Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 1174: It’s better to hang the southeast bran

Liu Yao extended his branches. Her branches were more dexterous than human hands, and the fruits of the golden trees were quickly taken off and handed to the owner.

Her movements are just like the assembly line, and the speed is fast. In a blink of an eye, the golden arbutus on the merits tree has been picked up in half. The fruit is packed into a wooden box and handed to the white predecessor.

As a qualified ‘auto-treasure’ demon pet, the light dance body carries a number of Qiankun bags with various props. Bottles, boxes, cylinders, boxes and the like are used to hold the baby.

Treasure, she is already professional.

The white predecessor picked a bayberry from the wooden box, stuffed it into his mouth, and then his eyes picked up.

The taste is very positive.



Jiuzhou No.1 Group

Song Shuhang: "This fruit can really eat!"

"I am afraid that like the merits of the book and the small friends of the book, the meritorious tree of the white predecessors is also a variant." Beihe is a human race.

Lychee Fairy: "I suddenly remembered Song Shuhang's ‘tongue lotus’ ability, the energy lotus that can be eaten. Song Shuhang, you will bring the white predecessor.”

Can this pot come to my head? Thousands of flying pots?

Song Shuhang was crying and laughing, saying: "Can't you blame me? Also... Since this golden arbutus can really eat, the practitioners of the heavens and the world may see a very interesting picture."

Baihe Zhenjun: "What picture?"

Song Shuhang: "The picture of a sudden process."

Baihe Zhenjun: "Talking, jerk. Today I see you very unhappy, I am burning now, do you know?"

Song Shuhang: " know it when you look down."

"I always feel that you are showing off to me? Overlord Song, we will see you tonight, I want you to taste the strength of my white crane legs!" Baihe really angered.

"Hey? Isn't the last wave still a white crane claw? How did it become a white crane **** leg?"

"I am a crane, a crane! It is a bird. My leg is a paw. Do you have any opinions?"

Four waves: "Sorry, I have no opinion. Actually, I just wanted to ask, is the white crane **** claw and the white crane **** legs are not a set of stunts." Three waves feel that Baihe Zhenjun is always roaring him today? Today, he offended Baihe Zhenjun?

Song Shuhang: "Come."

Baihe Zhenjun: "Hey?"

At this time, in the live broadcast, the white predecessors did not know when to stuff seven or eight bayberry into their mouths. His speed is too fast, and the audience did not see his movements.

I can only see the lens flashing, the two gangsters of the white predecessors.

next moment.

"The sudden process of the sudden process." The nucleus was spit out like a bullet by the white predecessors, all falling in another box on the side.

This box is also ready for the beginning of the willow demon light dance.

The fruit core of Gongde Yangmei is also golden, and all of them are formed by the power of merit. In the light of the tree demon light dance, this should also be a baby, can not let the owner waste. Collect it first, maybe it works?

Then the lens is everything.

The two gangsters of the white predecessor swelled again.

"The sudden procession ~ ~" the core once again accurately fell into another box.

For the practitioners of the heavens and the world, this is the official welfare.

Bai Sheng is so cute, I really want to sit quietly, watching him eat Yangmei, and eat old.

But unfortunately, the white predecessors did not want to continue to send welfare.

After eating two waves, he suddenly reached out and waved several boxes of bayberry.

"Sure enough, the fruit is still eaten after meals, and now go eat." The white predecessors whispered.

Behind him, the tree demon dances and stops the action of picking the fruit.

The number of bayberry on the merit tree has not decreased, but there has been an increasing trend.

This is because the white predecessors were in the rush of the sudden squad, and the heavens and the world were a horrible glory.

This wave of merits not only lengthens the tree of merits by four or five meters, but also reaches the height of twenty meters, and makes the merits tree grow more fruits.

The light dance has picked up a few boxes of bayberry, but the pick has not yet grown fast.

"End, I am leaving!" Bai predecessors shouted at the world.

However, the light of merit at the top of the head is still desperately landing, and the light of merit is not over yet.

"The light of so many merits is useless, no, I will leave first." The white predecessors continued.

Responding to him is more and more violent light of merit. It is estimated that the practitioners of the heavens and the world are full of strength and are giving him the power of merit.

The merits behind him are getting bigger and bigger, and the golden arbutus on it is getting more and more. If this continues, this merit tree will sprint toward the height of 100 meters.

White predecessor: "..."

After a while.

The white predecessor suddenly clap his hands gently: "Right, try to give others points."

After all, the white predecessor opened the crystal box and revealed a left arm.

This left arm, the practitioners of all the worlds, are familiar with it - because of this stuff, they bring their own profiles.

As long as you stare at it for a while, the practitioners will naturally realize their understanding. This is the arm of the first holy sacred Song Xuansheng of the millennium. Just don't know why it appears in the hands of Bai Sheng?

The white lord reached out and cast Song Shuhang’s left arm on the meritorious tree. The poor left arm was hung on the branch like this. The power of great merits has fallen, and some of them have fallen on Song Shuhang’s left arm and are integrated into it.

As expected by the white predecessors, as long as he is willing, the power of meritorious landing from the air can enter the arm of Song Shuhang and become part of Song Shuhang's merits.

The white predecessors experimented successfully and nodded with satisfaction.



Jiuzhou No.1 Group

Beihe scattered people: "Life is not good in the world, it is better to hang the southeast branch."

The four waves of mad knives: "Shocked! The left hand of Song Xuansheng, the first sacred master of the millennium, why is it hanging on the branches!"

"Three waves of friends can't do it, look at me." Tian Tiandao said: "Shocked, on the golden giant tree, there is a left hand of Xuansheng level! This left hand is why it is hung on the branch. Who is its owner? For what reason is it hanged on the big tree? Please listen to "Jiuzhou No. 1 Discovery Channel" tonight at five o'clock to uncover the secret of you!"

Tian Tian deputy island owner: "Shocked, the left hand of the world's first holy hegemony Song, was ruthlessly hung on the giant tree, so who is cruelly treating the murderer of the left hand of the tyrant Song Xuansheng? Please listen to the "Jiuzhou No. 1 Detective Channel" At 6 pm, analyze the 'left hand on the branch' case for you."

Oriental Jingxue: "I will give you a background music, just found a song, old and interesting. The lyrics are [Hu Lai's left hand ~ call, whirring ~ ~ Hu Lai's left hand, call, whirring], old It’s apt."

Song Shuhang: "..."

Ok, the seniors are happy to play.

The heart is good.

One day, if he is mixed with the administrator of the 'Jiuzhou No.1 Group', he must let these three patients with severe illnesses taste the taste of the small black house.

Waiting... When it comes to Sanlang disease, his own state is not quite right.

The heart is so tired, in the eyes of the predecessors of Jiuzhou No.1 group, will he be also a critically ill patient?

But then again, Song Shuhang felt that his left hand was faintly hot. That is why the left hand has accumulated a lot of merit.

After the return of his left hand, should the power of this part of merit be integrated into the beauty of the meritorious snake?



The sky is in the world.

The white predecessors looked up at the growing merits behind them, and the rain of merit in the sky did not stop.

"Right, I almost forgot him." The white predecessor suddenly thought of one more thing.

Said, he took out a big box, the kind of coffin.

The big box was opened, revealing a pale white monk inside.

The third holy millennium - Chang Yuanzi Xuan Sheng!

One of the three gates of Daomen.

At this moment, the practitioners of the heavens and the world are boiling.

“Why is Chang Yuanzi Xuan Sheng still robbing the world?”

"The tyrants of Xuan Sheng, who had been with him, have returned to the world!"

"I heard that Tianyazi Xuansheng and Qishengfu Xuansheng are also coming back. Why didn't Changyuanzi Xuansheng come back? And his state seems to be a bit wrong."

"The face is pale, it seems to be deeply trapped in the demons!"

And some old-fashioned Xuansheng, the heart understands the reason.

Chang Yuanzi did not regard the ‘Xuansheng’s teaching method’ as one thing. When Xuansheng was teaching the Fa, he used this opportunity to confess to ‘Bie Xuexian’.

If Changyuanzi itself has a huge power of merit, such as the original Emperor Song Xuansheng, it will be. However, Chang Yuanzi does not have much merit in itself. After confession, the power of merit can't offset the evil.

It seems that after the person was sacred in the day, Chang Yuanzi has been in a state of demon, unable to extricate himself.

"Don't snow ~ ~ don't snow ~ ~ don't abandon me." Chang Yuanzi muttered. The voice is very low, no one can hear it except the white sage around him.

The white predecessors held their chins.

This guy is the lover of Bessie Xianji?

"Let's look at the friends of the snowy road, help you." The white lord said, reaching for it, throwing Chang Yuanzi into the tree, and hanging it with Song Shuhang's left arm.

In the void, the power of huge merits falls, some fall in Song Shuhang's left hand, and some fall into Changyuan's body.

Chang Yuanzi is now deeply immersed in the robbery of the heart. I hope that the light of these merits can give him some help.

"Everything is lawful, such as a dream bubble. If it is like a dew, it should be like a view."

"Fake, everything is fake. Everything is virtual."

"The void of the void, the void of the void, everything is empty."

In the mouth of Chang Yuanzi, he began to smash and read.

The white predecessor looked at him.

What kind of lines are these guys reading?

I am afraid I have not saved.

Even if you can get through this murder, I am afraid that the three views will be reshaped.

This time, Chang Yuanzi’s voice is relatively loud, and the practitioners of all the worlds can hear his voice.

"Show love, die fast!"



Song Shuhang

The Northern Emperor saw the teaching process of the White Sovereign from beginning to end.

"This white holy air, too weird, right?" The emperor muttered to himself.

Too bad!