Cultivation Begins From The Desert

v3 Chapter 831: [Tongtian Demon King] to cross the cal

After the completion of the "Xuanyang Collection", the eldest son, Zhou Guangcheng, will not miss the period of tribulation due to the shortcomings of his practice in the future.

But whether Zhou Guangcheng can really survive the calamity and become an immortal in the future, Zhou Yang is not sure, let alone help him in this regard.

Anyway, he has also taught Zhou Guangcheng the "Three Treasures Ruyi Secret Art". As long as Zhou Guangcheng's cultivation base is promoted to the ninth floor of Nascent Soul, he can practice this secret art.

This is also the only help he, as a father, can give him in the matter of transcending tribulation and becoming immortal.

After completing the major event of completing the exercises, Zhou Yang's trip to [Donglai Xiandao] for seclusion and cultivation will be put on the agenda.

He first went back to the Zhou family and left a secret treasure that he had refined to give to Zhou Xiaofeng, a monk of the Zhou family in the Yuan Ying period, and then witnessed the return of his grandson Zhou Tonghui as the head of the Zhou family. After that, he prepared to bring Daoist Lan Leaving the boundless sand sea and immortal world.

But at this moment, Zhou Yang suddenly received a message from Lei Yu Zhenling, saying that the [Tongtian Demon King], who had been in seclusion for hundreds of years, successfully exited the customs and triggered the "True Spirit Heavenly Tribulation".

After hearing the news, he immediately brought Daoist Lan to the scene of the Broken Cloud Mountains to watch.

[Tongtian Demon King] The place to transcend the calamity was chosen in a barren mountain less than 10,000 miles away from Jietian Peak.

When Zhou Yang arrived here, under the pressure of the heavenly robbery, the monsters in the nearby area of ​​tens of thousands of miles were all fleeing for the outside world, forming an extremely spectacular beast tide.

Fortunately, this is the depths of the Broken Cloud Mountains, otherwise this beast tide will impact the outside, and I don't know how many casualties it will cause to the human cultivators on both sides.

And Lei Yu Zhenling and [Dali Ape King] and other demon kings of the Broken Cloud Mountains were watching the ceremony in the outer area less than three thousand miles away from [Tongtian Demon King].

One, two, three...

It was also the first time that Zhou Yang discovered that there were so many sixth-order demon kings in the Broken Cloud Mountains that they actually reached sixteen!

And it's not counting the [Tongtian Demon King] who is transcending the calamity.

Although most of these demon kings are only sixth-rank low-grade demon kings, the number is quite considerable.

At this time, seeing Zhou Yang flying over, those demon kings all looked at Lei Yu Zhenling with nervous expressions.

Compared with several other human race true immortals who have been enlightened for a very long time, Zhou Yang, the human race true immortal who has recently become an immortal, is not too famous, and his portraits are also spread everywhere.

These demon kings in the Broken Cloud Mountains will naturally not be unaware.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou was invited by this seat to watch the ceremony, you don't need to be disturbed."

Lei Yu Zhenling said in a calm tone and calmed the hearts of the group of demons.

The status of the seventh-order true spirit in the demon race is no worse than that of the transcending tribulation true immortal in the human race, and this prestige is naturally there.

Zhou Yang naturally didn't care about the opinions of some sixth-order demon kings. He glanced at the [Blue Sky Blue Sky Beast] standing proudly in the void, and then asked Lei Yu Zhenling with a curious look on his face: "Lei Yu Zhenling. Fellow Daoist Yu, how much confidence does Fellow Daoist Tongtian have in this tribulation?”

"He said he was 70 to 80 percent sure, but I don't know if it's true."

Lei Yu Zhenling nodded slightly and answered Zhou Yang's question truthfully.

Zhou Yang was slightly startled, and couldn't help but exclaim: "It seems that Taoist Tongtian is really confident!"

"What's going on, you'll know when you look at it."

Lei Yu Zhenling said noncommittally, as if he didn't want to talk more about this matter.

Seeing this, Zhou Yang naturally wouldn't bring it up again, and immediately waited quietly.

After waiting for two more days, the catastrophe came as scheduled.

Judging from the area where the robbery clouds gather, the Heavenly Tribulation of [Tongtian Demon King] is slightly stronger than that of Lei Yu Zhenling, about one-tenth stronger, but it is not as good as that of the Great Demon Mu Qingyun. .

The process of [Tongtian Demon King]'s calamity crossing is similar to that of Lei Yu Zhenling at the beginning. First, he completely relied on his physical body to resist the bombardment of tribulation lightning, and then used the power of tribulation lightning to temper his physical body.

It's just that he didn't have the conditions that Lei Yu Zhenling had at the time. He was able to have a lot of [Huichun Immortal Dew] to quickly heal his injuries, and he could only heal his injuries by indirectly swallowing some medicinal pills and spiritual medicines.

In this case, when it came to the third round of calamity, he was forced to use his magical powers to actively counteract the power of the calamity.

"His so-called 70% to 80% confidence, is that so?"

Zhenling Lei Yu shook his head in disappointment. He didn't seem to approve or optimistic about this approach of [Tongtian Demon King].

"True Spirit Heavenly Tribulation" is both a catastrophe and a gift for the demon race. When transcending the calamity, it can absorb as much as possible the power of tribulation thunder to temper the body, sublimate the bloodline, and increase the potential in the future and the strength after the calamity is successfully transcended. will be stronger.

Like [Tongtian Yaowang], who relies on his own powerful supernatural powers to overcome the calamity, even if he finally successfully survives the calamity and becomes a seventh-order true spirit, he basically cuts off the hope of going a step further.

"Perhaps Taoist Tongtian also has his own considerations. I just hope that he does so without affecting the result of his own advancement!"

However, Zhou Yang helped [Tongtian Demon King] to speak, and there was a hint of worry on his face.

What he said affects the results of the advanced stage, which means that the demon king who crossed the tribulation clearly passed the catastrophe, but still failed to become the seventh-order true spirit.

Although this kind of thing rarely happens, it doesn't mean it won't happen.

Sometimes the demon king who transcended the robbery completely gave up absorbing the power of the robbery to sublimate his own bloodline because he was afraid of falling under the catastrophe, and tried to pass the catastrophe first.

The result of this is that he will not be able to advance to the seventh rank in his life, and his lifespan will not be extended in any way.

However, Zhou Yang felt that the [Tongtian Demon King] had waited so many years for this opportunity, and he would definitely not be so unwise.

Sure enough, although [Tongtian Demon King] has always used his powerful spatial supernatural powers to help resist the bombardment of tribulation lightning, but until the last tribulation lightning fell in the fourth round, he has always maintained the power of attracting tribulation lightning to temper his body. action.

When the last tribulation thunder ended, an aura belonging to the seventh-order true spirit also emanated from the [Tongtian Demon King] who was covered in bruises.

"Congratulations, congratulations, the long-cherished wish of Taoist Tongtian for thousands of years, if you can taste it today, in the future, the vastness of the world will be left to you to wander freely!"

Zhou Yang immediately congratulated with a smile on his face, and his face was full of smiles from the heart.

"It's the same with Daoyou Zhou. I didn't expect to see you for hundreds of years, but Daoyou Zhou came to the front, which really surprised me!"

[Tongtian Demon King], no, it should be called Tongtian Zhenling now, and his tone was full of joy and responded to Zhou Yang's congratulations.

At this time, Lei Yu Zhenling suddenly said: "Fellow Taoist Tongtian has not yet completed his Dharma body, so it's better to go back to retreat first, and after the Dharma body is formed, it's not too late to go on for a long time!"

When Tongtian Zhenling heard the words, he immediately responded with kindness: "Fellow Daoist Lei Yu is right, then I will excuse me first!"

Then, as soon as his figure moved, he suddenly disappeared in place, but he used the space magical power to move away and go back to Jietianfeng to retreat.

Seeing this, Lei Yu Zhenling immediately turned his eyes to the sixth-order demon kings and said, "Let's go away first, if you want to celebrate, it's not too late to celebrate after Taoist Tongtian has left!"

"Yes, I respectfully follow the order of Peng Shengyu!"

The demon kings responded in unison, and then left the scene together to celebrate the birth of another seventh-order true spirit from the demon clan.

On the other hand, at the invitation of Lei Yu Zhenling, Zhou Yang went to the place of purification as a guest.

"Lei heard what Daoyou Zhou said at the beginning, did you want to connect with Daoist Tian and bring him with you when you ascended?"

On the top of Jietian Peak, which is more than 7,000 meters high, Zhou Yang and Lei Yu Zhenling sat on the ground in the blistering wind blowing on the top of the mountain, discussing the future ascension.

At this time, after Zhou Yang heard Lei Yu Zhenling's words, he immediately responded without denying it at all: "Yes, Taoist Tongtian's accomplishments in space supernatural powers will be of great help at that time!"

"Then Daoist Zhou will soar, how many people can he bring?"

Lei Yu Zhenling stared at Zhou Yang, and suddenly asked this more sensitive question.

Zhou Yang's eyes suddenly narrowed slightly.

He frowned, looked at Lei Yu Zhenling with a frown, and said, "Why did Daoist Lei Yu suddenly want to ask about this?"

Lei Yu Zhenling did not explain the reason, but just shook his head and said, "If it is inconvenient for you to answer Zhou Daoyou, you may not answer."

"There is no need to hide this matter from fellow Daoist Lei Yu. At that time, besides Zhou, you can only bring four more people!"

Zhou Yang pondered for a while, but still watched Lei Yu Zhenling tell the truth.

Although this matter is relatively sensitive, it is not a question that cannot be answered. With his current cultivation, he is not afraid of what Lei Yu Zhenling will do to him. It is better to be frank and open to win the favor of the other party.

Sure enough, when Lei Yu Zhenling heard what he said, there was a hint of emotion in his eyes, and then he looked at him and said, "Lei must guess, that [Donghai Dragon Saint] will definitely occupy a place in it! "

"If Kaidao friend is willing, Zhou Mou is naturally willing to give him a position!"

Zhou Yang nodded slightly, agreeing with Lei Yu Zhenling's guess.

The success rate of his ascension plan is not too high. If he can bring a powerhouse like [Donghai Longsheng] with him, it will obviously increase his chance of success.

"The last person left, does Fellow Daoist Zhou have a confirmed candidate?" Lei Yu Zhenling continued to ask.

Zhou Yang seemed to understand something, and immediately shook his head and said, "It's not yet determined, but if Zhou's son succeeds in transcending the calamity and becoming an immortal, he will definitely be counted on him!"

"Is that so..."

Lei Yu Zhenling's eyes moved slightly, then nodded to Zhou Yang and said: "Lei understands, thanks to Fellow Daoist Zhou for his frank disclosure, this matter will be kept strictly confidential by Lei, unless you allow Daoist Zhou, he will never let the third party People know!"

"Fellow Daoist Lei Yu is very polite."

Zhou Yang smiled lightly, as if he didn't care.

Next, Zhou Yang chatted with Lei Yu Zhenling for a long time, then said goodbye, left Jietian Peak, and went straight to Xuanyang Xianzong.

More than two months later, on Chixia Peak in the wild jungle, Zhou Yang once again visited the owner of the place, Zhu Zizhen.

"Zhou wants to go to the East China Sea, and wants to meet the East China Sea [Fu Hai Lingsheng], is fellow Daoist Zhu interested in traveling together?"

On Chixia Peak, after Zhou Yang saw Zhu Zizhen, he straightened out his intentions.

As soon as Zhu Zizhen heard what he said, he knew that this time he came to borrow the [Vermilion Bird Fan] again.

I saw her with a slight smile: "Okay, it's rare that Fellow Daoist Zhou is willing to take the initiative to invite him, and he can also see the top powerhouses of the two demons and people fighting, how can I miss such a grand concubine!"

"You will not disappoint Zhu Daoyou."

Zhou Yang nodded, and it was considered that the matter was settled.

Next, Zhu Zizhen tidied up the cave, and followed Zhou Yang south to Tiannanzhou Xiu Xianjie, where Zhou Yang had to go to recover his incarnation.

In "Kurong Valley", Zhou Yang discovered that Taoist companion Xiao Ying had used the [Kurong Life and Death Qi] magical power to enter a state of annihilation, and left a message that Zhou Yang would wait three hundred years to wake her up.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Yang could only shake his head, put away the avatar who had successfully raised his mana cultivation base to the seventh rank, and then left Daoist Lan to help guard in the "Dry Rong Valley", and brought Qin Yue with him. Er, Zhou Guangcheng, and Zhu Zizhen went overseas together.

A few months later, Zhou Yang and his party appeared above the core area of ​​the East Sea Monster Clan.

Then Zhou Yang caught a sixth-order Flood Dragon and directly handed him the battle book for the battle with the [Fu Hai Ling Sheng], and asked him to send the battle book to the place where [Fu Hai Ling Sheng] was cultivating.

Of course, in order to ensure that this sixth-order flood dragon would be honest and obedient, Zhou Yang naturally left a means on him, a means that can only be removed by the existence of the seventh-order.

However, Zhou Yang underestimated the backbone of the sixth-order Flood Dragon. He did not go to [Fu Hai Ling Sheng], but handed Zhou Yang's battle book to the Great Elder of the East Sea Flood Dragon Clan, who forwarded it to him. In the hands of [Donghai Longsheng].

So not long after, an incarnation of [Donghai Dragon Saint] condensed from sea water appeared in front of Zhou Yang.

"What does Daoyou Zhou mean? [Fuhai Lingsheng] Has he offended Daoyou Zhou in any way? Why did you want to fight with Daoyou when he first came to the East China Sea?"

As soon as the incarnation of [Donghai Dragon Saint] appeared, he questioned Zhou Yang with displeased words, obviously he had a lot of opinions on this kind of thing.

"Haidaoyou Mingjian, in the past, before Zhou was not enlightened, [Fu Hai Lingsheng] relied on his cultivation and roared the immortal island wantonly, causing Zhou's beloved son to fail to conceive a baby, and almost died!"

"This kind of hatred for blocking the way, Haidao friend, do you say that Zhou can stop with him [Fu Hai Lingsheng]?"

Zhou Yang looked at the incarnation of [Donghai Dragon Saint] with a firm expression, and his tone was very firm.

"And this?"

[Donghai Dragon Saint] frowned in incarnation, and seemed to be a little embarrassed.

After he was silent for a while, he looked at Zhou Yang and asked again, "What do you want to do, fellow Daoist Zhou? Do you have to use such a hurtful and extreme method to solve this matter?"

Hearing this, Zhou Yang asked directly: "If this method is not used to solve the matter, does Haidaoyou think that [Fu Hai Lingsheng] will be willing to bow his head and apologize to Zhou Mou's love child?"

[Donghai Dragon Saint] The avatar was asked by Zhou Yang and could not answer.

But after a while, he looked sharply at Zhou Yang and said: "Anyway, [Fuhai Lingsheng] is a member of my East Sea Monster Clan, if Zhou Daoyou wants to move him, Lao Long, the master of the East Sea But it’s not easy to watch, if fellow Daoist can beat Lao Long, I will naturally not care about Lao Long!”

This is determined to protect the short!

Zhou Yang's heart also sank.

Fighting against [Donghai Dragon Saint], even if he has several immortal weapons in hand, and he has an incarnation to help out, there is no chance of winning.

At the Transcending Tribulation Period, the many advantages he had originally possessed were nothing at all at this time, and it was basically impossible to fight across a small realm as easily as in the Nascent Soul Period.

What's more, he has not had time to practice any kind of immortal magical powers even after he transcended the tribulation and became an immortal!

Since this road does not work, he can only "smart" it.

Seeing the glint in his eyes, he suddenly said through a voice transmission, "How about a deal between Daoist Zhou and fellow Haidao? As long as fellow Daoist Hai agrees to stand by and watch, Zhou will give Daoist Hai a chance to soar!"

"A chance to soar? Is fellow Daoist Zhou joking?"

[Donghai Dragon Saint] looked at Zhou Yang with a frown in his He didn't believe what he said at all.

"Do you think that Zhou would dare to joke with you about this matter? To be honest, Zhou actually had two cross-border exchanges with the [Donglai Zhenren] who had soared back then, and his old man is now a returnee. Immortal Earth Immortal, Zhou Mou's method of ascension was taught to Zhou Mou by his old man!"

Zhou Yang's face was straight, and he told the truth with a straight face.

"What? Are you serious?"

[Donghai Dragon Saint]'s face suddenly changed, and he looked at Zhou Yang with a look of surprise, and his voice became a little excited.

"How dare Zhou dare to deceive fellow Daoist Hai! With fellow Daoist Hai now being the best in the world, if Zhou dared to deceive fellow Daoist about this matter, wouldn't he be afraid that fellow Daoist would gather other fellow demons to surround Zhou Mou? Kill? Besides, this matter is actually as long as Haidao Friends go to the boundless sand sea cultivation world, and see the [Donglai Zhenjun Temple] there, then everything will be understood!"