Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 985: ·In order to have more sacrifices, dare

After a moment, the body of the Glorious Lord turned into countless spots and debris, dissipating without a trace, and the male did not stop, watching his body completely dissipated.

It’s never a hobby of a male brother to kill a debt or whip a corpse.

Solved this culprits, he stood in the ground and thought about what to do next.

Nowadays the great cycle has collapsed, and the world is rapidly disintegrating. It will not take long for all the worlds to cease to exist and return to the chaotic chaos of the past.

Perhaps Yan Xiong can return to his old business and play the role of a "fulcrum". With his "fulcrum", the big cycle may be able to be built again, but that will be the next era, everything in this era will be The fly is gone, and it no longer exists.

Is that really good? Perhaps this effort tries to save the world again?

But...the world is like this, can you really save it?

He thought for a long time and sighed deeply.

"Difficult! Difficult!"

Destruction is easy to build, and the Glorious Lord can destroy the world. He can easily kill the Glorious Lord, but he can't save the world destroyed by the Glorious Lord.

Around him, countless worlds collapsed and turned into a turbulent cycle of the big cycle. These turbulences continue to collide and continue to gather, becoming more and more fierce and more powerful. One after another, the world that is trying to hide and defend has been destroyed by them, and the complete destruction of the big cycle era is not far behind.

Yan Xiong looked at the scene in front of him and fell into meditation.

He vaguely said that the world may still be saved. But... how to save it?

Just as he was thinking hard, he suddenly saw a white light flying over, but it was the small world in which the best master drove his temple, looking for gaps in countless turbulences, trying to survive.

Yan Xiong smiled and reached out and took the small world to his own face. At the same time, he arranged the turbulence around him and created a temporary safe area.

The light in the little world flashed, and the frog-like lord of the goodness jumped out and looked at him with interest.

"I just felt that the glory of Uther, the glory of the Lord, has disappeared. I am really puzzled. It turned out that you did it... How do you call it?"

Yan Xiong smiled and introduced himself.

The Lord of the Good is shocked, even if he is, he does not know that the birth of the original cycle, there is actually a fulcrum. I don't even know that this fulcrum is not the main plane, but the hero who sleeps in it.

"I don't think you are such a big man! Disrespectful and disrespectful!" He said with a bit of awe, and then asked with hope. "Since you can act as a fulcrum and help the formation of a big cycle, can you do this again?" This time, I will no longer be lazy, fulfill the duties of great divine power, teach young people not to be troublesome, and never let the world be destroyed again!"

Yan Xiong smiled and replied: "I want to re-establish the water and fire, and form a big cycle again. Of course. But I still hope to do better, let's say - save the world and let everything go back."

"...this is impossible, the world has been destroyed." The Lord of the Goodness said subconsciously.

Looking at the frog wearing glasses in front of him, Yan Xiong could not help but sigh: "Yeah, even if I want to continue the world for a second, where did I change that second? Even if it is a great power It can only change the flow rate of time, there is no way to really surpass the time!"

Said, he suddenly glimpsed.

It seems... I really have a way to go beyond time.

He hurriedly closed his eyes and carefully felt his strength. After a long time, he opened his eyes again.

The scene in front of me has once again become a huge "picture scroll" composed of countless independent times. This time, he did not skip it any more, but carefully observed it.

Although he can observe the existence of the "past", how can he get time from the "past" and let the "now" go backwards and return to the world when it has not been destroyed?

First, start with observation and understanding.

He once again traversed from himself, turned into the fulcrum of the world, set the water and fire, and supported the big cycle to begin to see. This time he looked very carefully, each section carefully analyzed, looking for rules hidden deep in time, and also trying to find inspiration.

A little bit past, he saw the stability of the world from the beginning of the world, and saw the struggle of the various races, the struggle of the gods... Finally, he saw a transparent figure appearing in the sea.

The transparent figure is naturally Xiongxiong himself.

He happened to wake up at that time, the soul was out of the flesh, and if he didn't know what, he floated to the surface of the sea.

Yan Xiong couldn't help but smile, looking back at his own experiences from a bystander's perspective.

All kinds of adventures, all kinds of experiences, encounters all kinds of people, all kinds of things happen, all kinds of successes fail, all kinds of joys and sorrows.

He slowly looked at the page one by one, saw a lot of details that he didn't pay attention to at the beginning, and saw a lot of things he had forgotten.

Just looking at it, he saw that he was stunned by the Lord of the Order, fell into the main plane with the Kingdom of God, and the body had not yet landed, and he was stunned by the light ball. I mistakenly believe that the small world of the "Ancient Elf Temple" has been taken away.

He saw the gods and allies of the emptiness of the gods, combined the "shelter" of the Kingdom of God with the city of the void to create a strong fortress. They built some powerful weapons that they had created, what giant electromagnetic guns, nuclear warheads. All of them have moved to the fortress, and the citizens who are willing to stay in the Northwest Republic have also received the fortress, determined to resist the last with this fortress.

He saw the owner of the seriously injured order slammed in, healed with the help of everyone, and then fought with the fortress and the glory of the Lord. Although the injury was more serious, most of the powerful weapons were destroyed, but they will finally The Lord of Glory retreats.

He saw the glory of the Lord to establish a new order, calling himself the "Lord of the High", He no longer personally attack, but only promote this new twisted order, constantly eroding the Nether Fortress.

He saw that the fortress was eroded a little bit, and it collapsed a little. The originals who were here, and the gods who came to the battle, did their best and did nothing to help but to retreat step by step.

He saw that the final fortress was almost completely collapsed, leaving only the temple in the center.

He saw the hall in the underground of the temple, and the atmosphere was sad. Most of the people have been sealed in a small world, leaving only a few strong people to be silent.

Then, in a darkness and despair, he saw that Leon stood up and found the exhausted old, dying order of the Lord, and the two sides discussed.

They didn't discuss it for a long time. It took only about three or five minutes to agree on the plan, and then announced the plan to everyone.

The gods were horrified, the mortals were horrified, and then the horror became miserable, and everyone was helpless.

Leon said goodbye to his loved ones and friends. The legendary strongmen resented their weaknesses and burst into tears.

Yan Xiong subconsciously concentrated his spirit, so he even heard the words of Leon and his wife and daughter when they said goodbye.

"Sorry, I promised you more than once, I will always be with you. In the end, I still missed the appointment." Leon was not afraid because he was going to die, his face was full of apology, "And you still have to force you. Living in a world without me... I really... I am sorry!"

Carissa hugged him tightly, tears wet his armor, but he was just crying, and he couldn’t say anything.

Leon lowered his head and looked at the daughter holding his thigh: "Elizabeth, you will take care of your mother, will you?"

"Well, Dad, I will be obedient." The little girl's face was full of tears, but she reluctantly refused to cry, but tried to squeeze a smile, even though it was even more ugly than crying.

"Good boy! You are strong, just like your father." Leon licked her hair, smiled softly and sadly, "Dad is proud of you!"

After that, he applied a little power to let Carissa's mother and daughter fall asleep, and wrapped them up with divine power to seal them.

"I hope that you still have a day to wake up. I hope that when you wake up, you will see a beautiful world." He whispered and then handed the light ball of his wife and daughter to the **** of knowledge. I turned to the center of the hall.

"You." He looked around and said to the gods and the mortal people who were full of faces. "I have to go on the road. Although I may not be able to support it for a long time, I wish you can wait until your Majesty returns, and wait until the self-proclaimed villain is defeated. That day."

"At the time, remember to tell me."

After that, he pulled out his own sword and inserted it deeply into the center of the magical array on the ground. The owner of the orderly pale face said: "Yes, let's get started."

The Lord of the Order nodded, and the body suddenly collapsed, turning into a flame and falling on the hilt.

Leon smiled and took a step forward, his body suddenly narrowed and he entered the flame.

The raging flame immediately wrapped around him, and the violent pain made him snorted, biting his teeth, and blood flowed out of his mouth.

But his face is still laughing, and even waved his hand, greeting the goodbye to everyone through the flame.

The flame became more and more fierce and burned, but the smile on his face remained the same.

It was not until his figure gradually blurred that he could not support it, only to show regret and apologetic expression, sighing in the air.

"Your Majesty, sorry, I have not been able to complete your order. I have not kept the Void City, and I have not been able to wait for you to come back..."

At this moment, he suddenly felt a move, vaguely seeing a young man who clearly did not know, but felt abnormally familiar, was ignorant, watching himself crying, crying, and apologizing.

"You finished my order very well... Sorry! It was too late for me to come back!"

Then, Leon's figure slowly dispersed, and it was turned into an ashes. Jorga Deman, the **** of justice, entered the flames.

"Ah! It hurts!" He yelled and grinned. "Igor's guy has been laughing. I thought it wasn't hurting at all! Damn, he was cheated!"

He complained so much, but he didn't mean to escape at all, but he sat down in the flame.

"Oh, I am so strong, how long does it take to burn it? I am distressed... It’s really distressing... I really want to burn it out early, or should I hope to burn it for a while?"

He said, suddenly his eyes lit up and smiled and looked at him: "Brother, is that you? You are back, still..."

His smile converges, silence for a long time, and sighs deeply.

"The original...just an illusion. I don't think I will have hallucinations. It really is not enough practice. When I die, it is not strong enough!"

Xiongxiong silently bowed his head and could not bear to look at his eyes.

The third to join the flame is the sea goddess Ariel, who is still youthful and full of vitality, but when the **** of justice is finally burning, He grabs the flames before jumping into the flames.

"My mentor, my father, I can finally do something for you!" The mermaid who was burned by the flames closed his eyes, and a drop of tears had not yet turned into a gemstone, and it had already vanished in the flames.

Since then, Xiong Xiong has witnessed one and another gods who have devoted themselves to the flames. Some of them are impassioned, some are light and windy, some are calm, some are sad and crying, some are full of swearing, and some say no silence to die.

There are also a group of gods, evil spirits and demigods who can't stand this slow and painful death. They have already hoped for the future, and they have rushed out of the temple under the leadership of the two **** gods of the natural gods. Attack, and then in the extremely unfavorable world order, 10% of the power can only play one or two percent. In the face of overwhelming enemy forces, they quickly fall down and blood stained the battlefield.

Yan Xiong looked at his teeth and didn't know what else he could do for them.

The world has been destroyed by the Glorious Lord, and everything seems to have become a bubble.

He looked at it silently and saw the last god, the **** of aging and thin salt making, Feira Kenkey.

At this time, all the people have been sealed up, and in the Great Temple, only he is still awake.

"Finally, it's my turn." He showed a relieved look and was preparing to go to the flames, but stopped again. In accordance with the practice from the beginning of the heroic god, he walked to the wall and left his content on himself. And a few paragraphs of messages.

Then, he shook his head and sighed and muttered: "I don't know if I can see it." Just walked into the flame.

Yan Xiong closed his eyes and the time in the "picture" stopped. He looked up and let his tears stay along his cheeks, but he couldn't cry.

(All your struggles, all the hard work, all the efforts, all the sacrifices, I have seen them all!)

(You have done enough for me, even too much. Now, it is time for me to do something for you!)

He opened his eyes sharply.

"Although it is not very sure, it is worth a try!"

Stretching out his hands, Xiongxiong grabbed the "picture scroll" in front of his eyes.

"In order to have more sacrifices, dare to change the sun and the moon for a new day. Swear to your sacrifice, I will certainly save everything, and never let the world destroy it!"