Cub Raising Association

Chapter 62: Sixty-second as a childcare worker

When the adults in the room "talked" to the youth, several of them were relatively small, and Muka cubs who were close to the youth also made a low hissing noise.

The scarlet eyes of these Muka cubs stared at Xie Luan. In fact, it was easy to see that these three cubs liked Xie Luan.

Thank you, I like you.

Seeing these two short phrases from the virtual panel, Xie Luan was able to receive the pure kindness and goodwill shown to him by the Mukas.

Because he helped them, these Mukkas told him so.

It's a bit hungry, but under the gaze of a few Muka cubs, Xie Luan couldn't make these cubs watch him eat next to him. Xie Luan's habitual response as a nurse Feed the pups.

He drew a small knife out of the space button, and Xie Luan picked up a Doro fruit on the left wooden plate, skillfully peeled and cut it, and fed it to the mouths of several cubs around him.

After cutting all the large pieces of roast meat on another wooden plate, and feeding the four cubs, Xie Luan began to solve his food and clothing problem.

While Xie Luan was eating food, the Mukas in the house were watching him.

Xie Luan was inevitably uneasy at first, but he felt very candid eyes from the gaze of these gazes.

These Mukas seem to want him to eat more, which means he likes these foods, so the Mukas in the house will also be happy.

While eating, Xie Luan was also feeding food to the Knox in his arms. On this planet, this Knox can actually hide his identity.

The Senna is the territory of the Muka tribe. Although there are other races, but the number is relatively small, Xie Luan believes that the Muka tribe will not exclude the Knox who came to this planet with him.

After thinking about it, Xie Luan untied the knot of the cloak on the neck of Knox in his arms and closed the little black cloak.

Without the cloak, the fluffy and round shape of the Knox was quickly exposed to Xie Luan's sight. The two small horns on his head were very small and cute. When Xie Luan touched it with his fingers, , Both ears followed.

The Mukkas in the house did not show any special reaction to the Knox. As Xie Luan expected, these Mukkas did not have any bad feelings about the Knox race. They treated the latter and treated others Race is no different.

There are a lot of food on the two big wooden plates. Xie Luan is full after eating only a part. I feel that the cubs around him seem to want him to feed. Xie Luan gives the rest of the food fairly. Several pups.

During the feeding process, Xie Luan found that the Muka cubs were not actually hungry, but seemed to be trying to coax him to eat.

By nature, the Muka are a natural fighting race. Although the parents of the Muka are not indifferent to the pups, these adult Mukas clearly do not have the concept of coaxing the cubs.

The adult Mukas will teach the cubs to fight and provide them with all the resources they can, but to coax the cubs, this is not what these adult Mukas are good at.

"Okay, no more." Patiently coaxed the Muka cubs to finish the food, Xie Luan finally fed one of these four cubs with a toffee, and said the words softly.

The young man said no, the four Muka cubs who were close to each other responded obediently with a hissing response, and then lined up to Xie Luan's arms and arched.

Even the two Muka cubs with a smaller body inside need to lower their heads and control their strength when arching to Xie Luan's arms. No matter how small these two cubs are, they are taller than Xie Luan's a human. of.

This is four big babies.

The oldest baby is also a baby. Xie Luan gently arched him with these Muka cubs, and raised his hands to touch the heads of the cubs while being arched.

At night Xie Luan slept in a room he had arranged as a temporary insulation room. The bed was large. The eight cub eggs on the bed were placed on the inner side of the wall by Xie Luan while he was lying outside.

The Muka cub that followed Xie Luan was now nesting and leaning on the other bed, and Knox got up and nestled on his pillow as usual, Xie Luan was very accustomed to this.

Two beds next to each other are no different from sleeping in the same bed.

Feeling the sight of the Muka cub next to her nest, Xie Luan reached out and patted the cub's sharpened forearm. He was very skilled at humming a lullaby to coax the Muka cub to sleep.

Actually, it wasn't just coaxing the cub to sleep, Xie Luan's lullaby was also humming to the cub in the room.

According to Zarad, this is equivalent to completing a mild mental counseling for the pups, which is always good for the pups.

Coaxed to sleep by the youth, the Muka cub lying in bed, while listening to the lullaby, made a very low hissing sound from his throat. Seemingly fierce scarlet vertical pupils slowly closed, like a good baby, this Muka cub entered the dreamland quietly.

Confirming that the cub was asleep, Xie Luan turned off the room light.

The temperature in the temporary insulation room was just right, Xie Luan didn't feel uncomfortable staying inside, and she quickly breathed slowly while lying on her side.

In a quiet and dark environment, the time soon reached the middle of the night, and at this time Xie Luanzhen was deeply asleep, one of the cub eggs lying on the side of the bed suddenly moved slightly.

Moved, moved again.

Although faint, this slight movement happened several times, and finally Xie Luan rolled into his arms without Xie Luan's consciousness.

When Xie Luan discovered this, it was already the next morning, and he woke up with sleepy eyes and felt dumbly that there was something in his arms before he was fully awake.

After looking back, he lowered his head and looked, and Xie Luan found that the cub egg that should have been lying against the wall somehow ran into his arms.

Fortunately, it was not pressed ...

Slightly relieved, Xie Luan is now fully awake.

Still uneasy about the cub's egg, Xie Luan quickly sat up to pick up the hen's egg, and conducted a round of investigation on the cub's egg with mental strength.

The results of the investigation surprised Xie Luan. The baby's egg's life response was obviously much stronger than yesterday. When he called, the response seemed a bit more energetic.

"The baby is trying to be born." Touching the gray eggshell of this cub's egg, Xie Luan softly encouraged the cub who was not born yet.

The voice may not be able to convey, and the cub may not understand it, but Xie Luan thinks he should at least convey this expectation.

Without knowing whether it was Xie Luan's illusion, after saying this, Xie Luan felt that the cub egg he was holding seemed to move.

This morning, I went to investigate one by one and did another mental counseling to the cub eggs in the room. Xie Luan found that among the eight cub eggs, the strongest and most energetic response is to wake up and find them in his arms. The one.

The life response of each cub egg was better than yesterday, but the degree of improvement was different.

There was a cub egg that Xie Luan was more worried about. This cub egg should be the most seriously injured in this accident. At present, the life response is also the weakest of the eight cub eggs. It is not considered to be out of danger. He can take more care every day.

After completing the mental counseling today, Xie Luan took a Knox and a Muka cub to tour the village and town, and Duke took the initiative to guide them.

"Are these buildings built by the Muka people themselves?" Xie Luan looked at the buildings in this township, and found that some of the buildings were actually quite exquisite, and they looked beautiful at first glance.

"Not exactly." Duke replied, "Some are built by the Muka people themselves, and some are hired to build other races. The same is true of the buildings in the city. Some buildings are inconvenient for the Muka people. Build it yourself, and at this time you'll spend money hiring people of other races to do it. "

This answer made Xie Luan a little unexpected, and nodded after reacting for a second.

"Many people say that the Muka ethnicity is a relatively unintelligent race. I don't agree with them. I think these people's ideas are too old. Perhaps the Muka ethnic group was a long time ago, but the Muka ethnic group now has normal The wise race is just not able to advance into humanoid form. "As a guide, Duke couldn't help saying these words to the young people in the process of leading the way. He felt that the other party had no prejudice against the Muka ethnic group like him. Able to understand him.

Each race will evolve, and it will take a long time to develop to reach today's achievements. Races without intelligence can gain wisdom, and races without combat power can become strong.

Who can say that one day in the future, the Muka ethnic group will not be able to advance into humanoid form like other races?

Xie Luan agreed with the other party's statement. He nodded again and then looked around at this small village and town belonging to the Muka ethnic group.

In fact, this village ... this planet is still beautiful.

The main reason is the lack of vegetation and the relatively low degree of greening. The wind and sand cover up the beautiful scene that the planet should have presented.

If this problem can be solved, the Mukas will have a green home in the future.