Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 751

In the days that followed, similar things happened in several different pubs, which were distributed in several different towns at the junction of the aristocratic and merchant-powered forces.

With the word of mouth of the adventurers, the news spread quickly, and the more it spread, the more it became more and more bizarre.

This is the rumor, starting from the "Zhang San bought a tiger's painting", it will not be long before it will become "Zhang San killed a tiger", or "Zhang San was eaten by the tiger" - Ordinary things will be passed on bizarrely; most peaceful things will be surprised.

So, what if it was a dangerous and terrifying thing?

In a few days, the atmosphere of panic filled the long border, and a large number of cautious adventurers left, leaving behind or coming to be brave or reckless and ambitious adventurers. The civilians can’t leave, they can only be more cautious. Many people have a tight lock in the daytime. As for the villages, they simply organize militia patrols and patrol around the clock, hoping to stop those crazy and dangerous cults in this way. Protect yourself.

However, these practices did not have much effect. About ten days later, another incident of cult sacrifices took place.

This time it was more serious than the previous times, because the cultists only completed the entire sacrifice. If not, the ranger who believes in the **** of justice comes quickly, the demon who gets the sacrifice even half. The claws have been extended to summon the door.

Fortunately, the Ranger's ability is high, and even the arrow is like lightning. In one breath, the four nodes of the sacrifice circle are broken, so that the summoning door can not be completed. Even though the devil no longer snarls, there is no way to really rush over. Instead, he has lost a paw in the siege of the legal priests who have arrived in the follow-up, and he does not know whether it is earning or losing for it. It is.

The news should have been kept secret, but I don’t know what happened, and it spread quickly. Many adventurers rushed to the village and saw the traces of the demon call.

Although the priests of the Church of the Law have completely expelled the atmosphere of the abyss, the traces of sulfur left by the demon and the bloodstains left by the killings in the village all tell people what terrible things have happened here.

Especially on the small square in the middle of the village, the large piece of ground that is covered with new earth and still has a **** smell is even more creepy.

Some of the less daring adventurers quietly left, and they found that their courage was not that big, and their confidence in themselves was not so great. In the face of a terrorist cult organization that easily slaughtered an entire village, they felt that it was better not to be harder than this guy.

To make money, you can make money anywhere, there is no need to make fun of your own life.

Other people with different ideas gathered again, and they felt that this might be a good opportunity.

Although the devil is horrible, it is really beneficial to sacrifice to the devil.

Unlike these adventurers, the local lords, the sheriffs, and the good gods churches are a bit squeaky. They have taken out 12 points to try to trace the whereabouts of the mysterious cult organization, but even the more valuable clues can't be found.

That weird cult organization is like a wing, and every time it is missing, even the most powerful ranger can't trace their traces.

Every time they retreat, they have clear footprints, horseshoe prints and ruts. But all these traces often disappeared about a couple of miles after leaving the village, and even the smell disappeared. It is like this - this group of people really flew away.

However, even if people can fly away, the horse can't fly. Even if the horse can fly away with long wings, it will not fly over the long wings of the carriage!

The rewards will soon be posted in every town, and the amount of rewards will continue to increase. Correspondingly, the atmosphere has become more and more tense. All the soldiers are holding weapons all day long. The adventurers are also nervous and careful. If they don't agree, they will draw swords.

Some visionary lords and sheriffs began to worry, and they knew that this was not going well. Over time, it is likely to cause large-scale panic and even refugee flows, and it may also lead to fierce conflicts.

But... can't catch the strange group of cultists, they can't help.

These news gradually spread more and more widely, and finally even reached the ear of the exploration team who was sleeping on the barren hills in the northern part of the gold coin.

"Have you heard that? There is something big in the south!" At the time of lunch, Feira said to Hopes mysteriously, "It’s terrible!"

Hopps chewed the carrot and looked at him with some confusion. He asked vaguely: "Hiccup?"

"More horror than fighting!"

"It’s more horrible than snoring? You laugh."

"How can you laugh?" Feira looked around and lowered his voice. He said, "On the border between the merchants and the aristocratic forces, there are cult organizations that are making sacrifices and have already done several times!"

Hopps stunned, hurriedly ate the carrots three or two times, and drank a big bite of soup to fix the gods, and then asked what.

In fact, Fira is not very clear about the specific situation, he just got news from the teammates who came to transport the vegetables. But in front of a friend, of course he would not say "in fact, I don't know", but with his own imagination, he tried his best to make things clear and have eyes and eyes.

Although many of his arguments are quite bizarre, if compared with the facts, the deviation is actually not too big. Because the team guy who told him about this was very outrageous, Fira certainly couldn’t accept “summoning a horrible demon. The head is as big as a mountain, and the nose is squirting poisonous smoke and flames. There were countless poisonous insects flying inside, hundreds of knights and holy warriors joined forces to drive it back to the abyss. He said that although he is not strong, he is not an ignorant villager. The result is positive and negative, but it is closer to reality.

For this reason, the situation he said is more realistic. Hopps went back to talk to Ruby, and the old river and lake Ruby thought it might seem like... maybe there are some possibilities.

So Ruby was a bit worried, and they specifically asked the adventurers who sent the caravans to the caravans. They asked them carefully.

After asking clearly, he finally settled down.

"Do not worry, it has little to do with us." After returning, he said to Hopes with relief. "The behavior of cult sacrifices is concentrated on the border of the two forces, and there is no momentum to spread north. We can now In places where the merchants’ forces are almost at the northern end, those cults can’t come.”

Hopps breathed a sigh of relief, but he did not feel relieved. Instead, he still worried with some questions: "So... are the cultists caught? Is their organization eliminated?"

"not yet."

“I always feel terrible...”

"Yeah!" Ruby also sighed and shook his head and said, "I hope that our work here will end soon. I really want to go back to the Republic soon. Only there is really safe!"