Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 1627: After the installation is over, it’s i

Because it is the incarnation of Song Shuhang, this is only the glove that has been bound by Song Shuhang [the blessing of the ancestral witch], it can also be used without conflict.

The blessing of the ancestors, with a space jump of 500 meters, can be used after activation.

Space ability, under normal circumstances, it is the patent of 'Nine Products.'

Below nine products, I want to use space power - either by the gods, or with special talents; or with the help of super rare space-like abilities, but this instrument is extremely difficult to refine, sometimes wants to refine To make a space implement, you have to shuttle several worlds to find materials. Another way is to use the altar or similar method to perform space jumps.

Whether it is the number of 'tales, space equipment, space altars', it is extremely rare.

Usually, monks under 9 are fighting, and it is rare to consider the fact that the other party has the 'space power'.

Faced with the sudden jump of the steel incarnation, the evil beasts and evil spirits are unprepared and unable to resist.

Even if they want to block, they can't stop it, unless they can move out the evil spirits of the nine products, and use the means of space blockade to prevent the space of the steel incarnation from jumping. Otherwise, before the nine products, the space jump is a solution without sneak.

The four evil spirits responsible for guarding the '10-armed statue' took a moment, and they watched as the steel avatar disappeared into place, and when it appeared again, it had already flashed within their defensive circle.



At the same time, the steel avatar stretched out his hand on the ten-armed statue, and the thin ** was like ** his own lover.

啪啪啪啪~~ The current sounds loud.

On the ten-armed statue, a large number of arcs are blown up to form the power grid – this is a self-contained defense mechanism and a barrier. This layer of grid can block the enemy from interfering with it, and it is also an 'warning' measure, alerting the enemy to enter its alert range.

The steel avatar was numb by the electric body.

"When a finger comes into contact with her, there is a feeling of electric shock... Yes, it is love!" The steel avatar is more sure of his own thoughts.

Love, like electric light, follows the fingertips of the two and passes through the hearts of the two.

Love is like an electric shock.

Love is awkward electric shock!

Awkward electric shock is love!

Love is awkward!

You are electricity, you are light, you are my only one.

"嗷~~" The four evil spirits responsible for guarding screamed and rushed to the steel incarnation, and wanted to tear it apart.

[Baby has applied for plunder again. The hegemony is excited.

Don't waste time, find a way to get this thing done. Can move away, can not move away, find a way to let it merge with you. 】 Song Shuhang replies.

When he thought about the '10-armed statue' of the 'Steel Incarnation', the kind of impulse that he produced - would it be an opportunity for its 'enhancement'?

Therefore, Song Shuhang quietly handed over the 'blessing of the ancestors' to it and created opportunities for it.

There is only one task for the steel incarnation, and the ‘ten arm statue’ is given. Let the ‘forbidden magic field’ here unravel and release the fighting power of the Dragon Blood tribe.

——The shape of the ten-armed statue is too obvious. When a normal person sees it, he can guess that it is the source of the ‘the enchanted field.’

[Determine the order. After the steel avatar received the instruction, the light in the eyes skyrocketed.

At the same time, it is also the body that has soared.

The mech turned into a body.

In the eyes of the evil beasts, it turned into a giant mech. Its mech shape is two heads higher than the ten-armed statue, and it is tall and mighty.

In the eyes of all evil beasts and evil spirits, it picked up the ‘ten arm statue’ and pulled it to the shoulder.

Then, at the moment when the ‘the ancestral blessing’ CD resumed, the steel avatar quickly activated it.


The shape of the steel avatar appears 300 meters above the sky - the distance of this teleport has been shortened by the huge 10-armed statue on its shoulder.

But the distance of 300 meters is enough.

After loading, I will start my wife and run.

The four evil spirits responsible for the defense, with a full blow, rushed into the ground and screamed at the unwilling defeat.

It’s too cheating to open the ‘space jump’ plug-in below 9 items.

I can't play at all.

"Block it!" The evil spirits and the beasts screamed, and they also had blockade lines in the air, and they must not let the big ones run.

[Baby application to enter the ‘crazy escape’ mode! 】 The hegemony number applied again.

"Allow, is there any problem with energy?" Song Shuhang quickly approved in his heart.

[Energy is ready. 】 The size of the hegemony has changed again, and the shuttle ‘Xianzhou’ mode has emerged.

[霸霸号, attack! The squad of the squadron of the sacred model is like a slamming sound.

Below the Xiansuo, it is a rigorous '10-armed statue' tied to the 'transparent energy line'. The ten-armed statue constantly releases the current barrier and electrically damages the hegemony.

But for the hegemony, this electric system damage is a hot ‘love’ signal.

Love is like electricity, and it is like a flame. The more electric it is, the hotter it is, and the heart is hot.

Hum ~~

The ‘Crazy Escape Mode’ broke out.

This mode will consume all the energy stored in the ‘霸霸’ in a flash, and then it will trigger the peak of the seven products... even the flight speed of the eight products!

This is the speed of escape, regardless of the cost, even if it will fall apart at the last minute.

On the energy side, there is no problem at all - because I have just collected a large number of 'Black Dragon Lingshi'.

All the Black Dragon Lingshi, all invested by the hegemony, turned into the energy of the 'crazy escape mode'.

The escape speed of the eight products, the evil beasts and evil spirits present, no one can reach this speed.

There are a few evil spirits that want to block the ‘hegemony’ with their own body. They are directly hit by the tyrant of the brakes, and their chests are broken.

In this way, all evil spirits and evil beasts watched as the tyrants ran away from the ‘ten arm statues, and ran farther and farther into small stars.

The little star flashed, as if to say: Come, come chase me~ If you can catch up with me, I will let you deal with it~

An inoperable operation.

After the ten-armed statue disappeared, the ‘the magical field’ disappeared.

In an instant, the battle mage of the Dragon Blood Tribe broke out. Their connection with ‘Longluo’ is restored, and their magic is no longer delayed.

"Flame possession!"

"A battle of aura!"

"Ice, curse my enemy!"

"Black Dragon Armor!"

"Break aura, gravity, steel body, dragon **** spear, dragon attack!"

Dazzling battle spells are constantly released.

For a moment, the spell effects at the Dragon Blood Division fill the entire picture, which is dazzling and deadly beauty.

The old patriarch clenched his spears hard and shouted: "Ah, Luo Luo Luo Luo ~ ~ killing and killing, it is time for us to fight back, give me a good time! Ah Luo Luo Luo ~ ~"

Kill and kill, kill a glance at the enemy, whether it is evil beast or evil... Day!

Not good, accidentally too excited, heart disease seems to have committed.

Ah, my heart is like colic, my medicine, where is my medicine?



The Dragon Blood Division is no longer affected by the 'Forbidden Demon' field, and finally bursts out their due strength. When fighting evil spirits and evil spirits, they are no longer completely suppressed. Finally, there is a return and a counterattack.

In the void.

Song Shuhang single-handed sword, the flame on the sword burned.

His wrists flipped and the Akasaka sword was constantly waving.


On his side, there was a constant flow of gold and iron.

The battle with Song Shuhang is naturally the evil spirit woman.

It’s just that the evil spirit woman’s speed is too fast, and it’s almost impossible for ordinary people to see her figure.

Song Shuhang’s left eye is the ‘Sacred Eye’, and the speed of the evil spirits is no longer a problem for the ‘Sacred Eye’.


In a short moment, Song Shuhang and her have already attacked nearly three hundred strokes.

The evil spirited woman waved her hand and slammed the last shot and turned back.

Her eyes stared at Song Shuhang, her belly was huge, but it did not affect her speed.

"You are stronger than I thought." The evil spirit woman calmly said.

Song Shuhang: "You are welcome."

He is actually a little embarrassed, because from the beginning to the end, and the evil spirits women 'attacks' are all Akasaka sword predecessors.

Song Shuhang just held the sword and put it a look.

The three hundred tricks of attacking each other with the evil spirits are entirely the movement of the predecessors of the Akasaka sword.

"You really are not ordinary existence. If it is an ordinary existence, you have already fallen under my ‘famous smashing gun.’” The evil spirit woman calmly said.

‘Famous sounds are the nouns of the Black Dragon World. The translation should be the meaning of ‘cause and fruit’.

"Causal gun? It sounds like a hang." Song Shuhang used Chinese to lower the voice.

Normally, as long as it is not a bragging skill, the gunshot that can be related to the ‘scarred fruit’ will be very sling.

"No wonder, I always feel that her marksmanship is very interesting, and even makes me excited. It turned out to be the tactics of ‘scarred fruit.’” Akasaka’s predecessor laughed.

At this time, the evil spirits woman put on an offensive posture: "But the next shot, I will want your life. Post your name, my gun will not kill the unknown."

"What is she talking about?" asked the seniors of Akasaka.

"She asked me to show my name and said that the next shot would take my life." Song Shudao.

The Akasaka sword senior smiled: "In this case, what are we waiting for? Of course, satisfy her. Show your name, book sail. In addition... her law of causal guns, I also have some eyebrows. Come down, just look at her murder. Then, look at how I crack her shots. After a while, I might still create a causal knife for you."

"Causal knife? Akasaka sword predecessors have a word." Song Shudao.

Then he looked at the evil spirits woman: "My name? Then you can look good."

Book Air reached out and snapped a finger.

The seal of both sides emerged beside him.

The sacred seal of the Song Dynasty, the devil of the Confucianism.

[Call my father! 】 merits, snakes and beautiful women are witty and seize the rare opportunity.