Cub Raising Association

Chapter 31: Thirty-first as a childcare worker

Xie Luan decided to hang three medals on the side of the hall, just on the wall behind the bamboo and wooden bird stand.

Although Xia Qi and others who stayed in Gaia Star have learned about the news on the planet, they know that the three cubs of their branch broke into the top ten in the flight competition, but now they have seen the three Only the few medals on the fat man, everyone was happy for a while.

The small medal in the shape of a sunflower was cute when it looked at it, especially when it was hung on three fat fluffy puppets.

Obviously it is only a test to test the basic flying ability of the pups, and it is also a friendly match. You can wait for Xie Luan to take the cubs back to the living room. The other adults in the room are just a meal for these three little fat puppets. Exaggerated but extraordinarily sincere praise.

Looking at the expressions on the faces of several people who were especially proud of the three cubs, Xie Luan coughed down to conceal the smile on his face.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

The three fat puppets praised by the crowd had already stood up, Wuluo's eyes were very bright, and they even screamed several times.

Xie Luan just took a few small medals from these three cubs, and he clearly felt that these three little fat puppets were not willing to look.

"Well ..." A low whispered sound, the three cubs arched together in Xie Luan's arms, apparently used to expressing their claims to each other.

Looking at the three pairs of black black eyes, and the cub used such a body arch, Xie Luan certainly wanted to follow these three crickets.

"Then wear it for a while?" Xie Luan said with a smile, and added a sentence, "When the meeting just hangs these three medals, it hangs behind your hut."

Of course, these three cubs want to keep wearing the medals, but they ca n’t wear them all the time. They have to be taken off when they go to the bath.

"Oh!" The medal was worn back on the body again, and the three little fat puppets rejoiced, flapping their wings and flying to their exclusive bamboo and wooden bird stands.

On the other side, listening to the voice, it was known that the parents were back, and the puppies playing or resting in the lobby of the house all moved their ears, and it didn't take long to surround Xie Luan together.

A group of fluffy plus a Muka cub, Xie Luan had just walked past, and had several front paws on his shoes and trouser legs.

"I think if I walked for three days, there would be no such warm welcome." Zheng Zhou looked at the human youth who had simply sat on the soft carpet in the living room and had several cubs crawling on his body. Sighed.

It is undoubtedly a vital ability for a childcare worker to get the cubs to take the initiative to get close. In the Star Alliance Cub Care Association ’s star rating for the childcare worker, this is a total of 15 % Of the score.

After working together during this time, Zheng Zhou also learned that the young human beings in front of him seemed to have a good mental strength.

Although the other party sometimes accidentally drops the chain on some common sense content, on the whole, the comprehensive ability is obviously much better than that of the c-level appraiser.

So when it came to knowing that there was no star rating for young people, Zheng Zhou felt incredible.

He thinks that if you use the other person's comprehensive ability to participate in star-level assessments and prepare well, there should be no problem in getting a B-level assessment?

Too many fluffy put the front claws over, Xie Luan looked at her and put three on his leg.

Two of them were Sam cubs, who looked like little lions. They pressed their bodies to the top when they reached his legs, biting his pants with the milk teeth that were not fully grown, and raised them. Head came to look at him.

A Takila cub was left on his left leg. Xie Luan tried to move his leg, and finally gave up straightening his legs.

Xie Luan's arms were already nesting round cubs with two small horns on his head. This Knox cub occupied his arms. The other cubs seemed to give up drilling into his arms, and most of them crawled to him. On the legs, lying on top refused to move.

With so many plush chins on his body, Xie Luan only felt like he was covering a plush blanket with his own warmth, which made him warm.

On the side of Orte Star, not long after the pups left the house, Downer called the housekeeper to the study.

"Sir, you donate to this cub nursing club, but you don't have to use anonymous means." The steward bitterly wanted to persuade him, "You can be bright and honest ..."

Before he finished speaking, the housekeeper silenced under the gesture of the man's eyes, and restored the attitude of official affairs.

So Yunbao Branch received an anonymous donation a few days later. When Feng Wenxian, who was managing the branch's finances, said the specific amount, everyone else in the room listened.

Two million credit points? ?

The first reaction of the crowd was whether they heard it wrong. Which rich man so kindly donated two million yuan to their club at once, or was anonymous-this is particularly incomprehensible.

After confirming the credit of the two million credits, Xie Luan couldn't help but look at the Kutti cubs who were playing with the other two fat puppets.

If people who can do this kind of thing use the exclusion method to find it within the known range, it seems that the most likely thing is the parents of this Kutti cub ...

But the other party chose to remain anonymous. Although Xie Luan basically confirmed the answer at this time, he still didn't tell his guess.

A small amount of anonymous donations was harvested, and the first fame was also harvested in the recent days. Two days before the end of this month, the Yunbao branch finally ushered in the first batch of new occupants, except the Kutti cubs Cubs.

There are a total of six newly-inhabited pups, five of which are Kutti, Kuwei or Kuto.

In view of the fact that this first event that brought Yunbao Branch to fame was mainly related to these three races, Xie Luan was not surprised by this development.

"Choo Choo Choo--"

Being carried to the soft carpet in the lobby, the five young fat puppets newly admitted to the Yunbao branch squatted on the soft carpet like chicks and looked at the environment in the room with curiosity.

There were five small fat puppets in the chapter all at once. Xie Luan approached the bamboo and wooden bird stands not far away, and glanced at the other three puppets that were being nested in the top wooden cabin.

These three cubs really like this bamboo and wooden bird stand, but if you add five new companions now, this bird stand is definitely not enough.

"Aluan, I think we might as well buy an indoor tree directly. The space in the upper right corner of the hall is used to place this tree." Xia Qi thought out her thoughts. "You can buy a Banuno tree, this Planting trees basically does not require human care and looks good. It is a type suitable for indoor planting. "

If you buy it, you can buy it. The bamboo and wooden bird stands are still there. There is a big tree with maple leaves growing in the hall soon.

Xie Luan artificially made several nests on the branches. Now that there are many locations, there is no need to worry about the problem of uneven distribution.


Obviously, the cubs of the three races in the chapter are very interested in the small nests on the tree. After Xie Luan got it done, they all spontaneously fluttered their wings and flew up, then each chose a favorite nest and squatted.

Their branch now has a tree chubby ...

Everyone couldn't help coming up with this idea as they were squatting in their respective nests, each with puppies that were plump.

The last pup was more special, the Maya pup.

Xie Luan has heard that the Mayer tribe is known as the most fleshy race in the interstellar and has the most powerful defense ability among all interstellar races.

I haven't seen the original form of this race. Today, when I saw the cubs of the Maya tribe, Xie Luan couldn't help but pause for a second.

It's like ... a little turtle.

"The cub has just turned one year old this month, and my child is still a little unskilled in physical balance, so I may have to trouble you to take care of it more." The speaker is an adult Maya male, this race regardless of gender Generally has a much heavier figure than other races, with a height of at least 2.3 meters in humanoid form.

Body balance?

As soon as he was a little confused about this statement, Xie Luan saw that the Maya cub who had crawled slowly two steps forward on the ground suddenly turned over and turned his feet to the sky.

In this way, the four short legs of this Mayer cub kicked into the sky for a while, and when he couldn't turn over, the cub started to hum to his parents.

"That's it ..." The parents beside him explained to Xie Luan helplessly, and he didn't know why. The cubs of his family could easily flip when they walked, and the cubs could not turn over themselves.

In response, Xie Luan first approached the Moya cub, squatted down, and stretched his hands toward the cub.

Touching the edges of the hard shells on both sides, Xie Luan moved his hands to touch the armor on the pup's abdomen, Wen Wen calmed: "Good."

I felt a sense of security from the youth. The Maya cub, who was still humming and kicking four short legs to the sky, stopped the kicking gradually, and his eyes moved to the youth's face.

Xie Luan turned the Moya cub back again. After completing this action, he patted the cub again to pacify it.

Looking at the series of behaviors of the youth in front of him, the parents of this Mayer cub were basically assured, and they officially decided to let the family cubs stay in this cub care club.

When the parents finished the check-in and left, Xie Luan picked up the Moya cub from the ground and planned to take the cub to the living room.

Xie Luan remembers that the Mayer is also a race that loves water ...

In this way, the mermaid cubs in their club can finally have a buddy who often plays together.