Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 1492: Terrible people see people love

Song Shuhang searched for the keyword 'head' in his mind.

Soon, he thought of his pet, the onion of the onion.

Don't underestimate these onion tips. In theory, these onion tips are the heads of the green onions.

However, if the onion of the onion is handed over to the two masters of the Chuge, the other party will only eat it one by one, but will not install it for himself.

It is obvious that the onion tip is not a suitable material.

So, in addition to the green onion, what is the brain in my core world?

Song Shuhang thought about it and entered the message in the 'Jiuzhou No.1 Group'.

Blame Song: "Ask a very important question. If someone wants to screw my head, what should I do? Online, wait."

Three waves of madness: "Hey, this kind of thing is still considered?"

Su Shi A Qi: "This is still used to say, of course, the backhand twisted his head."

"I think, since Book Air asked this question in the group... I am afraid that the book will not be able to screw the other side?"

The Beihe seniors are always so warm and caring.

The tyrant Song Song: "Ah, I can't screw it. So, I am asking, is there anything that can replace my head?"

"What is the realm of the other side, Tian Tian and Tian Tian are all nearby, need their help?" asked the main body of the seven-year-old Fufu.

Hegeo Song Song: "Dayu level, anyway, it is impossible to fight, and it is not easy to escape. Although I have the ultimate means of escape, if there is no failure, there is no room for recovery. So see if there is any other solution. The law."

"The white predecessor has not returned yet?" asked the bronze singer.

Blame Song Song: "Yeah."

Beihe scattered people: "..."

Lychee Fairy: "..."

Mad Knife: "..."

Fengfeng son: "..."

卦 卦 师 :: "[candle expression]."

He knife Song Song: "Hey, my predecessors, I don't want to do it. I feel like I can still save it. The seniors please help me think about it. Is there anything that can replace my head? Or Is there any way for me to regain a head and come out?"

"You are not a plant-like goblin. It's not so easy to do things like a long head. When you really cultivate into the realm of eight products, and then cooperate with the 'Cheng Lin's longevity method', you may have the opportunity to re-open a head." Holy Road.

Song Shuhang: "Is there any other way?"

"Yes." Dahuangshan is a good place.

The name, at first glance, is Peas - the name is a fragment of "The Song of Huangshan Big Silly".

Dahuangshan is a good place: "Don't die once, and then resurrect it. Don't talk about your head, even if it is smashed, you can grow back."

"The problem is that Song Shuhang Xiaoyou has just resurrected. Can he be revived once in a short time?"

I am a loyal dog of Huangshan adults: "Book Air, must you have your head? Other people's heads can't? And, I just wanted to vomit from just now - that big man is going to screw your head, you still have time Chatting in the group?"

It is incredible that the villains in the TV have to talk about a bunch of nonsense before killing the protagonist... Now the big man is still giving him time to chat in front of the song of Songshang’s head. What is this operation? Peas can't figure out.

"Hey? This is Peas? Who is that above?" Song Shuhang wondered.

Dahuangshan is a good place: "It's me, the East is quiet snow."

Song Shuhang: "..."

It turned out to be the oriental fairy.

There are two oriental fairy in the 'Jiuzhou No.1 Group', and one is the Oriental Six Fairies who say that the whole family is a monk. The other is the Oriental Jing Xue Fairy who loves "The Song of Huangshan Big Silly".

Hegeo Song Song: "For a very complicated reason, I and the big brother know it. But, it is not so good. Now she is a guest in my shop, waiting for the dessert to screw my head. In addition, even if my head is screwed away, I am afraid I will not be able to resurrect. At most, I will become a headless knight."

"The relationship is really chaotic." The Beihe is scattered.

"In short, the resurrection does not necessarily work. And my resurrection method has not cooled down. I want to ask if there is anything that can replace my head before the dessert comes." Song Shuhang asked.

"If you don't die, you don't have to worry. After becoming a headless knight, you will practice hard ‘Cheng Lin's long life law.' Maybe you can grow your head after you become a big man?” Peas continued.

Song Shuhang: "Is there any other way?"

"There is no way. After all, you can't beat others, and you have insufficient strength." Beihe Sanren concluded.

At this time, in the Jiuzhou No. 1 group, there was a member who had not been online for a long time.

Mysterious girl, Yunquezi: "Hello, everyone. I finally got through the net again!"

Mad Knife Three Waves: "The Sparrows predecessor, are you okay?"

"Peace is nothing, look for three waves in a few days you play. Unfortunately, book air you are not me. Otherwise, it is no problem to cut a head down to give people." Xuan female door Yunquezi Road.

The old body of the Yunquezi fairy and the immortal bone are still in the fat ball.

The new student, she left the world from the robbery world, but did not know where it was sent. It is only today that I have finally returned to the world.

"The Sparrow Fairy, don't mess around now. If you die now, you will really die." Song Shudao.

Said, he finally remembered the head of someone else in his hand.


In his core world, there are a bunch of ‘cloudlark parts’.

Among them are the heads.

Because the skylark fairy has its own 'immortal property', these parts still maintain 'activity'.

However, because the 'Cloud Spider Parts' is a big trouble, accidentally it will lead to the 'catastrophe giant tortoise'. Therefore, when Song Shuhang considered the appropriate material head, he subconsciously ignored the pile of parts.

Blame Song Song: "Maybe it is really feasible, my predecessors, I will try. Thank you, Yunquezi predecessors, and maybe you should use your power a little later, please don't blame."

Mysterious female door sparrow: "???"

The tyrants and swords are off the assembly line.

Lingdie Island Yukoko: "Song predecessor, you can ask the predecessor anxious, if he is not in a hurry to screw your head, you will go to a kind of Warcraft called 'Nine-headed Snake', or have its bloodline Descendants. Then use its blood to extract alchemy, this kind of medicinal herb called 'Six head Dan', after eating, grow a few heads, let the predecessor sigh with a sigh of relief. The alchemy method we have. ”

However, the words of Yurouzi, Song Shuhang did not see. He has already put the phone away.

Mysterious girl, Yunquezi: "Is there such a magical drug? Is the growing drug the same as the normal head?"

"I haven't tried it yet, just know that Auntie has such a taste in the hands of Dan." Yurouzi said.

Mysterious girl Yunquezi: "When I went to meet the three waves, I went to Lingdie Island. When I talked to Lingdie Dao, I could trade this prescription. I feel that Dan and I are very good. ”



In the restaurant.

The dessert is coming up.

Although the Chuge master two is a bit full, but eating some dessert is no problem.

"You can screw your head after eating?" asked the Chuge master two.

"Cough, Chu predecessors. I just thought of one thing." Song Shuhang said with a smile: "In fact, I have several excellent heads in my hands. It is also a long, beautiful fairy, just like your hair. Long and dense, although it is blue long hair. More importantly, her head also comes with the breath of 'immortal attributes'. Perhaps, her head will be more suitable for Chu predecessors."

"Immortal?" Chuge master two looked up and stared at Song Shuhang.

"Yes, that's right. It's just a little trouble. Once the head of the fairy appears in the world, it will attract a giant turtle of disaster. They will forcibly recover the head of the fairy." Song Shudao.

"It sounds very troublesome, I still don't want it. I still want your head."

Song Shuhang quickly said: "Chu predecessors, you should try at least first. I will find a time to take you to see the head of the fairy. If you look at it at a glance?"

The two masters of the Chu Pavilion smashed the sand ice and looked up: "Well, give you a chance. Let's go see the head of the fairy. If it is appropriate, don't screw your head. If it is not suitable, screw it off." s head."

Song Shuhang’s heart is happy: “Okay, no problem.”

In his heart, he still had great confidence in the head of the Skylark Fairy - how to say it is also a head with immortality. Even fat **** can't refuse this temptation.

The Chuge master two must not refuse the temptation of immortality.

"We will leave when we finish eating."

Although she is very full, but she has agreed to eat these desserts, she must finish eating.

"Chu predecessors, can you give me some time to prepare? Because the immortal atmosphere is special, I will take the head of the fairy when I am in the world, I need to prepare." Song Shudao.

He can't bring the two brothers directly to the core world... The head of the Chu Ge master is still there.

Therefore, either find a way to temporarily transfer the head of the Chu Ge master one.

Either find a way to transfer the head of the skylark to the present world, but also to avoid the 'catastrophe giant tortoise'.

"How long will it take?"

Song Shuhang thought for a moment: "How about ten days?"

Ten days is safer, and his resurrection has cooled down. Even if the two masters of the Chuge are not satisfied with the head of the skylark, they have to screw his head. He still has a resurrection, and his heart is quite bottom.

"I feel that the time is too long, shrink in half, give you five days. After five days, I will come to you again." Chuge master two roads.

After that, she poured all the sand ice into her mouth and chewed it: "Five days later, I will come to you. If you can't, screw your head."

After all, she stood up and slammed into the void.

The door to space opens and she drills into the door of space.

"Right, the space on the edge of this small island is very chaotic these days... There are several world passages that meet near this island. One of them is the world of 'Heaven and Man,' and there is a life in this world. The long race 'Tianren'. They love to hunt and kill the five Jindan monks, the demon dan, to win the glory of Jindan and the demon. You are now a golden bud, for the angels, you are almost human See people's love level, they will love you very much. Note that I come over after five days, but I don't want to see you hanging."