants," said Law Brass, the **** of law. "In fact, you can see the military of both sides. The aristocratic army is often the lord who personally brings troops. The lord is not a pioneer. Must fight on the front line. Merchants send it? Basically, where the arrow can shoot, you can never see them."

"Yeah, so the merchants really fight to lose." The **** of justice, Jorgaardman nodded. "With my 'courage' clerics, there are many people among the nobility who have my teachings. There are very few."

Yan Xiong listened to nausea and couldn't help but sigh again.

The merchants of this world are as weak as they are on earth, but the nobility of this world is much more powerful than on earth.

From this point of view, it is not easy to move forward from the feudal era to promote social progress!

"However, I think things will change." Everyone discussed for a while, Wenner, the warlord who has been silent, suddenly said, "I may not believe it when I say it. I just predicted that the gold coin federation still has to fight civil war."

"What?!" Yuxiong’s voice was a few high shots. "They haven’t all negotiated, signed an agreement? Why do you want to fight?!"

"I don't know about this. I just can feel that they still have to fight. Why do you fight? Why do you fight? How is the final result? I don't know." Wenner said, "I am war." The **** is not the **** of destiny. I will not know what will happen in the future."

"So you can roughly judge who wins and who loses?" Fortune goddess Mannes asked with concern.

Wenner closed her eyes and meditated for a while, then some wondered: "Weird... Why do I feel that the merchants’ odds are bigger?"

"How is it possible?!" Yuxiong exclaimed, "The merchants can win? This is absolutely impossible! With that group of goods, they can't win!"

The gods nodded in unison. Over the years, there have been conflicts between merchants and nobles in various countries. The result has been almost one-sided, and the merchants have not won.

"How do I know how they won..." Wenner himself was very confused. "I also think they can't win."

"So how do you still judge that their odds are bigger?"

"I think it is judged by my reason; but if I guess by the power of my priesthood, the result is that their odds are greater." Wenner said helplessly, "I am wondering myself."

The gods talked a lot, and no one could think of any way for the merchants to win.

After the meeting, the **** of war sent many messengers to go to the merchant's site to collect intelligence—he didn't care if the merchants could win, but he was very curious about how the merchants would win.

Yuxiong returned to the rye fortress and continued to be his "real life version of my world". At the same time, he also divided several avatars and moved around the merchants' sites to understand the situation.

Although he is not the **** of war, he also wants to know what the merchants rely on to win this war even if the gods are not optimistic about them.