Cultivation Begins From The Desert

v3 Chapter 774: True Spirit [Covering Sea Spirit Ape]

Outside Fairy Island.

At the moment when the silver Pengbird flashing with silver-purple electric light appeared, the four-armed monsters waiting outside Xiandao and the [Golden Scaled Demon King] and other monsters were all shocked, and a clear voice suddenly rose in their minds. birdsong.

Ow~ roar! Roar!

One after another, the roars soon resounded through the waters near the immortal island.

However, the various demon kings who were originally humanoids, under the influence of the birdsong, involuntarily restored the body of the demon clan.

At this time, you can see that the body of the four-armed monster is a blue water ape with four arms and blue dragon scales all over his body.

Ordinary water ape is just a low-level monster, but this blue water ape is different. It has a very powerful and domineering name. It is called [sea-covering dragon ape]. The direct descendant of Jiajiaolong.

As a direct descendant of the seventh-order true spirit [Sea Covering Ape], the four-armed monster's status in the demon clan can be imagined.

It's no wonder that even the sixth-order high-grade Jiaolong like [Golden Scaled Demon King] is extremely polite and respectful to him.

After being forced to appear at this time, the blue water ape was not surprised but happy, and laughed loudly with a face full of joy: "Hahaha, it really succeeded, my demon clan has another true spirit from now on! "

The birth of a seventh-order true spirit, even if it is placed in the "True Immortal World", is a matter worthy of the celebration of the entire demon clan.

Not to mention in a lower realm like the "Spiritual World".

And for the demon clan, adding a seventh-order true spirit is not just as simple as adding a top powerhouse.

For the entire demon clan, the most important meaning of a seventh-order true spirit lies not in itself, but in the true spirit race that it can breed.

True spirits may fall, but as long as the true spirits are not exterminated, they can continue to pass on until a new true spirit is born again.

Taking the [Lei Peng] true spirit that Lei Yu Demon King transformed into at this moment as an example, the original [Lei Peng] true spirit has long since fallen.

However, the various bird races with the [Lei Peng] bloodline that have been propagated from it have spread all over the heavens and all walks of life. For countless years, I don’t know how many birds have reunited their bloodlines like the Lei Yu Demon King. True Blood, promoted to become the new [Lei Peng] True Spirit.

There has never been a real [Lei Peng] true spirit in the "Spiritual World" before, only some birds with the blood of the true spirit exist.

Now with Lei Yu Demon King becoming a seventh-order true spirit, as long as he is given a certain amount of time, the Lei Peng family will definitely become one of the most powerful demon races in the "Spirit World".

This is undoubtedly a great news for the demon clan whose living space is increasingly reduced under the exclusion of the human clan.

As a descendant of the true spirit, the blue water ape, starting from the overall situation of the entire demon clan, is of course extremely happy about this.

In the immortal island, Zhou Yang also showed a sincere smile after seeing the silver Peng bird flashing with silver and purple electric lights.

It's not that he didn't know how much benefit Lei Yu Demon King would bring to the demon clan after he was promoted to True Spirit.

But as a friend who had fought side by side several times, he still hoped that Demon King Lei Yu would succeed.

What's more, from his own perspective, the benefits brought to him by the Lei Yu Demon King after being promoted to the seventh-order true spirit are also real.

Not to mention the previous friendship between the two, but this time Demon King Lei Yu was able to successfully survive the calamity, and the [Huichun Xianlu] given by Xiao Ying helped a lot.

With such a great favor, Demon King Lei Yu would never neglect him.

"Dapeng rises with the same wind in one day, and soars up to 90,000 miles. Daoist friend Lei Yu has now become a true spiritual body. In the future, although the world is huge, but let Daoist friends roam, it is really gratifying!"

At this moment, Zhou Yang looked at the majestic silver peng bird, and sent his sincere wishes with a smile on his face.

Hearing what he said, Silver Pengniao immediately replied: "This time, I was able to survive this disaster, thanks to the help of Daoyou Zhou and Mrs. Zun, for this kindness, Lei Mou is very grateful, and I will have it in the future. Good news."

After speaking, without waiting for Zhou Yang's courtesy, he said in a deep voice: "Lei Mou's body has just completed, and it will take some time for it to become stable. Therefore, I would like to ask fellow Daoist Zhou to allow Lei Mou to retreat on this immortal island for a hundred years."

When Zhou Yang heard the words, he smiled and said, "It's easy to say, not to mention a hundred years, it's a thousand years or ten thousand years. As long as fellow Daoist Lei Yu says a word, the gate of this immortal island will be opened for fellow Daoists at any time!"

"Then Lei Mou will thank fellow Daoist here first!"

The silver peng bird nodded, and immediately moved, disappeared in front of Zhou Yang, and went to his residence to retreat.

With such an urgent look, Zhou Yang didn't have time to say what he wanted to say next.

When Daoist Lan saw this, he didn't know if he was touched, and he suddenly sighed with emotion: "This lower realm is still too thin for aura, if it is in the upper realm, there is a supply of immortal spirit veins, whether it is a monster clan. It is extremely convenient and fast for the true spirit to stabilize the true spiritual body, or the human race true immortal to condense the true immortal body, and it will not face such an embarrassing situation like this Lei Yu true spirit!"

The Immortal Spirit Vessel refers to the seventh-order Spirit Vessel, the Spirit Vessel that only exists in the "True Immortal World".

It is said that the immortal spirit veins are not only rich in spiritual energy, far exceeding the sixth-order spirit veins, but also have special benefits for the true immortal powerhouses in the tribulation period.


Zhou Yang sighed and shook his head. He didn't talk about it again, but flew to the place where Lei Yu Demon King crossed the tribulation, and collected the power of tribulation thunder left on the earth.

The last time the Great Demon Wood Qingyun failed to cross the robbery, he left behind a large amount of the power of robbery. Afterwards, Zhou Yang collected the power of robbery and refined the [Tian Leizhu], but it helped him a lot.

This time, the Thunder Feather Demon King succeeded in transcending the robbery. Although the power of the tribulation thunder left behind was not as good as the last time, it was still enough to condense a few more [Sky Thunder Orbs]. Naturally, he would not waste such a treasure.

When he had collected the remaining power of tribulation thunder and was about to go back to refining immediately, his son Zhou Guangcheng suddenly made a sound.

"Father, the child is going to retreat here to condense Nascent Soul, and I also ask for your permission, father."

Zhou Yang's complexion suddenly froze.

He looked at his son with a serious face, and said with a slight tone: "Condensed Nascent Soul? Is it here?"

"Yes, right here, the child is ready!"

Zhou Guangcheng nodded solemnly, his tone very firm.

"What do you say, Ying'er?"

Zhou Yang turned his eyes and looked at his son's mother.

To his surprise, Xiao Ying, who has always been weak and not very assertive, looked at the father and son with tenderness on her face and said, "Cheng Er has never disappointed your concubine and husband, and concubine believes that Since he made this decision at this time, he must have sufficient confidence, so his concubine supports his decision."

What else does Zhou Yang have to say now?

Nodding lightly, he said, "Well, since even your mother has such confidence in you, there is no reason for a father to object, so you can rest assured on Donglai Peak and confine your baby!"

Zhou Yang gave birth to a son like Zhou Guangcheng when he was more than 400 years old, and now he is more than 1,200 years old.

Although Zhou Guangcheng was pregnant with the [Xuanyang Spirit Body], he still dragged his lifespan to this age before he had a baby, which was a little abnormal.

Now that he finally made up his mind to go into seclusion and start a baby, Zhou Yang and Xiao Ying were unavoidable, but there was no reason to stop him.

For immortal practitioners, blocking the path of others, such as killing one's parents, is a hatred that cannot be shared.

Not even close relatives can do such a thing.

And because Zhou Guangcheng suddenly chose to retreat to form a baby, Zhou Yang's original plan to return to the boundless sand sea and immortal world after the calamity of the Lei Yu Demon King had to be postponed.

It is impossible for him to leave his son's side at this time, even if [Donglai Immortal Island] is very safe, there is no need to worry that someone will disturb his son Zhou Guangcheng's retreat.

So in the following time, after Zhou Yang refined the power of tribulation into three [Sky Thunder Orbs], he concentrated on cultivating several magical powers, including the [Shokuchi] that can only be used by monks in the late Nascent Soul. Inch] magical powers.

It has to be said that there is indeed a reason for immortal cultivators to always put the improvement of their cultivation bases in the first place.

After Zhou Yang Xiu reached the late Nascent Soul, he turned around and practiced various magical powers. He really had the advantage of building a high house, and it was easy to understand the key points.

Otherwise, he would not have spent less than eight years before to complete the fourth level of "Dayan Sword Art" and master the lore sword formation [Dayan Tiangang Sword Formation].

And at this time, if he calmed down and comprehended, he could even vaguely "see" the traces of the laws of heaven and earth.

Just because you can "see" it doesn't mean you can touch it.

If you want to "touch" the law of heaven and earth, you can only have a chance to succeed if you keep observing its trajectory and try repeatedly.

And only by "touching" the laws of heaven and earth, can we analyze and understand its nature, its preferences, and then borrow its power by "feeling what it likes".

The avenue is invisible, but it is embodied by the law.

If a cultivator wants to comprehend the real Dao, he must first comprehend the law, understand the law, and control the law.

The cultivators in the Nascent Soul period can comprehend the laws, the true immortals in the transcending tribulation period can understand the laws, and the earth immortals in the returning to the virtual period can control the laws.

After the immortals in the return period have mastered the law, they can rely on the law to gain a glimpse of the true avenue, and then fit into the avenue to become a true immortal immortal.

It's just that although Zhou Yang can "see" the law, he has no intention to spend a lot of hard work trying to touch the law and try to understand the law, although he will do it sooner or later.

He has always been soberly aware that his cultivation can be brave and diligent all the way, in addition to the assistance of various panaceas, it is also related to his little distraction in the cultivation of supernatural powers.

If he, like many other Nascent Soul monks, thinks he has a long life span of 3,000 years after entering Nascent Soul, he might be distracted to practice those great powers and supernatural powers, go to retreat to try to comprehend the laws, and be distracted and busy with those things. For diligent practice is not helpful.

Then it is absolutely impossible for him to reach the late Nascent Soul in the six hundred years after his birth.

Of course Zhou Yang knew the importance of supernatural powers and spells, and he was even more aware of the importance of comprehending laws.

But he is even more sober to know that cultivation is the most important root of a cultivator.

During the Tribulation Transcendence period, there are many amazing and brilliant Nascent Soul monks stuck in the past and present.

And those monks who were able to come to the ninth floor of Nascent Soul "Half-step True Immortal" realm, when they came to the door, they all had only a few hundred years of life left.

Hundreds of years seem like a long time, but trying to open the door to immortality within this period of time is as difficult as going to the sky.

If you look at Lu Xuanji back then, you can see that it would take decades to close and open the door once.

Even if those cultivators in the "half-step true immortal" realm of the ninth floor of Nascent Soul spent hundreds of years on pushing the door, they could only push the door a dozen times.

In the end, it is very likely that it was the same as Lu Xuanji at the beginning. After many attempts, just opened a door, and there was no chance to try again.

Zhou Yang didn't want to be like this in the future.

The lack of practice in supernatural powers and spells can be made up for with powerful instruments.

If his understanding of the law is insufficient, he can wait for his cultivation to reach the ninth floor of Nascent Soul before going to Changguan to gain enlightenment.

If he doesn't even have the qualifications to stand in front of the door, then even if he has these, he will only get further and further away from transcending tribulation and becoming an immortal.

So now even if he has the advantage of comprehending the law, he is not prepared to spend a lot of time on it.

Even if he is not facing a sinister battle soon, even during the time when his son Zhou Guangcheng is in retreat and confinement, he will not use it to cultivate magical powers, but will continue to practice diligently.

What Zhou Yang didn't expect was that his son Zhou Guangcheng had just entered the cave for less than three years, when an uninvited guest came from outside Xiandao.

After this uninvited guest came to the outside of the immortal island, he did not know what means he used to transmit his voice into the island through the island protection immortal array.

"I heard that the Daoist friends of the Lei Peng family have become enlightened here, and Gu Cangming of the East China Sea specially came to congratulate them, and also ask the Daoist friends to admire their faces and see them on the island!"

The majestic and majestic voice vibrated back and forth over the immortal island. Just listening to this voice made Zhou Yang and other Yuan Ying monks sank, and suddenly a four-armed giant roaring on the waves appeared in the Yuan Shen consciousness. Ape phantom.

puff! puff! puff!

For example, Xiao Ying, Qin Yue'er, Bi'er and other superficial Yuan Ying monks and demon kings were hit hard by the shadow of the four-armed giant ape that appeared in the consciousness of Yuanshen Yuanshen spit out a large mouthful of blood on the spot and suffered serious internal injuries.

Because of Zhou Yang's strong cultivation base, his spiritual consciousness far surpassed that of monks of the same rank, and he was guarded by Yuan Mysterious Treasure, there was nothing to do, and he quickly dispelled the shadow of the four-armed giant ape.

But when he saw this situation, his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

Xiao Ying, after spitting out a mouthful of blood, did not even have time to wipe the blood stains on the corners of her mouth, so she shouted at Zhou Yang with a panic-stricken face: "Quick, husband, go and see Cheng'er, don't let Cheng'er have What's up!"

Although the place where Zhou Guangcheng retreated was guarded by the heavy formation, but since the four-armed giant ape's voice and spiritual attack could attack the people on the island through the island protection fairy formation, it was difficult to say whether he could avoid the impact.

That's why Xiao Ying was so panicked at this moment.

When Zhou Yang heard her words, his face changed again and again, and even turned into a phantom and rushed towards Zhou Guangcheng's retreat cave.