Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 1629: I have nothing to do.

The ‘crazy escape mode’ of steel incarnation will not stop as long as the energy is not completely exhausted, unless it falls apart during the middle.

And when it crashed into the steel school, countless 'steel objects' were wrapped around them before they were gently attached to the body.

The next moment, the steel incarnation only felt that the 'energy' on his body was quietly taken away.

These 'steel objects' look a bit like fish and a bit like a bee, a combination of the two.

Their attributes are just like their appearance, acting like fish, and tens of thousands of steel fish are swimming regularly in the void. At the same time, they are like hardworking bees, picking energy like picking nectar.

It’s just a face-to-face, and the energy of the steel avatar is exhausted.

[霸霸号, you have to stop! 】 The steel incarnation screams.

It was even too late to start the ‘Zhu Wor’s blessing’ space jump function and was forced to stop.

Even the inertia of its forward rush was rotated by the iron squid in a circle. In a Tai Chi way, it was a little bit worn away and completely stopped.

Not only the incarnation of steel, but even the ‘ten arm statue’, it was also pumped out of power, no longer releasing the current of love.

Steel grotesques are not refusing to come by ‘energy’, no matter what type of energy they have, they can extract them.

After taking the power of the hegemony, the strange fish cast by the steel did not die. They are entwined with the hegemony, turning around in a circle, rolling it and the incarnation of steel, and swam deep into the void.

[Report, the hegemony was captured. 】 The steel avatar sends a signal to the body.



Dadama Forest

Song Shuhang looked up at the sky: "..."

The hegemony was captured and taken away by a group of ‘Steel Fish.’

The liver is sore, and the waist is followed by pain.

This guy is totally unreliable.

Judging from the ‘picture’ sent from it, those steel grotesques seem to be [uncontrolled arsenal groups].

"Red 霄 sword predecessors, let's end the chaos here." Song Shuhang out of the channel.

Akasaka Sword: "What happened?"

It is deducing the 'cause and knife method'.

"Hegemony... oh, my steel incarnation was captured. We are going to take a trip and bring it back." Song Shuhang said: "Before I go, I need the assistance of the seniors of the Akasaka sword, one breath. Kill the evil beasts and evil spirits here."

Therefore, we had to waste the energy of the predecessors of the Akasaka Sword and end the chaos of the ‘Dadama Forest’.

"It's an unreliable incarnation. Ok, use me, let us enter the state of the sword and the sword! I will cooperate with you to play the strongest state." Akasaka sword predecessors sing.

Song Shuhang made a slight meal and immediately understood the meaning of the predecessors of Akasaka.

The so-called "human sword and one" state should be the "knife-to-man" state.

If you want to try to enter the state of "Knife and Man", you need to try the "Swordsmanship" first.

This is a concealed proposal from the predecessor of the Akasaka Sword. It wants to send a ‘knowledge knife’ first.

"That will let us enter the "Knife and Man Unity State", Akasaka Swordsman!" Song Shuhang shun a ‘sword-raising technique’ on the predecessors of Akasaka Sword.

"Hey, it feels great, and the power is constantly coming up. Come on, combine skills - burn the flame knife!"

Song Shuhang's wrist turned over, and the burning flame rose from the Akasaka sword.

The next moment, on the thousands of evil beasts and evil spirits on the scene, suddenly there were fire pillars rising up and swallowing them.

Almost 80% of the evil beasts and evil spirits are wrapped in fire pillars and screams.

On the Shrimp Dragon Shenzhou chariot, Ms. Kuna looked at this situation: "Okay, great!"

She saw Mr. Book Hang, holding a long sword, a light glimpse, the flame burning from the sword, inexplicably handsome.

The next moment, this super-large flame spell is displayed.

Thousands of fire pillars erupted from the ground, covering more than 80% of the evil spirits and evil beasts on the battlefield.

"This kind of large spell, with such precise spell control, is hard to imagine." Ms. Kuna murmured.

These flames shrouded the evil beasts and evil spirits, but did not accidentally hurt any of the friendly forces present.

In the sky.

Song Shuhang pedaled black lotus, holding a flame sword, and then he looked at it.

"I didn't do anything." Akasaka's predecessors flew fast.

"Me too." Song Shudao.

Who did this fire column spell that enveloped the entire battlefield?

@#%×仙子: "I don't know anything, but what is the mix?" - The voice of the two masters of the Chuge.

Song Shuhang: "..."


Nearly 80% of the evil beasts and evil spirits are turned into ashes in the pillar of fire.

They can't even escape from this 'fire pillar', and the pillar of fire seems to be a closed space, directly turning them into ashes.

What makes Song Shuhang heartbroken is that after these evil beasts and evil spirits die, there is no black dragon spirit stone falling.

Song Shuhang rushed to the ‘Dadama Forest’ to carry out the mission. The primary goal was to brush a little ‘Black Dragon Lingshi’.

But now, he has been busy for a long time, the number of black dragons he now holds in his hand - 0.

In other words, he is busy from beginning to end.

[Don't go to God, hold me tight, this fire column is probably not quite right. 】 Akasaka sword predecessors out of the channel.

It did not find the target of the ‘fire column’.

Moreover, after burning the evil beasts and evil spirits, these pillars of fire did not disappear, but gathered at the bottom of the earth.

“It feels like a large evil sacrifice ceremony. These evil spirits and evil beasts have become sacrifices. Keep the highest alert state.” Akasaka’s predecessor added.

Gongde snake beauty also has some sense, her body is huge, the snake tail is wrapped in Song Shuhang, and her body is used to protect Song Shuhang.

Song Shuhang nodded solemnly, and he reached out and pressed on the beauty of the meritorious snake: "Knife armor!"

The knife is entangled, and a beautiful armor is transformed into the beauty of the meritorious snake.

After thinking about it, Song Shuhang summoned the thirty-three beast combination instrument ‘Wang Ba expert shield’ and let it rotate around itself.

The walls of the four kings who were summoned before did not disappear, and they were looming around Song Shuhang.

"嘤嘤嘤~~" At this time, there was a strange laughter from the ground that made people pregnant.

Just hearing the sound makes people feel dizzy and sick and vomiting.

The next moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Song Shuhang.

Breaking through the space, suddenly appeared.

It was a figure made up of flames and magma, with a layer of black smoke on it, which can be seen as a woman's figure.

"ming_yin_ga_po!" She sent a syllable in her mouth.

A long gun came against the waist of Song Shuhang.