Cult of the Sacred Runes

Chapter 349: Liu Wufeng


Nothing in the night. ,

On the following day, the genius of the hundred sacred dynasties and the powerful devotees of the gods, all of them came to the "old battlefield" of the Shuya Temple early!

From the appearance point of view, the ancient battlefield is elliptical, covering an area of ​​ten miles, surrounded by a circle of increasing height of the seat, the gods of the strong position sit on it.

Ye Wei, Yue Ling, and the geniuses from the hundred gods quietly stood in the ancient battlefield, waiting for the test.

The number of foreign disciples involved in one of the top ten patriarchal gates, whether they are geniuses from hundreds of gods, or those who are high above the gods, are somewhat nervous.

Once you become a disciple of the storm, it is equal to the dragon slamming the dragon door. From then on, the sky is wide, and even if it is an ordinary foreigner disciple of the wind and rain, the emperors of all dynasties must be treated with respect and respect.

It has become a foreigner disciple of the wind and rain. Not only is the status of the person so high that it is difficult for ordinary people to reach, but it is also easier to break through to the emperor in the cultivation!

The resources mastered by the storms are not something that others can imagine. Some outstanding disciples even have the opportunity to get the guidance of the emperor.

"The test is divided into three!" In the midair, the solitary singularity is proud of itself, and the sharp eyes swept over hundreds of people on the ancient battlefield, and the voice was rumbling.

"The first item, strength test!" Du Gu Yuanhong waved with his hand, and the Qiankun bag flashed brightly. A jade column that swept the gods in the whole body stood in the middle of the ancient battlefield.

The jade pillar is extremely tall, and the various gods on the surface are shining with a faint glow, with ten circles of conspicuous purple lines on it.

"Do your best to attack Yuzhu. Each person has three chances to take the best of the three results as the final result. You can't use the weapon of the life, the gods, and the short-term strength of the drug. Otherwise, you will be disqualified!" Du Gu Yuanhong looked at the people with nervous expression and shouted.

"The first one, the grass is secluded, Dong Shanshan!" With the voice of Du Gu Yuanhong falling, the selection of the foreigners of the storms and customs was officially opened.

Among the hundred geniuses, a girl walked out of the queue. Step by step to the jade column, she wore a white shirt, dressed slightly neutral. The whole person seems to be in a good position, and it is Dong Shanshan who is a grassy god.

"It’s finally over!” Ye Wei looked at Dong Shanshan in the distance, and the palm in his sleeves tightened slightly.

Although his own cultivation is only the peak of the seven stars, but it is a combination of three thousand special gods. The quality of the vitality is comparable to that of the ordinary ten-star.

The single theory is repaired. Among the geniuses of the hundred dynasties, in addition to the repair of Yue Ling, who has just entered the home of Samsung, can no longer find a weaker than Ye Wei, but the cultivation of strength does not represent the true strength, Ye Wei The strength is naturally far more than that.

Therefore, among the people in the audience, in addition to the Mo Wenjian who once worked with Ye Wei in the restaurant, the eyes of other geniuses looking at Ye Wei and Yue Ling are very weird.

"A volatility is a return to Samsung's realm. A volatility is a common ten-star return. It's really interesting!" Although everyone did not speak, the eyes of Ye Wei and Yue Ling were filled with undisguised disdain.

Feel the disdainful eyes of everyone. Ye Wei did not take it for granted. Although his cultivation was only a restoration of the Yuan Dynasty, if he used the mysteriousness of the wind, it was enough to compete with the nine-star gods, and the speed was even more invincible. The Dantian space opened four After the sea of ​​elements, almost no one can threaten Ye Wei.

When there is no sea in the Dantian space that has opened up four elements, Ye Wei can only use the mysterious mastery to guide the power of the sea of ​​the universe. Once the strong seals the space, Ye Wei can no longer ignite the power of the sea of ​​the universe. It is.

But now, Ye Wei does not need to ignite the power of the sea of ​​the universe. The small lake in Dantian space is the source of strength of Ye Wei.

Therefore, even if the strong seals the space, it can't help Ye Wei!

The people looked down on Ye Wei and Yue Ling, and Ye Wei and Yue Ling did not seem to put everyone in the eye. The only one who was qualified to let Ye Weiduo look at it was the seal of the Red Blood Dynasty and the Liu Wufeng of the Beishan Dynasty.

At this point, Dong Shanshan’s test has begun.

The test site was an open space with a huge jade pillar standing in the middle.

"Down feathers are broken!" The well-dressed Dong Shanshan stood in front of the jade pillar. A pair of white jade hands flashed in succession, and the power of the mind and the surging of the gods appeared at the same time, condensing into a door, and passing three breaths. At the time, a door-to-door magical connection was formed into a god-printed array, and then a crystal-clear handprint slammed into the jade column.

The power of the gods and the spirits of the strong are integrated into one, and the cost of life is condensed. In the blink of an eye, hundreds of gods can be arranged to form an array of gods, but those who are strong in the Yuan dynasty can't.

The speed of returning to the magical powers is much worse than that of the gods. In the actual combat, the opponent can't give you the opportunity to arrange the gods.

However, it is only a test. Dong Shanshan has enough time to lay down the mask.


Along with a deafening roar, the white jade handprint slammed into the test jade column. There were countless **** lines in the jade column, and there was a faint glow. In the twinkling of an eye, the power of Dong Shanshan was absorbed.


After a while, the jade column trembled slightly, with ten purple lines on it, and the bottom two lines of purple lines suddenly burst into the glaring Huaguang.

"Strength, duality, qualified!" Du Gu Yuanhong glanced at the jade column and said with no expression, the power of the duality, representing the power of Dong Shanshan's palm reached the level of the two-star god.

Want to be a foreigner disciple of the storm, the minimum threshold is the strength of a star god!

In the eyes of ordinary warriors, the strong return to the Yuan dynasty can not compete with the strong elements of the gods, but the return to the Yuan dynasty is a minimum of the requirements of the storm.

Generally speaking, all the geniuses who come to participate in the selection of the disciples of the storms and foreigners are not weaker than the gods. The first test will hardly be eliminated.

"Next, Zhuge Hongwei!" The eyes of Du Gu Yuanhong swept through the crowd and shouted coldly.

"Strength, binary. Qualified!"


Soon, dozens of people ended the test, and dozens of people were qualified. However, these dozens of people did not show outstanding genius, the best test score is only three yuan.

"Everyone has reached the top of the gods. Even if these people don't enter the storm, they are all worthy of being wooed!" Sitting on the top of the gods, they looked at the qualified teenagers. Exclaimed.

It is too rare to have a genius with the strength of the gods at the level of the Yuan Dynasty. The number is much less than that of God, but in this test, the genius is rare in the weekdays. But gathered a hundred!

"However, the real strong man has not yet shot, I don't know the revision of the Red Blood Dynasty, the Liu Wufeng of the Beishan Dynasty, the Mo Wenjian of the Tianjian Shen Dynasty, the Qing Qing of the Qinglian Dynasty, and the God of the Ice. The strength of Nanyi Xuan and others in the dynasty is strong.” The gods and the strongmen looked at the people on the ancient battlefield below, and there were many discussions.

Like the strength of sealing up five of them. The gods are strong and strong!

"Next. Liu Wufeng!" With the faint sound of Du Gu Yuanhong, the originally slightly noisy ancient battlefield was quietly quiet, and everyone's eyes were all looking at Liu Wufeng.

When the average person hears the name "Liu Wufeng", there will be a look of a good son in his mind, but Liu Wufeng's true appearance is not consistent with his name.

Liu Wufeng's body is slightly fat, and a white fat round face looks rather rough, wearing a large robes and a tattered knife under the robes!

"Come to me?" Liu Wufeng heard his name. Out of the crowd, squirming the slightly fat body. Step by step to the jade pillar standing in the center of the ancient battlefield, the whole person seems to have some waves.

"That, my knife is not a weapon of this life, there is no increase in the effect, can I use a knife?" Liu Wufeng licked his nose and looked at the singularity of the solitude, and took out the broken knife and asked.

"It's not a weapon of the life, there is no increase in the effect, why do you have to use a knife?" In the mid-air, the solitary Yuanhong slightly frowned, in principle, as long as it is not a weapon of the life, there is no increase in the role, you can use it.

"Get used to it, don't hold the knife, don't know how to shoot it!" Liu Wufeng stroked the broken knife covered with rust in his hand, and his face was smiling with a chubby face.

"Yes!" Du Gu Yuanhong silent for a moment, slowly nodded, Liu Wufeng did not violate the rules.

"If you don't hold the knife, you don't know how to shoot it? Interesting people!" Ye Wei looked at Liu Wufeng in front of Yuzhu, his mouth was upturned, and his face showed a faint smile.

The genius of the hundred gods in the field can make Ye Wei look at it in a small amount, Liu Wufeng counts one!

The real strong, when not working, the power is completely converged, the moment of the hands-on, will burst out of amazing power, Liu Wufeng looks ordinary, but no one dares to look down on Samsung’s He is a strong person.

The strength of Liu Wufeng is deeply hidden.

"Liu Wufeng!" The white boy Mo asked the sword to look at the fat face of Liu Wufeng's human and animal. The pupils shrank and his face showed a very dignified look.

He and Liu Wufeng had a hand in hand, and it was clear that Liu Wufeng had such a terrible power under the harmless appearance!

Before Ye Wei defeated Hu Yanqiu, among the hundred generations of the young people, the revision of the Red Blood Dynasty was recognized as the first strong, Liu Wufeng second, Gong Qingxue third, Nanyi Xuan fourth Mo asked the sword fifth.

However, apart from Mo Wenjian and Liu Wufeng, there is not much contact between the five people, so the significance of this ranking is not great.

But it is undeniable that all five of them have the strength of being far superior to their peers, and each one is extremely strong!

Under the eyes of everyone, when everyone thought that Liu Wufeng was ready to shoot, Liu Wufeng, standing in front of the jade pillar, suddenly reached out and tightened his waistband.

"Sorry, the belt is loose!" Liu nodded his head and smiled.

When I heard Liu Wufeng, everyone looked at each other and wanted to laugh and didn't dare to laugh.

Looking at Liu Wufeng's appearance, Ye Wei can't help but be speechless. This guy is too unreasonable.

At this time, Liu Wufeng suddenly shot.

"it has started!"

Just when everyone was speechless, Liu Wufeng suddenly moved. Among the people in the audience, except for a few, no one could see the movement of Liu Liu without the wind, only seeing a glimmer of light, Liu Wufeng The rusted knife in the handle has been inserted back into the waist.

"Fast speed!" Ye Weiluo was slightly surprised. Liu Wufeng shot too fast, and the knife was almost comparable to his own speed.

It should be noted that Ye Wei has realized the fast-wind mysterious, and the speed is even faster than that of the half-step emperor. It is extremely shocking. I did not expect that the speed of this windless wind can almost reach this level.


When Liu Wufeng turned and returned to the crowd, the jade column was violently shaken, and then six of the purple circle lines burst into dazzling light.

"Strength, six yuan!" There is no change in the tone of the solitary Yuanhong, but it has seen Liu Wufeng's eyes. Du Gu Yuanhong is the elite inner-door disciple of the storm, although it is only the peak of the ten-star god, but The real strength is not much weaker than the emperor's strong position. His eyes are so sinister, and he can see through the mystery of Liu Wufeng at a glance.

Liu Wufeng’s strength is at most four-star gods, but the speed of the knife is too fast. The speed is also a kind of power. It is because of this amazing speed that Liu Wufeng’s knife broke out. More power than the six-star god.

"The strength is good, but compared with the revision of my red blood gods, it is still a little worse." Du Gu Yuanhong glanced at the seal in the crowd, his face showed a very satisfied smile, whispered softly.

Even if you don't engage in malpractices, and you have the strength to seal up, you won't have any problems with the foreigners' disciplines!

"The ultimate strength of Liu Wufeng has reached the level of the six-star gods!" The onlookers of the gods of the realm of the gods have revealed the color of their movements.

"Generally, it integrates eight hundred and one hundred gods, and it is the strongest who has achieved the perfection of the Yuanyuan. The strength is also the level of the five-star god. The repair of Liu Wufeng is not a small perfection, and there is no heavenly blessing. How could he have such amazing strength?"

The Shengyuan continent is too big, and there are countless secrets, dangerous places, and forbidden places. Anything can happen. For true genius, repairing is far from being able to represent strength!

"Next, Ye Wei!" Duo Yuanyuan has no expression.

~~(To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!
