Cultivation Begins From The Desert

v3 Chapter 60: Reform family

"First of all, the family's welfare offerings will change. We plan to issue family contribution points within the family. Each low-grade spirit stone can be exchanged for 1 contribution point from the family. In the future, family welfare offerings will be unified with contribution points instead of spirit stones. Distribution and receiving welfare offerings will increase the age limit, and only family monks over the age of 20 can receive corresponding contribution points every year according to their cultivation base.”

"The role of contribution points is mainly in the following aspects for the time being, one is to exchange treasures and materials in the family treasury, the other is to offset family tasks, and the third is to request our three foundation-building cultivators to refine tools, alchemy, and even fighting techniques. ."

"Contribution points can be obtained from the following sources: one is family offerings, the second is obtained by donating treasures, the third is obtained by completing family tasks, the fourth is obtained from mutual transfers between family members, and the fifth is obtained by spirituality. Shi Xiang family in exchange."

"The second thing is about setting up a family fertility subsidy fund. In view of the serious shortage of monks in the family, after discussing with my father and great-grandfather, I decided to lend the family five thousand spiritual stones to set up a fertility subsidy fund."

"Any cultivator of my Zhou family, as long as he gives birth to a descendant of a low-grade spiritual root, from the date of birth of the child, he can get 15 more spirit stones every year as a reward for 20 years. Get 30 more spirit stones as a reward, give birth to a high-grade spirit root offspring, you can get 50 more spirit stones every year, the more you live, the more you will get, and the top will not be capped!"

"The third thing is about setting up special contribution rewards. From now on, all my Zhou family cultivators, regardless of whether they have the Zhou family bloodline or not, as long as they can find the unmaintained spiritual veins, mineral veins, spirit fruit trees above the third rank and spirits. Wood, rare elixir above third-order, monster cubs with domestication value, pill recipes above third-order, and inheritance of senior monks above third-order are handed over to the family. In addition to the corresponding family contribution points, you can also get corresponding special contribution points.”

"Special contribution points are awarded by the patriarch and the elders based on the actual value of the treasures handed in by the tribe. This special contribution point can only be transferred between immediate family members. For monks who have accumulated more than 10,000 special contribution points, regardless of their spiritual roots No matter how aptitude is, you can spend 10,000 special contribution points to exchange a foundation pill to the family, this exchange right has the highest priority, and no one may interfere or obstruct for any reason."



Although when Zhou Yang said he wanted to reform the family rules and regulations, the Zhou family cultivators at the meeting had some psychological preparations, but when he said the reforms he wanted to make, everyone was still shocked.

"Patriarch, the third reform you mentioned is true? A monk with a low-grade spiritual root can really exchange a foundation pill from his family?"

The first person who stood up and asked excitedly was none other than Zhou Xuanlin, the third elder of the Zhou family who had cultivated to the ninth level of Qi training with the following Qualifications.

As a low-grade spiritual root qualification, even in the big sects and big families like Huangshamen and the Chen family, it is basically unrelated to the Foundation Establishment Pill.

It is impossible for sects and families to hand over precious foundation building pills to low-quality spiritual root cultivators for consumption, unless that person can make a great contribution to the sect, or is the ancestor of Jindan and a certain purple in the sect. The direct descendants of the monks of the Fu period, the ancestors of Jindan and the monks of the Zifu bought him the foundation pills from their own pockets.

Therefore, before Zhou Yang proposed that the "special contribution points" could be exchanged for foundation building pills, the Zhou family, including almost all the low-grade spiritual root cultivators of the immortal cultivating family, never dared to hope that one day they would be able to take foundation building pills.

From the day they understood the difficulty of building a foundation for a low-ranking cultivator, they basically only had two choices.

Either cultivate to the ninth level of Qi training before the age of 60 or 80, and use your life to bet on the 1% success rate, or you will work hard to produce offspring and produce a cultivator's offspring with the qualifications of mid-level spiritual root or above. Then exhausted the savings of generations and asked the family to buy the foundation Dan on their behalf.

A typical example here is Zhou Yang and his son. Before Zhou Xuanhao built the foundation, before Zhou Yang was identified as the family's "foundation seed", Zhou Xuanhao and his wife planned to use their life savings to buy a building for him. Kidan.

In fact, if Zhou Yang had not been identified as the "foundation seed" of the Zhou family, even if the couple had exhausted their lifespan, they would not have earned the 20,000 spirits that the Zhou family had consumed in purchasing the Foundation Establishment Pill. stone.

Now, Zhou Yang has given these low-rank spiritual root cultivators another choice, a choice that seems to be brighter.

As long as 10,000 so-called special contribution points can be exchanged for a Foundation Establishment Pill from the family, and the priority level is the highest!

"Of course it's true, as long as any of you can accumulate enough 10,000 special contribution points, even if you go to grab it, our family foundation-building cultivators will grab a foundation-building pill for you!"

Zhou Yang looked at the excited Zhou Xuanlin and the others with a solemn expression, and made a promise with a serious expression.

"Then I dare to ask the patriarch, can there be a specific conversion standard for special contribution points? For example, if I present a third-order low-rank array map to the family, how many special contribution points will the family give me?"

Zhou Xuantai, whose left arm was empty, also stood up excitedly, and asked the question in his heart with anticipation on his face.

Zhou Yang was obviously prepared for this kind of question, and immediately replied after hearing the words: "The value of the third-order low-grade array diagram is the same as the third-order low-grade pill recipe. According to the rules set by us, offering this kind of treasure can not only reward 1000 families. In addition to the contribution points, you can also get a special contribution point reward of 500 points!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Xuanzhao, the seventeenth cultivator of the Zhou family's "Xuan" generation, immediately stood up and asked, "What if the cub of the second-order low-grade monster [Golden Retriever Rabbit]? What happens to this monster alive? Convert?"

The Seventeenth Uncle is a first-order animal trainer. It is not surprising that Zhou Yang asked this question. After thinking for a while, he replied: "The rabbit hair on the [Golden Retriever Rabbit] can be used to make a second-order rune, which belongs to the Rare monsters, if you can find a pair of [Golden Retriever Rabbit] cubs for your family, I can make the decision to give you 800 special contribution points, if there is only one, then I can only give you 200 special contribution points. Contribute points."

When he answered one by one, the other Zhou cultivators couldn't help but look at each other, no one doubted the authenticity of his previous words.

"Okay, if you have no objection, this family reform will take effect from tomorrow."

Zhou Yang glanced at everyone in the meeting, and made the final confirmation in a low voice.

No one has any objection. The reform he proposed, at least now, seems to be beneficial to everyone. Anyone who objects to this kind of thing that benefits the entire clan will be unable to get along with the monks of the entire clan, and only fools will stand up against it.

"Very well, since no one has any objection, then the matter is settled."

Zhou Yang waited for a while before no one raised any objections, and immediately made a final decision.

The results of this family meeting quickly spread throughout the Zhou family, and then, beyond what Zhou Yang expected, aroused heated discussions among the family cultivators.

The focus of everyone's hot discussion is of course that "special contribution points" can be exchanged for foundation building pills. Some monks with the "xuan" character with savings even asked Zhou Yang, the patriarch, to donate their treasures on the same day. Get some "special contribution points" step by step.

And those monks who didn't have much savings, although they couldn't get "special contribution points", they took a fancy to the fertility subsidy fund created by Zhou Yang.

The monks of the Zhou family originally had to wait until they were 50 or 60 years old before they began to have offspring. The reason for this was not only to keep Yuanyang from attacking the foundation, but also to prevent the occurrence of white-haired people sending black. Incidents happen.

After all, if the offspring born do not have spiritual roots, then if they give birth to offspring too early, it is very likely that the offspring will die before themselves.

But now the Zhou family's cultivator team is facing a big gap, and there are also visible benefits such as the maternity subsidy fund. Many monks of the "xuan" generation who have already reached or even exceeded the age of giving birth to offspring will immediately be unceremonious. Among the secular people of the Zhou family, women of the right age were chosen to take concubines, and some people even took a concubine for more than ten became the bridegroom every night.

Influenced by the actions of these elders, some monks of the "Yuan" generation who felt that they had no hope of establishing a foundation could not bear to express their willingness to take concubines to the patriarch Zhou Yang.

Of course, Zhou Yang really hoped that they would do this. After all, his proposal to set up a fertility subsidy fund was actually to encourage the monks of the family to have more offspring.

As the patriarch, he was still able to rehearse his behavior to persuade these clan brothers and clan brothers. Only after he was sure that these people really made up their minds would he allow them to take concubines and have children.

Of course, some people who are really too young, such as a few clan brothers who are under 30 years old, he will never approve.

Once these people take concubines and give birth to children, there will definitely be white-haired people sending black-haired people in the future. He doesn't want these clan disciples to resent him as the clan leader in the future.

And if the maternity subsidy fund is just a partial trick that Zhou Yang came up with to replenish the new blood for the family monks, then the opening of the "Fengyuelou" on the family's branch in the Baishahe Oasis is what he used for the family monks. The big move released by the replenishment of new blood has been added.

After that family meeting, his father, Zhou Xuanhao, took seven cultivators from the Zhou family and more than 3,000 ordinary mortals from the Zhou family to the Baishahe Oasis to establish a family branch.

Among the more than 3,000 mortals of the Zhou family, nearly 1,000 were young women under the age of twenty-five, and most of the other mortals were young and strong men.

According to Zhou Yang's plan, most of those young women will become the special service staff of the Zhou family's "Fengyuelou", and those young and strong men will also marry those who are not from the Chen family on the oasis after the oasis of Baisha River. The descendants of monks and mortals from a large family.
