Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 1440: Undead monster

"White predecessors!" Song Shuhang hurried.

He remembered one thing - his sacred whale, the white predecessor two filled the Kowloon pattern. The Kowloon pattern is a reflection of ‘true me’.

When you stare at the Kowloon Strip, you can see your true self.

But when the white predecessors looked at the Kowloon Strip, they saw a portrait.

[Will the body of the white predecessor be a portrait into a fine? The seeds of this doubt are buried deep in the heart of Song Shuhang.

After all, in this era when all kinds of stones and silver tickets can be refined, it is not impossible to make a picture into a fine.

If the white predecessor continues to ‘time reversal’, what will he become?

Will it really become an embryo?

Still a portrait?

Just as Song Shuhang’s paintings fell, the figure of the white predecessors was fixed. The vortex behind the white predecessors is still reversing, but the shape of the white predecessors is fixed in the two-year-old ‘small white’ state.

At the same time, there is an illusory star river behind him.

The whirlpool of time reversal turned faster and faster, and the illusory galaxy behind the white predecessors became more and more horrible.

There is no end to the Galaxy. I don't know where it comes from, nor where it goes.

It is said to be a galaxy, but if you look closely, you can see that it is not a galaxy... but something that cannot be described in words. It contains merits and air transport, which looks like a river of time and a river of destiny.

"What is this?" Song Shuhang subconsciously said.

“What is this ghost thing?” The liquid metal is the same – obviously only for the individual’s “time reversal” skill. It stands to reason that under his authority of “9 secluded masters”, the consumption should be very small and small. But now, the liquid metal ball feels that the nine sin in its body can be like a collapsed levee.

Did I reverse a horrible thing? The liquid metal ball stopped for the first time to perform its ‘time reversal’ ability.

Huh? Even the nine secluded masters do not know this thing? Song Shuhang was puzzled in his heart.

Shrinking to the ‘small white’, which is only two years old, hangs his head and does not move. The white shirt on his body was hung on him. Because the ‘time reversal’ of the liquid metal ball is limited to the body of the white predecessor and does not include other things, the suit is not affected.

Song Shuhang’s first thought was to touch the phone and take a photo of him. But it is also a thought, now facing the liquid metal ball, the life is gone, where is the opportunity to take pictures? He is not a Cheng Lin fairy. Before he dies, he still has to take a photo of him.

Just thinking about it, behind the white predecessors, there is a wave of water in the long river like fate or time. The next moment, a large hand composed of smoke extends from this long river.

The liquid metal ball's gaze condensed, and this smoky big hand brought him a long-lost sense of crisis. In addition to Jiu You, another lord of 'white', this is the first existence of his own sense of crisis after his birth.

Song Shuhang felt that the body was heavy, and the cells of the whole body were conveying a kind of anxiety to him.

"The fat ball is big, you seem to be playing off." Song Shuhang smiled bitterly.

"Before playing, I must kill you first. I can pinch you with one toe." Liquid metal fairway.

I can't afford it, I can't afford it.

After the smoky big hand came out, gently shrouded the white predecessors and protected him. At the same time, under the suppression of the big smoke hand, the vortex that allowed the white predecessors to constantly 'reverse the time' was absorbed into the river behind the white predecessors.

The white predecessors looked safe and sound, and the ‘time reversal’ was merged.

Then the problem came, Song Shuhang...just outside the protection of the smoke hand.

Song Shuhang suddenly had a bad feeling.

"No matter what this ghost thing, I will solve it for you first." Liquid metal ball looks at Song Shuhang: "[狞笑]"

"Then, in fact, I am just a avatar now. Do you believe?" Song Shudao.

There are a lot of treasures on his body, but none of them can face the liquid metal ball.

Except for the weird white predecessors who have changed around... the only hope is that the ‘white predecessor two’ can sense the abnormality and then come over the old metal ball.

But this time, the liquid metal ball did not continue to talk nonsense with Song Shuhang.

Before that, after a few words, Song Shuhang left the mouth of the ‘disaster giant turtle’.

What if there is another change?

During the talk, the fat ball possessed the mysterious female door, the skylark retreats, leaving the place. The old body of the lark and the immortal bone hidden in it are too important for the liquid metal ball, and there is no loss.

Then, the liquid metal ball was facing Song Shuhang, and he sipped in his mouth: "Come on!"

Song Shuhang’s body was uncontrolled and was drawn to the position of the liquid metal ball.

At this time, the hand of the smoke holding the white predecessor suddenly extended a finger and hooked to Song Shuhang, trying to catch him.

Touch ~~

The hand of the smoke rubbed the back of Song Shuhang, hitting the impact of the gold and iron, and the Mars.

The finger was a step late, and Song Shuhang was photographed in front of the liquid metal ball.

The metal ball turned into a pair of metal hands and grabbed Song Shuhang. Then it opens a door to the space and drills into it.

Before closing the door to the space, the liquid metal ball screamed at the white predecessors shrouded by the smoke hand: "Dead!"

The word "dead" was exported, and the power of the entire nine worlds was mobilized and turned into a huge curse, which came to the white predecessor.

Nine secluded masters the sacred curse of a creature with the power of nine secluded.

This curse, even if it is a liquid metal ball, can only be called once a year.

Immediately afterwards, the liquid metal ball closed the door of space regardless of the result, and Song Shuhang appeared in another continent of the 'nine world'.



"No longer waste time, let me see your memory." The liquid metal ball decided to use the most violent way to forcibly read Song Shuhang's memory.

This method, which it didn't want to use. When reading memory forcibly, the memory read is sometimes messy, and sometimes it can cause memory fragmentation. It depends on the part of the Confucian saint who swallowed it. He needs to get the information without any mistakes.

But now, he has no other choice.

If you can read the memory, you can organize it yourself.

On the sphere of the liquid metal ball, a tube is extended and tied to the brain of Song Shuhang.

The strange thing is that Song Shuhang did not have any resistance.

He kept his stiff posture and let the needle stick to his head.


The needle pierced Song Shang's head and made a strange sound.

The liquid metal ball brows are slightly wrinkled, and its metal hands are forced to fly out.

Song Shuhang’s body flew out and fell to the ground.


Song Shuhang’s body shattered and turned into a cloud of smoke.

It is the same material composition as the hand of smoke that sticks out of the destiny of the white predecessor and the river of time.

From Song Shuhang's body, there are many things falling down.

The clothes, wallets, mobile phones, space bracelets, one-inch shrink bags, seal pens, and a whale-like demon that is still beating.

After the sundries on the body fell, a Song dynasty consisting of pure smoke stood up.

[Is the reason why the big smoker touched him a little? 】 Liquid metal ball guess.

"呜呜呜~~" The smog in the Songshukou mouth made a strange cry, pounced on the liquid metal ball.

"Although it consists of the same smog, your strength is far from the big hands, boy." The liquid metal ball is cold, and the hands of the steel are smashed into Songshang.


Song Shuhang was photographed as a piece.

But the next moment, the smoke-like Song Shuhang re-aggregated behind the liquid metal ball. Stretching out the fingers and squirming on the liquid metal ball.

The fire burst, just with his attacking power, even the skin of the liquid metal ball could not be broken.

But the smoky Song Shuhang is not rational, just like a beast, constantly attacking on a liquid metal ball.

The liquid metal ball is annoyed in the heart, and there are countless spikes on the body.

Song Shuhang was sharpened by a sharp spike and re-formed into a smoke-like shape.

"Devouring!" The liquid metal ball condenses a large horn and slams against Song Shuhang.

The smoke-like Song Shuhang escaped and was absorbed into the horn.

The liquid metal ball licked the mouth: "So bitter taste, what is this stuff?"

During the speech, from the mouth that evolved from him, a smog came out and re-aggregated into the appearance of Song Shuhang.

With the strength of the liquid metal ball, it is impossible to digest these smokes.

Around the world, countless nine evil spirits can be condensed and rolled up to Song Shuhang.

At the same time, the liquid metal ball hands out a seal printing: "Flock!"

The liquid metal ball is very good at sealing. He once used a smug seal method to pass a 'white two'. Regrettably, after the white two was sealed to the world of the evil lotus, it even took over the nest and changed the ownership of the evil lotus world to itself.

The liquid metal ball is not easy to succeed in the conspiracy, but lost the wife and the soldiers, that is the most loss since he was born.

Nine sorrows can be condensed into icicles, and the smoke-like Song Shuhang seal is printed in it.

At this moment, the monster Song Shuhang finally could not move.

"What is the composition of this smoke? Identification!" The liquid metal ball is stretched out on the icicle and uses the authority of its own 'nine secluded' to analyze and identify the composition of the monsterized Song Shuhang.

Soon, information about the composition of smoke appeared in the minds of liquid metal balls.

In a sense, this smog has the nature of 'not dying,' which can be turned into infinitely small particles in an instant, avoiding all physical attacks. It will continue to devour the absorbable energy and self-proliferate.

These attributes are a bit like a weak imitation of the ‘immortal’ nature.