Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 1762: True and false, true and false

Gongzihai heard this familiar and unfamiliar voice, and quickly looked up and looked up.

The next moment, he saw a huge juvenile. The boy was handsome and handsome, and he was very approachable when he laughed. At this point, this huge juvenile projection is looking down at him.

Laughing is very cute.

The son of the sea was a hundredth of a second, and then he couldn’t help but scream: "Hey Song Xuansheng!"

Although he was the appearance of a 12-year-old boy, he recognized the identity of the boy at a glance.

The first holy of the millennium, but also the two sacred names of the mysterious and ancient sacred. It is the terrible existence of TV on history.

Even if the mind of Gongzihai is firmer, even if his mind is deep, at this moment, at this time, here and here, see the young version of Song Shuhang, he still can not control his emotions, yelling out.

At the end of the inheritance of the Emperor, he saw the Song Dynasty Xuansheng Song Shuhang. This is more than three times when he saw the tyrannical sacred sacred sacred music on the TV world, but also shocked.

"Why, why are you here?" The son of Haitang Kong could not help but expand.

He didn't want to see each other, but the other person always appeared in his vision in various forms.

A kind of desperation that cannot be described by words, emerges as the heart of the son, and turns into a huge psychological shadow, which makes him unable to breathe.

[However, why did Song Shuhang appear at the end of the Emperor's heritage? 】

After a while, Gongzi Hai forced himself to calm down.

Even if Song Shuhang is the first holy of the millennium, and three times before the heavens and the people of the world, it is only Xuansheng, why is it in the inheritance of the emperor?

This is the inheritance of the Emperor, the inheritance of the most powerful emperors in the heavens, and what does Song Shuhang appear here?

"Is this my trial? Is the demon emperor's identification of my will?" The son of the sea suddenly emerged such a thought.

The Emperor can't leave his inheritance and leave it to a waste. Therefore, in this ‘the inheritance of the emperor’, there will definitely be various trials. Moreover, it must be a trial of all aspects.

Mozong is best at playing with people's hearts. As one of the most powerful demons since the ages, the means of playing the hearts of the emperors will definitely exceed their imagination.

It is almost as normal as the projection of the most ‘fear of the heart’ in his mind.

[That is to say, the tyrants of Xuansheng, which is now on my head, should be a part of ‘people’s trials’. Maybe it is one of the tests for the ingenuity. 】 Gongzi Haixin thought in the heart.

"Exactly, I can also take this opportunity to break through the magic barrier in my heart." Gongzihai looked up and looked directly at the eyes of the 12-year-old Bai Xuansheng.

Ba Song Xuan Sheng is the biggest obstacle on his way to practice. He is the terrible enemy he can't resist at the moment, and even became his heartache.

However, he will not be overshadowed by the horror of the sect of the Song Dynasty.

One day, he will become a demon emperor and insert his kingdom with the demon pillar.

"I am not afraid of you!" Gong Zihai patted the clothes on his body, his eyes were quiet and firm: "I will not be afraid of you any more."

In the sky, the 12-year-old tyrant Song Xuansheng, with his doubts in his eyes, looked awkward.

His expression was too good to guess, his face was too straight.

"You can't let me surrender, and one day I will surpass you." Gongzi Hai made a vow to pledge, and with his vows, his momentum climbed. In the heart, the psychological shadow brought to him by the three sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred priests was expelled.

The young tyrant Song squinted his eyes: "There are too many inner dramas, and it is said to be useless. Since I have met, I have to leave some gifts for you."

After all, the juvenile tyrants are bright in the doubles.

His left eye is full of strange light, and the light contains a huge ‘live’, and there is great love and compassion. In the faint, it seems that there is a voice of persuasion of Confucian saints, with the light shining.

[Pregnant gaze? 】 The son of the sea was shocked.

In the moment when he saw the light shining in the eyes of the juvenile tyrants, he quickly shunned and evaded--after a ‘pregnancy gaze’, he analyzed some data of ‘pregnancy gaze’.

Once this move is ‘launched’, it can hardly be avoided. At the moment of launch, it will be recruited. Pre-judgment and avoidance are carried out only before it is launched.

The handsome son of the sea is rolling, and moving...

However, there is no egg.

The light shining from the eyes of the juvenile tyrants is like a pillar of destruction, and a thief is rough. The son sea has been hiding for a long time, and the result has not yet ran out of the glory.

The bitter tragedy.

10 seconds pregnancy experience + half an hour of delivery experience, to the user son Hai.

The abdomen of Gongzihai swells quickly - it is a spiritual body, and it is the spirit that enters this ‘inheritance world’ and even gestation in pregnancy?

Pregnancy gaze is not just about the body?


"Song predecessors, I feel that this picture is a good ghost." At the same time, Gongzihai heard another sweet woman voice.

"Tong Yu soft son, every time I see Song Shuhang using this skill, especially when using this skill for male creatures, I feel confused and do not know how to describe it." Akasaka sword seniors said.

"Predecessors, the word chaos is not used," Yu Yuzi reminded kindly.

Seniors of Akasaka Sword: "It means this anyway."

"This shows that your heart is not enough." Song Shuhang's voice sounded: "You see the enemy in pregnancy, in fact, all this is virtual. Whether it is pregnancy, childbirth to roll, it is just a spell effect. Just like the shackles, weakness, and blindness, but the effect of this spell is called 'pregnancy'. As long as the effect of the spell is good, then why should we care about the appearance of the spell? The spell does not look at the process, only See the result."

It is a pity that the 'eye of the Confucian saint' is still in the hands of the fairy. Song Shuhang uses the ‘pregnancy gaze’ with his own eyes, and the effect is greatly reduced. However, Gongzihai is now the realm of five products, and it has been suppressed by Song Shuhang's six-pronged realm. This ‘pregnancy gaze’ has generally passed away.

"But I feel that if you continue to use this spell, you will probably not find a Taoist in the future."

The practitioners of the heavens and the thousands of circles have been shrouded in the shadow of the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred.

If Song Shuhang still uses ‘pregnancy gaze’ frequently, after the fame is played out, the women’s repairs in the heavens and the real world, who dares to marry him?

Song Shuhang: "..."

The words of the predecessors of Akasaka Sword are very good.

"No, I feel that 'pregnancy gaze' should be fun... Right, talking about pregnancy gaze, I haven’t experienced it for now. Auntie is now out, I have to go find him or contact him right away. It is." Yukoko said: "I originally wanted to watch the broadcast of the predecessors of the Song Dynasty's 'Bao Ru Xuan Devil' with the aunt. I have been kept watching. I don't know if Auntie has watched the broadcast now? If he already When I saw it, it would disrupt my plan."

Akasaka Sword: "..."

Yukoko, do you want to watch ‘Bao Ru’s teachings’ with your dad? You are a pothole.

His brain made up the next butterfly, Xuan Sheng and Yu Rou, the father and daughter, to watch the broadcast of Song Shuhang's ‘Bao Ru Xuan Devil’, and then the father and the daughter both pregnant and ghost pictures.

Wang Tian, ​​this style is too terrible.

If this happens, Lingdie Xuansheng will definitely kill and will not let his daughter and Song Shuhang come into contact. As long as it is a normal father, it will not let the daughter and a monk come into contact with the male who is pregnant.

Inherited space.

The son of the sea is on the ground, he holds his stomach and bites his teeth to endure the pain.

In the sky, the projection of the 12-year-old boy overlord Song and the voice of a woman's voice and heavy man's voice were introduced into his ears.

His heart began to doubt his previous speculations - what he saw and heard in front of him, and the realistic "pregnancy gaze" effect in his present, is it really a trial left by the Emperor?

If it is a trial, how can he pass?

If this is not a trial...but the tyrant Song Xuansheng appears in the inheritance and trial of the Emperor by some means?

Gongzihai looked up and looked at the juvenile tyrants and tried to test: "Why are you here?"

The young tyrant Song smiled slightly: "It is fate, it brings me to you. If you have a chance, you can do whatever you want."

Gongzihai: "..."

"What he is now in seems to be the inheritance space. Is it more than the inheritance of the emperor in the human world?"

As a long-lived soldier, his experience is still very rich.

"It turns out that this is a coincidence." Song Shudao.

He bowed his head and looked at the son of the sea. He said: "I didn't expect that you are still a member of the air. You can get the inheritance of the emperor."

Gongzihai forced himself to remain calm: "Why did you appear in my inheritance?" At the same time, he began to try to break away from the ‘think space’ of this heritage.

"Well, the Emperor is very powerful and terrifying." Song Shuhang calmly said: "That day, when the land, the people and the people combined, they burst him."

Gongzihai: "..."

The words in the juvenile tyrants of Song and Song are messy, but the amount of information is very large.

Gongzihai does not have a full letter, but it does not believe it at all.

At the same time, the ‘magic lines’ on the back of the son’s sea hand were bright.

Subsequently, the body shape of Gongzihai was forcibly retired from the ‘transmission space’.


His temporary cave house.

The son of the sea flesh opened his eyes fiercely, gasping for a big breath, a cold sweat.

He looked at his abdomen for the first time... Fortunately, there was no expansion.

[So, what is the picture seen in the inheritance space, is it the trial of the Emperor? Or do I really see the tyranny? The son of the sea looked at the magic lines on the back of his hand and meditated.



Inherited space.

Yukoko’s voice sounded: "Song predecessors, the son of the sea ran."