Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 1705: Leave my sorrow to you

Song Wood’s tears, and the only eight tears in his life that flowed because of his own emotions.

Song Shuhang raised the jewel and watched it in front of his eyes.

"It’s wonderful." Song Shuhang suddenly said.

Akasaka Sword: "???"

"When I was young, I heard that the mermaid's tears fall down and become pearls. I have been thinking, if there is a mermaid, it can be exchanged for a lot of money by tears, and by tears for a living. And Song Wood's tears actually Can be turned into a gem, which can also sell a lot of money?" Song Shudao.

Akasaka Sword: "..."

It really wants to cut the brain shell of Song Shuhang with a sword and see how his brain circuit is connected.

"In addition, I saw that as mentioned in the identification secret law, Song Wood was once cried 92 times, and my heart was particularly comfortable. Even if it was not the first time I knew the news, I would feel comfortable once in my heart." Song Shuhang added.

"You and Song Wood have hatred?" asked the Akasaka sword.

Song Shuhang: "No, but because of his reasons, I have been stunned by several ancient people. So I especially like to hear the news that he was crying."

He held the jewel and looked left and right.

"The tears of this Song wood should be the opportunity for me to pay attention. However, how to use it?" Song Shuhang wondered.

In the identification of the secret law, there is no suggestion how to activate this 'tears of tears'.

Song Shuhang thought for a moment: "Don't you swallow it?"

Since I learned the 'Thirty-Three Beasts, I have a qigong', I can use the "Whales" and even the "Essence of the Beast" to be a snack. As a result, Song Shuhang sees these 'gem-like' things and always floats them up. The thought of getting rid of it.

Akasaka Sword: "You are not afraid of indigestion?"

"There is a whale swallowing technique, and basic digestion is not a problem. But when I think that this is the tears of Song Wood, I still feel it." Song Shudao.

Or else, crush it?

No, it can't be done... This is the thing of the two masters of the Chuge. People are lending this thing to themselves. If they are destroyed, they may be chased by the two masters.

"Look like it, only to identify another hair, see if there are any clues." Song Shuhang once again reached out and pressed on the tears of jewels.

[Identification, this time I need clues on how to use this tear jewel! 】

Song Shuhang thought in his heart.

The identification of the secret law was activated again, and the ‘blood blood’ of the smog state spewed out, and a wave of pain surged into the soul.

Success, there are really more clues!

[Drop ~ Hello, you have reached the limit of the number of 'Night Rings' this month ~ ~ Please continue to use next month, or please recharge to get more usage. 】

Song Shuhang: "..."

He felt the deep malice from his own ‘identification secret law’.


Look at my mouth shape, ‘day~~you~~’.

Song Shuhang put away the 'smoke mode', put back his gloves, and re-squeezed the tears of gems and studied them.

Can't be crushed, can't swallow it.

So what should I do?

After thinking about it, Song Shuhang came up with an idea: he decided to lose a little 'spiritual' into this tear jewel - the standard monk thinking.

No matter what kind of treasure, if you can't pinch the effect, then it's okay to lose some spiritual power to try it. Spirit is such a versatile thing.

So, Song Shuhang pinched the tears of gems, and operated "Thirty-three beasts, a qigong" to go through a spiritual effort.

The tear gem is like a sponge, which absorbs the spiritual power and spiritual power of Song Shuhang.

Subsequently, there was a sadness that could not be described in words and poured into the heart of Song Shuhang.

Song Shuhang’s nose was sour, and tears fell involuntarily.


The teardrops are falling and falling on the sword of the Akasaka sword.

"What happened to you?" The Akasaka sword predecessors were inexplicable, and the tears of the beans fell on it. Is it hard to accept?

"It’s so sad, I suddenly want to cry. It feels like my tears are being poked, I just want to cry.” Song Shudao, tears like broken pearls, falling constantly.

As he spoke, he suddenly burst into tears.

The kind of crying.

The voice is full of sorrow.

The prosperous fairy turned his head and looked at Song Shuhang inexplicably.

After a moment, she tried to reach out and patted Song Shuhang’s head.

Song Shuhang: "Don't, don't shoot ~呜呜呜~~"

People in sorrow sometimes feel more sad when they meet someone to comfort him.

The more the sacred fairy patted Song Shuhang, the more he was crying, the more tears he broke out, and the tears broke out.

"Fairy, don't shoot ~ 呜呜呜 ~ and then shoot, I can't stop crying." Song Shudao.

The fairy godmother heard the words, and the little hand paused.

After a while... She couldn’t help but reach out and touched Song Shuhang’s head: “Song~ Don’t cry~ Don’t cry~”

While comforting Song Shuhang, her face was a happy expression.

The more she comforted, Song Shuhang would cry even more sad... The more she was happy, then she changed her mind and began to comfort Song Shuhang. If you don't shoot, change your touch.

Akasaka Sword: "..."

An adult man cries like this, and the Akasaka sword predecessors feel that they can't stand it.

It started with a sword and was ready to leave Song Shuhang to avoid being wet by Song Shuhang's tears.

"Red 霄 sword predecessors don't go ~ 呜呜呜 ~ ~ don't go." Song Shuhang cried, he reached out and firmly grasped the Akasaka sword predecessors, and it was a "knives".

Akasaka Sword Seniors: "..."

After a long while, the Akasaka Sword predecessor: "Ten "Knife Raising", then you turn your head and go, don't drop your tears on me, what to do if it rusts."

"Hey ~ How can you rust the swordsman?" Song Shu waterway, but he turned his head and looked to the other side. At the same time, he also handed a "sword-raising technique" to the seniors of Akasaka Sword.

The Akasaka sword seniors were satisfied and continued to lie on Song Shuhang’s knees.

When Song Shuhang turned his head and cried, he was just facing the white predecessor.

The white predecessors had a good night's sleep, and the result was awakened by Song Shuhang's crying. He opened his eyes in pain and looked at Song Shuhang.

Then, he saw the sorrow of Song Shuhang's pain, and the happy face of the scented scented hand reached out to comfort Song Shuhang, and the red scorpion sword ran across the knees of Song Shuhang to enjoy the picture of "Cultivating the Sword".

White predecessor: "!!!"

What a strange picture, is it wrong for me to open my eyes today?

"White, white predecessors, you wake up, oh ~" Song Shudao.

White predecessor: "..."

Am I doing a nightmare?

Therefore, if you have a nightmare, just close your eyes and change your dreams.

As a result, the white predecessors separated their eyes again.

"White predecessors, hey ~ Is there any way to stop me?" Song Shuhang rescued the omnipotent white predecessor.

The white predecessors sighed and said: "There is no way. If you cry like this, I can't sleep at all."

He will be thrown into the ‘black evil lotus’ by a single cockroach.

Then he leaped gently and fell to Song Shuhang.

"First tell me what happened?" The whites were separated.

Song Shuhang sobbed, telling what happened just now and the white predecessors.

The white predecessors took over the ‘tears of tears’ in the hands of Song Shuhang, and also tried to input a hint of spiritual power into them.

The tear gemstone is slightly bright, but it has no effect.

The white predecessors returned the gems to Song Shuhang.

"Wow wow ~ ~" Song Shuhang crying more sad.

"It seems that you have resonated with this 'tears of tears'. This gem is the tear that falls when its owner is extremely sad. After you resonate with it, you will experience the feeling of tears when the owner is crying. His sorrow." The white predecessor guessed.

Song Shuhang cried and asked: "How is it broken?"

"In general, it is good to cry for a while. If your consciousness resonates further with this gem, and you thoroughly understand the sorrow of its owner, you may end this sorrow earlier." The white predecessor said.

The make-up fairy reached out and wiped the tears for Song Shuhang: "Don't cry~~乖~~"

Song Shuhang was even more sad when he cried. When he was crying, he did not forget to give the Akasaka sword a senior to raise a knife.

The white predecessors felt that these three guys were not saved.

"I try." Song Shuhang converges on his own spiritual strength and makes his own gods match the gems.


[The Bishui Pavilion was ruined. 】

[I have not been able to pass in time. 】

[When she needs me the most, I am not there. 】

One idea after another, passed from the gems of tears, poured into the heart of Song Shuhang.

There is also a kind of hatred of sorrow with sadness. This is the only grief and cry of Song Wood's life. It is the painful emotion that broke out when he learned that the Bishui Pavilion was destroyed.

The more like him, the haha, the hobby to die, the seemingly heartless guy, when the truth is revealed, the emotion will be more like an explosion, unable to resist.


If he is given a chance, even if it is a distance of hundreds of millions of miles, he will climb to the Bishui Pavilion to stop the disaster of the Bishui Pavilion.

As this sadness was shared, Song Shuhang’s heart was filled with countless inspirations.

And the epiphany related to the finishing touch.

Song Shuhang’s consciousness instinct appeared before Jin Dan’s composition of the “Unlimited Bishuige”.

He reached out and clicked on the last point.

This one point is really turned into the concept of 'infinity'.

There is infinite and countless in this.

No matter how many times you zoom in, the ‘Bingshui’ in this ‘point’ will loop indefinitely without end.

The finishing touch is falling.

Jin Dan is turned into a glazed golden dan, shining with the brilliance of glaze.

With the completion of this golden dragon, Song Shuhang's seven small golden dan, all turned into glazed golden dan.

Seven small golden dan, one by one bright, connected together and began to resonate with each other.



Song Shuhang’s consciousness was withdrawn from the Jin Dan composition space.

Unconsciously, he stopped crying.

Tears are dry, leaving only tear marks on the face.

[Leave my sorrow to you, hope you like it - By: Song Wei. 】