Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 1754: Hard work

wrong answer? I am not answering according to the standard answer, can this be wrong?

The mentality is going to explode, okay!

In the midst of thinking, the hamster number in the state of 'pre-sensation of the sacred sacred' is followed by the following: "These seven kinds of martial arts attacks, in summary, only two basic types of attack - direct attack of direct power and indirect attack of power control. Seven ordinary powers Attack methods are extended on these two foundations. In addition, special mind attack methods are varied, but in general, they can be summarized into three basic attack methods. A total of five basic attack methods constitute the power of mind. The basis of the attack."

In the hamster running wheel, the sound of the hamster sounded: "This is a sub-question, can you be wrong?"

Song Shuhang: "..."

The mentality is completely exploded!

The next moment, the speed of the hamster running wheel increased by one gear.

"Ah ah ah ~ ~" Song Shuhang only unwilling to speed up their own speed.

"嘻嘻嘻~~" behind, @#%×仙子小蛇腰 twisted fast, snakeskin walked, playing very embarrassing. The sweet laughter and the screams of Song Shuhang are intertwined – how many happy couples?

Make a fairy: "A stupid, a stupid!!"

She was stuck in the gap of the gate guardrail of the hamster running wheel, and the body swung with the running wheel, and the voice was full of unwillingness.

"No, hahahaha ~ Wang ~" Peas are rolling around, originally it is still considering, whether to ‘help’ your own dog friend Song Shuhang, such as preemptive questions. As a result, it is not necessary to help it, and the dog friend Song Shuhang has already made two mistakes.

"Song predecessors come on!" Only Yukozi, very conscience, encouraged Song Songhang to encourage: "After answering the questions, change me up."

"It’s another day of joy and peace.” The former scorpion sword fell to the bed, looking for an open-air position and watching the movie silently.

On the side, the green lady did not move, she did not know what she was thinking.

"Little lynx, free, how can you not be happy?" Akasaka is curious.

Luly mother: "Well, I am thinking about the big things."

"Speaking and listening? How do I say that it is also a long-lived squadron, although it is not as good as your ninth repair phoenix knives... but my swordsman has rich experience, what troubles and I said, maybe I can give you A solution?" Akasaka Kendo.

"Predecessors, if I am free, I am shopping online, playing games to recharge, cultivating resources, practicing remedies, retreating secrets, and cultivating the world. Do you have to do it yourself?" asked Li Qingniang.

Akasaka Sword: "..."

So you don’t want to be free on the onion?

"In fact, freedom is very valuable." Akasaka Kendo.

Sally: "Is it more valuable than ‘sword-keeping?’

"This is two things, I can get the knife and freedom."

"I think so too."

"If this is the case, then I will use a rich sword experience to give you a coup."

The lush green eyes suddenly brightened, and they stared at the predecessors of the Akasaka Sword, the bright sword, which reflected the stalks of the onion.

"You can sign a contract similar to 'Working' with Song Shuhang. You work for him. He pays you. But you are still free." The seniors of Akasaka suggested: "If you want to work, what skills do you have?" Except for leek buds."

"Many... quite a lot?" The green lady is not self-channel.

In the case of stunts, she has at least 200 kinds of non-repetitions. For example... "The two hundred skills that the goblin must survive to survive."

In addition, she will still take care of Lingzhi. In this respect, she seems to be unexpectedly talented. Should this be the hidden ability of plant-type goblins?

"That's easy to do. When you come up with your proud skills and sign a contract with Song Shuhang, the benefits must be good."

The scallions are silently point to the green onions - it is an experienced sword predecessor, and the key time is particularly reliable.



On the other hand, Song Shuhang used it with one heart and one mind, while watching the hamster demon teaching, while relying on Yimeng to answer questions.

The hamster has already had ten questions. So far... Song Shuhang has not answered the correct question. The speed of the hamster running wheel has been accelerated to ten gears, and it is almost out of the way.

Peas had laughed and couldn't breathe, and it slammed on the floor, unable to pat the floor.

Too much a waste, Song Shuhang this guy answer is completely okay.

Even when it wasn’t until the dog friend helped him, he reached a total of ten wrong achievements.

After seven or eight minutes...

When the hamster asked the twentieth question, Song Shuhang was desperate.

Every time I ask questions, I always go up several times faster than ‘speaking the law. So far, every question of the hamster’s question is something that ‘talking’ has not yet said.

The speed of the hamster running wheel has been increased to 20 speeds. This speed is even a song of Song Shanghang in the six-art world.

"Next, the twenty-first question." The hamster's majestic voice sounded.

“Do you have multiple-choice questions or judgment questions?” Song Shuhang called: “There are at least multiple-choice questions, multiple-choice questions, and questions in this year’s exam. Should we keep up with the times?”

"Unfortunately, no. We have no multiple choice questions in the nine worlds." The hamster said: "I have tried to ask simple questions first. I didn't expect you to answer a question."

"Then we change the way!" Song Shuhang called: "Tian Ji Saima, the most difficult question to ask first, anyway, can't answer, just give up these problems. Then, wait for me to watch the rhythm of 'speaking broadcast' And answer the simple question."

"Are you sure?" The Hamster looked at nearly three hundred questions in his hand.

"OK, sure!" Song Shuhang called.

So, after seven minutes, the 30 questions ended.

Song Shuhang still has no grain.

The speed of the hamster running wheel has been added to the speed of desperation.

Song Shuhang, like a salted fish, squatted on the runner, letting the running wheel take his crazy turn. @#%×仙子 Like him, the long snake tail stretches out and sticks to the runner.

"Thirty-first question." The hamster said.

"Quickly ask questions." Song Shuhang trembled - no matter the answer is right or wrong, it doesn't matter anymore. Hurry up and answer 50 questions. It is king from the hamster running wheel.

After forty questions, Song Shuhang, who was turned into dizziness and vomiting, finally answered two questions.

When the fifty questions are over...

Song Shuhang has a total of five questions.

"The answer is over." The sound of the hamster sounded.

Song Shuhang: "Voice~ No, I have to vomit. Can you let me out now?"

His fear of stagnation and fear of rotation may be serious again.

"Unfortunately, I have set a minimum of 10 qualifications. I didn't expect you to reach even 10 questions. As a punishment, you can only rely on your own strength to get out of this wheel." Hamster Demon Road .

Song Shuhang: "???"

"Hint... I want to go out from this wheel, you can use the way of 'reading power'." The hamster reminded.

It is hard for the master to learn the ‘attack attack method’ earlier for the tyrants.