Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 1049: My sword is flying away by the knife. Wh

"It is!" Song Shuhang is delighted.

This kind of remote control can control the feeling of the 'Baodao' taking off, especially with a sense of touch. The only fly in the ointment is that his sword is still in armor.

The second step of the sword flight was still very smooth.

"Book Air your talent in the knife road is really good." Su Shi A-16 Road, from the knife to the knife to float, Song Shuhang is a success.

"After all, this is the knife talent that was sacrificed after all the kendo talents were sacrificed." Song Shuhang spoke.

Originally his dream has always been to become a sword fairy, but he did not think that he is so slippery.

"Next, you should continue to get used to this process, and then try to let the 'Baodao' perform various actions in the air. When the sword can move with your heart, you can proceed to the next stage of 'Dawning' cultivation. "Sushi A.16 said that she now has a teacher."

"Good!" Song Shuhang answered.

He continued to practice the process of practicing the knife. After adapting to let the knives float, Book Air began to try the next step.

He first controlled the 'Baodao' and continued to move up and down for a while, then began to try to let the knife advance, retreat, turn around, and circle.

After these basic movements were proficient, Song Shuhang also controlled the 'Baodao' to carry out the ‘S’ curve flight, rotating forward, and braking back.

These movements are more complicated. At first, there will be some delay between the action of ‘Baodao’ and the mind of Song Shuhang. Just like playing online games in the early years, it is the same as the network delay. Song Shuhang’s instructions were sent out, but the knife would be slightly stuck.

When there is a delay between Song Shuhang and Baodao, the sacred seal of Dantian will be slightly brighter. It will directly connect with the fat whale, and strengthen the connection between Song Shuhang and Baodao.

This is like Song Shuhang originally used 1M broadband, which can be enhanced to more than 100M in an instant under the blessing of ‘San Yin’.

In the next moment, the delay between the knives and Song Shuhang was completely broken, and various fancy movements continued to flash.

[I didn’t expect the Seal of India to have this effect? 】 Song Shuhang secret road.

After this robbery, the biggest gain that I thought was the blessing of the merits of the meritorious beauty of the merits and demerits. I did not expect this sacred seal to bring him surprises.

With the blessing and help of the Seal of the Seal, the tacit understanding between Song Shuhang and Baodao is getting stronger and stronger, and the mind is moving, and the smashing knives of the armor can change various fancy movements.

Instant acceleration, emergency stop turning, vertical lift, spiral flying, in-situ windmill, S curve advance...

Song Shuhang played very embarrassed. The process of ‘the knife’ reminds him of his childhood. When he was a child, he liked to play RC planes. Unfortunately, the toy-type RC planes were always unable to make the posture that Song Shuhang wanted, which made him very sorry.

Now, the flying knife of the air is broken and he acts with his mind. He wants to pose whatever position, so he is very happy.

After half an hour, the knives of the virtual air fly back and fly, suspended in the side of Song Shuhang, up and down.

The cultivation at this stage has come to an end.



"XVI, I feel that the tacit understanding between me and the knives is enough. Let's move on to the next step." Song Shudao.

Su Shi A-six took out the mobile phone and looked at the time. From the beginning of cultivation to the present, it took an hour to complete the lunch break. So she nodded: "The time is still enough, then let's start practicing the dawn."

There are two kinds of dawning, one is the dawn of 'Yujian (knife) flying', this kind of dawn is the speed, and most of the dawn will be accompanied by some 'wind shelter, water, Features such as lightning protection, fire avoidance, and earth-avoiding make the monks more comfortable when flying with the sword (knife).

The other is the aggressive twilight used in the slashing technique. The monk's mind is moving, the flying sword or the knives take the first pole of the thousands of miles away, using this kind of attacking dawn.

In general, the steps of the front knife and the control of the flying knife are common in the whole process of comprehension, and there are few related.

The real difference between the laws of the sects and the swordsmen of the major sects and the sects of the family is the dawn.

And Su Shi’s seven-seven pass to the dawn of Song Shuhang, which is his own creation.



"The knife flying technique "Knife 遁 * Overlord", and the sickle technique "Sickle * Moonlight", these two kinds of knives are all created by A Qi, so they can be taught to people outside Su As long as you can not pass the book, you can pass it."

"I understand." Song Shuhang nodded.

Unless there is the consent of Su Shi A Qi, these two kinds of Shu Shu Song Shuhang will never be rumored.

However, the names of the two skills of "Knife * Overlord" and "Sickle * Moonlight" can only be said that there is a format of Tianhe Su Shi.

Su Shi A-six smiled a little and told Song Shuhang about these two methods.

A Qi created the "Knife * Overlord", taken from the "only one of the roads in the eyes of the Overlord - right in front. 】 The meaning of this method of 'knifes and knives' is divided into two steps.

The first step is the normal light of the knife; the second step is an explosive state. This second step is the real "Overlord" state. Once activated, it is rampant and has a huge lethality... The only drawback is that Because the explosive power and power are too large to turn, so A Qi named it as the overlord. However, even if it can't turn, its violent speed can make up for this shortcoming. Once locked in the state of "Knife * Overlord", if there is not a speed that is many times higher than Song Shuhang, you can only watch yourself being crushed.

In addition to the impact of the ... ... this move "Knife * Overlord" straight line escape speed is also very fast. As long as you seize the opportunity, ‘嗖~~’ will break out and you will be able to leave the battlefield and run away.

Another trick, "Sickle Law* Moonlight," means that Ah Qi wants to express: "When you look up, you will find that the moonlight has fallen on you. 】

When the sickle is sacrificed, the sword will turn into a moonlight, quietly and freely, and smashing toward the enemy.

——I don’t know if Song Shuhang’s ‘armor knives’ can be successfully turned into moonlight? It’s not difficult to think about it.



As before, Su Shi’s Afghan personally gave Song Shuhang a demonstration of these two “laws of the knife”, and then told him the principle carefully.

After confirming that Song Shuhang had mastered the principle, Su Shi’s A-16 would let Song Shuhang try it himself.

"Try ‘Flying Knife Flight’ first.” Song Shudao.

He is more eager to see the ability of the knives flying than the sickle.

First of all, Song Shuhang thought about it, and the knives were suspended and floated around him.

According to the method taught by Su Shi’s Aliu, the book hangs “Knife* Overlord” and condenses the light above the knives.

As long as he can successfully condense the dawn, he can take off directly in the light!

To be honest, Song Shuhang was a little excited when he was smashing the glory for the knives.

From the beginning of cultivation into the realm of cultivation, he is full of yearning for the ‘Yujian flight’. Now, he finally has to fly to the sky with his own strength!

Song Shuhang reached out and smashed it in the knives. Then there was a faint glimmer of light, and the blade of the armor state was broken. The sword armor was scattered once in the middle, but Song Shuhang re-injected it. After all, in the process of practicing ‘flying knife,’ there is a knife to help, and practicing will get twice the result with half the effort. At most, after mastering the knives flying in the future, when the normal state ‘the knives fly’, it is not necessary to add a knife to the tyrant.

The twilight shrouded the smashing, because it was the first time to condense the light, so the light of Song Shuhang's dawn was very uneven. In some places, the light is thicker and in some places the light is thinner. At the same time, the edge of the dawn is as chaotic as the abstract painting.

But in general, it has succeeded in condensing the dawn.

"Although it looks a little embarrassing, but it should be no problem flying at low altitude for a while?" Song Shuhang said, raising his foot to step on the light.


When he stepped on the twilight moment, the light shrouded in the slashing knife broke.

Hey, my weight is not so exaggerated?

"You don't have to worry about the book, you can try it out." Su Shi A-16, in fact, when practicing the dawn, not many people can succeed once.

Song Shuhang smiled and converges his mind, once again reaching out and adding ‘twilight’ to the tyrannical.

This time, the shape of the twilight is much better than the last time, at least the edges look a lot rounder.

Song Shuhang thought for a moment and stepped on his feet again.


The dawn is broken again.

"Nothing, failure is a successful mother." Song Shuhang whispered, and then reached out again, running "Knife * Overlord", adding light to the knives.

This time, the dawn looks more perfect, especially the thickness is even more uniform.

Song Shuhang nodded with satisfaction.

He feels that he can practice the knives and tyrants thoroughly.

Just as Song Shuhang was about to lift his foot again, he smashed the 'twilight' and then tried again. Suddenly a golden snake tail stretched out and poked in the light.

咔嚓~The light is broken.

Song Shuhang turned his head and found out that the meritorious snake beauty appeared.

When Song Shuhang looked at her, the beauty of the meritorious snake stunned her head. Her body shape changed. After Xuansheng’s teaching, the great power of virtue was integrated into her body, which made her evolve a little.

The biggest change was her waist, half of which was originally the area of ​​the 'snake tail', but now the area of ​​the snake tail moved downwards, which faded into a complete small waist.

Song Shuhang picked up his eyebrows: "How come you come out again?" Saying, he is not attacked now, etc.? Why do the beauty of the snakes and snakes suddenly appear?

Song Shuhang’s voice just fell, and the meritorious snake beauty suddenly bowed, and her little hand was on the ‘Baozhi’s broken.’

The next moment, a rule of the 'hexagonal' dawn appeared on the knives.

Then, in the state of Song Shuhang's face, the beauty of the meritorious snake jumped and jumped on the knives.


The knives broke into the sky and suddenly reached an altitude of nearly 500 meters.

After reaching this height, Gongde Snake Beauty began her performance.

The knives are broken, jumping, drifting, and dancing in 8 characters.

She seems to be ridiculing Song Shuhang with strength - you weak chicken, tried so many times have not yet condensed the dawn of success.

Song Shuhang: "..."

Su Shi A XVI: "..."

"Hey, come down! Don't make trouble, I have to practice the knife flying." Song Shuhang shouted at the sky. The name of the meritorious snake beauty is too sloppy, and Song Shuhang still can't name her until now.

The beauty of the merits and snakes in the void stopped, looking at Song Shuhang, smashed his head and looked confused.

"Give me down!" Song Shuhang called.

The meritorious snake beauty seems to understand.

Then, her figure slowly fell backwards and fell on the knives: "Ah, ah~~"

The recorded screams of Song Shuhang passed from her mouth, and then she slammed and died.

In this way, she died on the knives. The knives held her in the air and floated up and down.

Song Shuhang: "..."

Su Shi A XVI: "..."

After the sword was suspended for a while, the beauty of the meritorious snake suddenly opened his eyes and quietly looked at Song Shuhang and Su Shi A XVI.

After seeing the two faces look speechless, she immediately closed her eyes and continued to pretend to die.

Song Shuhang: "..."

After this upgrade, the beauty of the merits and snakes became even more eccentric.

The light of my merits is really problematic.

[Give me down, if you don't come down again, you will never want to see Litchi Fairy in the future. 】 Song Shuhang threatened the beauty of the merits and snakes in his heart.

- To tell the truth, nowadays, Song Shuhang can no longer regard the ‘gongde snake beauty’ as a pure merit. After knowing how to evolve, what will this guy look like?

After hearing the voice of Song Shuhang, the beauty of the meritorious snake in the void was violently rolled, and the tail was squatting on the sword.

The next moment, her well-behaved knives landed beside Song Shuhang.

"Very good, come back to me, don't mess up again." Song Shuhang said with satisfaction.

The beauty of the meritorious snake licked his head, and then she returned to the body of Song Shuhang. However, she did not completely return to Song Shuhang's body, but was in a 'defensive' state, wrapping his body.

At this time, Song Shuhang re-controlled the knives and smashed the suspension, and he reached out to the knife.

Then, a regular hexagonal ‘twilight’ appeared in front of his eyes, exactly the same as the dawn of the beauty of the meritorious snake.

Song Shuhang raised his hand and looked at the light of merit attached to himself.

He closed his eyes and carefully recalled the process.

Subsequently, he canceled the dawn of the knives.

The beauty of the meritorious snake understands the meaning of Song Shuhang. This time, her body is all retracted into his body, no longer affecting his practice of practicing the knife.

"Come again." Song Shuhang reached out and took a look at the knife.

The next moment, there is a standard triangular dawn on the sword.

Song Shuhang’s mouth rose, and he lifted his foot to take a step forward. The knife smashed himself to his feet and held his figure.

This time, the dawn is not broken!