Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 1576: Magic recharge machine

Among these things, those of the standard equipment can be handed over to the 'steel incarnation'. For example, the standard flying sword in the hands of Anzhi Mojun, the standard bow and the spear gun of heaven.

The black iron armor and the god-killing gun that were refining by Song Shuhang are not suitable for the steel incarnation that is being robbed. Moreover, the model of the black iron **** is too small to give a large form of armor. The avatar is 'applied. Destroying the guns requires a huge amount of Lingshi, and Song Shuhang is now penniless, one poor and two white.

In the end, Song Shuhang took out a set of bows, javelins, and flying swords. After thinking about it, he made a sneak peek at the brick-and-battery type of things that the white predecessor had brought over.

How to say it is also something that the white predecessors brought over, and maybe it is the air transport of the white predecessors?

"Choose the arms you need." Song Shuhang said.

His voice just fell, and the incarnation of steel became a form of 'mechanism'. Then it flew out with his right hand - flying fist attack!

It can be far away, a few hundred meters away. Song Shuhang did not know that this mech form has such an attack.

The right hand of the steel avatar flew to the side of the self-destructing ‘truck’ and grabbed the cannon that was suspected of being an “electromagnetic gun”.

At the right wrist of the steel incarnation, there is a diamond rope connected to the right fist, and the diamond rope is pulled back, and the flying fist drags the 'electromagnetic gun' back.

The valuable passengers in the car were in a coma. Otherwise, if they see their precious secret weapons being taken, they must be crying.

Pulled together with the electromagnetic gun, there is a huge base that seems to be an energy pack.

After the muzzle was pulled over, the steel incarnation of the mech form picked it up and put it on his back.

On its back, there are countless threads coming out.

These wires are the energy pipes of the 'core reactor', which is equivalent to the meridians of the 'steel incarnation'.

It now appears that the function of these threads is not as simple as the 'mechanical'. They plunged into the 'electromagnetic cannon', part of which was plunged into the energy pack, drawing energy, and the other part was tied to the cannon, merging the door 'electromagnetic cannon' with the formwork of the steel incarnation.

Song Shuhang: "It was originally said that 'armed' refers to this electromagnetic gun."

"You are more and more interesting in this steel incarnation. However, can this gun weapon be exposed to the catastrophe?"

In the face of the catastrophe, the current modern weapons will have no effect.

The catastrophe will directly "penetrate" modern weapons, attack the monks on the ground, and completely ignore modern weapons.

Even a missile that has been modified by a monk, in the face of the robbery, can play a small role and is disappointing.

Therefore, it is clear that more and more monks are in contact with modern weapons, but in the face of catastrophe, few monks have integrated these things into their own methods.

"I don't know." Song Shuhang is a handkerchief.

King of Creation: "In addition, if the four Jin dynasty after five days of robbing, it will continue to lead to the five-day catastrophe of the Five Jins, then it will die without life."

"This is not something I can control. If it really wants to die, it will lead to five days and six days of robbery. I can't help." Song Shudao.

In the void, the four-day five-day robbery began to change shape.

What happened this time was not the ‘modernization of the day’s robbery’, but a sword that robbed the sky.

These swords are all the appearance of the monks' flying swords, and all kinds of styles have been used since ancient times.

The king of creation is holding his chin: "It seems that for different practitioners, the catastrophe will now evolve into different forms? Isn't it just as simple as "day-to-day modernization?"

The Six Immortals of the East: "I also have this feeling. The robbery is more intelligent. I will first talk about it in the 'Jiuzhou No.1 Group' and the martial art, so that the Taoist who recently had a robbery plan should pay attention to it."


Dozens of days of robbery and swords are combined into a battle, falling from the air.

The sword is full of swords, which contains the swords that belong to the heavens.

The steel incarnation reached out and picked up the ‘electromagnetic gun’ on the back, and slammed the sword in the air.

A metal projectile was fired from the electromagnetic gun.

High power, amazing attack speed and destructive power.

Booming ~~

The robbery sword was smashed in midair.

"This weapon can smash the sky." The eyes of the Eastern Six Fairies shine.

Does this mean that this weapon like the 'electromagnetic gun' can also be mastered by other practitioners to fight against the robbery? !

If this is the case, the monks will have a lot more help when they rob.

King of Creation: "You shouldn't be excited about the six sons. I feel that this 'electromagnetic gun' weapon can work, mostly because of the 'core reactor'. Before we saw a lot of tentacles like silk wire into the 'electromagnetic In the gun's, it is integrated with the incarnation of Song Shuhang's little friend. It is probably because of those silk tentacles that the 'electromagnetic gun' has changed."

"In any case, after this catastrophe, we have to find a way to recycle this 'electromagnetic gun'. If it can fight against the catastrophe, we will mass it." The Oriental Six Fairies laughed and said: "I Go around the circle and protect the researchers of that car. These guys are probably baby."

After all, the Six Immortals in the East swiftly circled and dragged the researchers in the truck.

These guys may become the scent of the monks.



The robbery continued to land.

With the 'electromagnetic gun', in a short period of time, the steel avatar turned out to be vocal with the ‘four Jins and five’s.

However, as the power of the catastrophe continued to strengthen, the steel avatar began to be passively beaten.

Originally a sword array composed of dozens of large swords, this time turned into a large array of hundreds of swords.

The sword light is falling, and every sword light seems to be a subtle sword.

"These swords are the swordsmanship method of the swordsmanship associated with the swordsmanship." The king of the craftsmanship: "I saw the swords of "Swords of the Sword", "The Devil's Sword", "Fairy Five Swords", etc. The shadow of swordsmanship."

"There are also my "Magic Self Demon Sword" and "Five Swords"." The Six Immortals of the East added that she dragged the researcher of the car and came back.

At the same time as the members of the car were towed back, the Six Immortals of the East also made a lap of magic on the side of the ‘robbery range’ to avoid the ordinary people from entering the area of ​​the robbery.

The previous robbery and illusion arrays all collapsed with the end of the Peas. This is why the researchers of this car can get to the vicinity of the robbery area.

"These flying swords are new changes in the robbery?" Song Shuhang asked.

The King of Creation Wang looked at Song Shuhang: "These are the old means of robbing. When you have a book, you haven’t experienced it in the four days of the robbery?"

"My four-day five-day robbery was pulled into the 'devil space' by the predecessors of the skylark, and went to the eight-character robbery. The normal four-day five-day robbery only saw the promotion of today's peas." Song Shuhang I licked my eyebrows and my heart stopped.

The creation of the king's mouth is twitching.

Akasaka Sword: "Made the little friends, please don't give Song Shuhang a chance to make a force, I can't stand it anymore."

King of Creation: "..."

The day was robbed.

The steel cannons of the incarnation of steel have not had time to smash such a large number of robbing swords, and its shape has been smashed by the swords of the day.

The body's own defensive shield has been shattered several times, and the huge body has been scarred. If it weren’t for the ‘Xianzhou’ itself, it would be made of five fine materials. At this time, it was already smashed by the sword of the robbing sword.

"The hegemony claims to increase armed aid." The steel avatar made another voice.

"Agree, what needs to be armed to choose your own." Song Shuhang is armed with those standards.

The steel incarnation has smashed several swords, and the metal plates on the chest have been smashed to reveal the mechanical structure inside.

Its head swept through the standard equipment in front of Song Shuhang.

In the end, it chose something that was similar in size to a cell phone... a tentacle stretched out and flexibly caught the look of the phone.

This guy’s eyesight is good, and when he picks it, he picks up the things of the white predecessors.

"What is this thing?" asked the King of Creation.

From the beginning, when Song Shuhang took out a series of standard implements and pulled out the things, the King of Creation was thinking about what the magic weapon was.

"This is what the white predecessor brought back from a relic. I haven't tried anything specifically." Song Shuhang replied.

I just forgot to use the ‘identification secret law’ for this thing.

"Things that can make the white predecessors feel curious are definitely treasures."

"Well, I agree with this sentence." The king of creation.

The white predecessors are not in the land of treasure, the things that the white predecessors found are even an ordinary stone. After you open it, there may be treasures inside.

After the steel avatar grabbed the mobile phone-like thing, a large number of tentacle threads appeared in the palm of his hand and sneaked into the mobile phone-like device.

Then, another tentacle was silked into a finger and pressed at a position similar to the 'number key' on the instrument.


A lap of runes emerges from this cell phone.

The combination of these runes quickly transforms into a primitive spell.


The sky robbed the flying sword.

On the implement of the steel incarnation, the spell's prototype was rotated and turned into a streamering golden whip.

The whip turned flexibly and pulled to a handle to rob the flying sword.

In a blink of an eye, all the flying swords that hit the steel incarnation were crushed.

"Five-level spells." The King of Creation is calm.

The four-day five-day catastrophe, the falling of the sky, the flying sword, each handle is the power of the 'four peaks'. And this spell can easily crush all the flying swords, the spell level is at least five.

"Feeling, this seems to be a special instrument to release the spell?"

A steel incarnation with no spellcasting ability, you can release the spell directly after holding this weapon.

"And, this method of casting is more like the magic of the magician system than the Tao." Akasaka added.