Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 1467: Is this an apology?

After listening to the sound of drinking water, Song Shuhang turned his doubts and turned around. Then he saw the appearance of the beauty of the meritorious snakes and the heroic spirit of the "Zimuhe" spring.

Song Shuhang: "..."

The beauty of the meritorious snake looks back at Song Shuhang, and the slender scorpion struggles with a big, sly expression.

Recently, the performance of the snake beauty has become more and more good.

Next time, if the white predecessor still wants to make a movie, she can go to the female number one.

"Drinked?" Song Shuhang twitched his mouth.

The beauty of the meritorious snake thought about it. She slammed her hand and threw the empty bottle to the side. Then she shook her head hard.

Song Shuhang's heart is good, and the liver is faint and painful.

Sighing, Song Shuhang consulted with Xiaobai seniors: "White predecessors, will the light of virtue be pregnant?"

The white predecessors were scratching the black paste with a spoon. After hearing the question of Song Shuhang, he turned his head to look at the meritorious snake beauty.

The little white predecessors pondered for a moment, saying: "In theory, the light of merit does not have the characteristics of life, and the spring of the mother river should not work. But the light of your merits is obviously not an ordinary style."

Song Shuhang: "So?"

"Well, there are two possibilities. One is that your meritorious light is pregnant; the other is that you are pregnant as a master." The white predecessors calmed down. After that, he continued to scrape the black paste in his bowl.

Song Shuhang burst into tears, he turned back and stared at the meritorious snake beauty.

The belly of the meritorious snake is still flat and smooth, and there is no need to be pregnant.

If she is not pregnant...

Song Shuhang looked down at his lower abdomen - she was not finished, I am not taking pills?

Suddenly there is a feeling of despair.

I don't know if it is an illusion. The lower abdomen really has a feeling of swelling.

It seems that there is really a small life to be born in it.

Extreme despair.jpg

"Song predecessors want to have a baby?" Yukoko looked curiously at Song Shuhang's stomach.

Su Shi A XVI: "The spring water of the Zimu River is different from the 'pregnancy gaze'. It is said that it will give birth to a meat ball. What should the pharmacist predecessor do?"

The pharmacist in the next table warmed up and looked up. He smiled slightly: "Don't be afraid, there is me. I will also have caesarean section. Although it is not very good, but with the 'cure', I will complete the ball for the book. No problem. Book Air Friends don't have to worry."

Even with the comfort of the pharmacist's predecessors, Song Shuhang was completely unhappy.

I knew that I wouldn’t let the beauty of the snakes come out before I knew it.

"Oh ah ah ~ ~" At this time, the meritorious snake beauty looked up, issued the screams of the four screams, Song Shuhang version of the pronunciation.

After the screams, she spit out a table tennis ball of diamond size.

This diamond ball is made up of ultra-high-purity ‘the power of merit. It is golden and beautiful.

The meritorious snake beauty extended his hands and gently caught the golden diamond ball.

Then she held the gold diamond ball in front of Song Shuhang.

"You drank the river of this ‘female spring,’ and then gave birth to this?” Song Shuhang asked with doubt.

At the same time, his heart was secretly relieved.

In any case, the pot of the meritorious snake beauty did not fall on his stomach. He does not have to worry about being the first man to be caesarean section in the 'Jiuzhou No.1 Group'.

At the same time, I don't know if it is an illusion. Song Shuhang seems to have heard a regretful snoring from the entire banquet hall.

[Ba Song Xuan Sheng did not even have a pregnancy, bad reviews! 】

"What is the use of this diamond?" Song Shuhang reached out and pinched the diamond, and watched it carefully.

In addition to the high compression and cohesion of the power of merit, he does not see that this golden diamond ball has more singularities.

"Forget it, let it go first. Then how to say it is also a bottle of 'Mother River' spring water." Song Shuhang secretly.

When he was ready to receive the bracelet space first, he saw the expression of the beauty of the meritorious snake.

@#%×Fairy's gaze, staring firmly at the gold diamond ball in his hand.

Where is his hand moving, @#%×Fairy's gaze moves to where.

Song Shuhang pinched the golden diamond ball and swung a five-pointed star.

@#%×The head of the fairy is also moving, crossing the trajectory of a five-pointed star.

Song Shuhang: "..."

Is it because the pregnancy of the 'Zimuhe' spring is made, @#%×仙子 cherish this gold diamond ball as its own child?

If that's the case.

After Song Shuhang thought about it, he put this gold diamond ball back into the hands of the meritorious snake beauty: "It belongs to you."

@#%×Fairy quickly put away the diamond ball and held it in the chest.

It seems that for her, this golden diamond ball is much more precious than the 'red scorpion seniors'.



The feast of the feast continues to feast.

The remaining seven locations have also begun to be occupied by other diners of the banquet by various methods.

Then, the seat sweepstakes officially began.

There is still a seat in Song Shuhang’s hand, which is the seat that I just won.

"So, seniors, who do you need a seat?" Song Shuhang asked - if a senior needs it, he will give it away.

If no one wants, he will grab the stupid bird.

Let her practice alone, her cultivating madness will be exacerbated.

Members of the Jiuzhou No. 1 group have shook their heads.

In the end... Song Shuhang only forced the capture of the small demon, letting her occupy the last seat she won.

The delicacies on the banquet were sent one after another.

The crowd began to relax and enjoy the feast of the feast wholeheartedly.

After three rounds of wine, everyone started talking in the north.

Song Shuhang erected his ears and listened to the adventures of the predecessors of Jiuzhou No.1 group, the experience of cultivation, and the interesting things in cultivation.

These should be remembered.

In the future, these can be his qualifications to become a qualified senior.

Just when the public friends talked about it.

After Song Shuhang, the beauty of the meritorious snakes carefully extended their small hands and grabbed them behind the white predecessors.

'Snapped! ’

The white-haired seniors who are drinking the succulent hand reach out and knock out the hand of the meritorious snake beauty.

When Song Shuhang heard the sound, he turned his head.

Then I saw that the beauty of the meritorious snakes shrank into a ball, motionless, and looked like a clever shape.

"What's wrong?" Song Shuhang wondered.

Xiaobai seniors: "I don't know, your meritorious snake beauty suddenly reached out and grabbed it on my head."

Song Shuhang looked at the meritorious snake beauty: "..."

Still take her away.

In the midst of thinking, the beauty of the meritorious snake, under the attention of Song Shuhang, once again reached out to the white predecessor, grabbing his hair...

The goal of the meritorious snake beauty is the hair of the white predecessor?

'Snapped! ’

The white predecessors shot again and took the small hand of the meritorious snake beauty.

The beauty of the meritorious snakes has shrunk into a group, revealing a clever expression.

But after three seconds.

She was not guilty of thief, and her hand was quietly caught in the hair of the white predecessors.

Song Shuhang: "..."

'Snapped! ’

The little white predecessor shot her little hand again: "The wave is not three!"

Once again, even if it is the light of the merits of Song Shuhang’s little friend, he will also send her into space with a flying sword.

The mad knife and three waves looked awkward, why did he suddenly shoot?

@#%×仙子 seems to suddenly think of something.

Her eyes are bright.

Then, she opened the second bottle of the 'Mother River' spring water, and the first one raised her head, and the 咕咕咕~~ took the spring water out.

Especially heroic.

Song Shuhang: "???"

@#%×Fairy is trying to do it!

Self-destruction, borrowing spring water to eliminate?

Repeat the previous steps after drinking the spring water.

After a while, the beauty of the meritorious snake opened his mouth and spit out a gold diamond ball.

Then, she held the new diamond ball in her hands and handed it to the white predecessor.

Little white predecessor: "..."

"She may want your white hair to be your predecessor?" Song Shuhang translated.

"Hair?" Xiaobai seniors looked at the golden diamond ball in the hands of the meritorious snake beauty.

If you look closely, you can find that this golden diamond ball is very beautiful, and it is more beautiful than any diamond in the world. In addition, it is formed by the power of high-purity merit. If you wear it on your body, you can avoid evil and avoid disasters.

Xiaobai’s predecessors fell into meditation.

After a while, he gently clap his hands: "Alright, just use it to make a device that you have long wanted to make. Well, trade."

The little white senior reached out and grabbed one of his long hair and gently pulled it.

He handed his long hair to @#%×仙子.

@#%×Fairy happy to hand the golden diamond ball to the white predecessor.

A transaction that both parties are happy with is completed.

Song Shuhang: "..."

For the @#%×仙子, the gold diamond ball is not a ‘child’!

"What are you doing to trade the whites' hair?" Song Shuhang wondered.

@#%×Fairy grabs the long hair of the white predecessor and gently pokes on the golden diamond ball. The seemingly indestructible gold diamond ball was pierced by the long hair of the white predecessors.

@#%×Fairy will make a long hair knot.

Then she hung the gold diamond ball around her neck.

When she is swaying, the ping-pong-sized gold diamond ball can roll and jump on the two big balls, dazzling.

Song Shuhang: "..."

His mood at this time is complicated.

He didn't know how to get rid of the @#%×仙子's behavior.

But if he doesn't vomit, he feels flustered in his heart.

It seems to have sensed the flustered emotion of the host Song Shuhang, and the meritorious snake beauty reached out and patted Song Shuhang.

Then, she bit her teeth and took another bottle of 'Zimu River' from the pocket of Song Shuhang.

Open the lid and have a drink!

Song Shuhang: "???"

Fairy, what are you doing? I wasted a bottle of mother river spring water.

After a while.

The meritorious snake beauty repeats the above steps, spits out a golden diamond ball and hands it to Song Shuhang.

After a slap in the face, even after drinking three bottles of 'Zimuhe' spring water, the beauty of the meritorious snake is not small, and her body is a little transparent.

After handing the third gold diamond ball to Song Shuhang, Gongde Snake Beauty took the initiative to return to Song Shuhang's body and began to rest.

Song Shuhang holds the gold diamond ball in his hand and can't smile.

Is this an apology for @#%×仙子?