Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 1765: White predecessor's guess

In the world of evil lotus.

Little Sun ‘You are busy, T233’ floats in the sky, emitting a warm glow.

Next, the St. John's Dajingang picks up a column of demon gods and inserts them into the ground of the evil lotus world.

The hamster is carrying a drawing on it.

Soon, Song Shuhang transferred to all the demon pillars of the evil lotus world and was put together. When looking from the top down, you can find that this large array constitutes a plum blossom.

"Well, it’s done well." One of the two whites of the white predecessor nodded with satisfaction: "With these decorative items, the world of evil lotus has become more beautiful."

The world of evil lotus is still too bleak, even if the last time the fat ball's nest was smashed into the ground, it still feels like space. He still has to find a way to move more things inside.

Hamster Demon: "It's a pity that the tyrannosaurus has turned into a child. It is not as good as the uncle before."

"Hey? I didn't expect the hamster number you like the uncle type?" The white predecessor two were surprised.

The hamster demon hurriedly shook his head: "No, I just feel the uncle's appearance of the tyrannical song, a little pleasing to the eye. Now that he has become a child, I don't like it."

The white predecessors squinted and smiled. He looked at Song Shuhang in the core world through the ‘Evil Lotus World’.

"How long did it take for the tyrants to rise to the six realms?"

The hamster replies: "About six months."

When I think about it, it is uncomfortable.

When I first met, the three tyrants of the tyrants, four of them. A month later, the Ba Song was caught up with it and promoted to four products. In another month, the Ba Song has already surpassed it. Finally, it was promoted to five products. As a result, the tyrants were also promoted to six items in the same day, and they were overtaken. I smashed the pea on the edge of Song.

"Six months, six products?" Shengda Dajingang's eyes wide open - this is called Song Shuhang's little guy, so hanging? The Confucian saints who hanged all the worlds in the past did not have such a record. What card is this little guy driving?

"Too fast." The white predecessors two scorned.

"However, the Taoist song is very stable, basically no problem. Moreover, his character is destined that he will not be too inflated because of the sudden increase in strength in a short period of time." Little Sun T233.

Hamster: "I feel that he is often because of the shackles of the big cockroaches, because his cockroaches are too strong, so he always has a psychological illusion of 'I am still weak'. If there is no difference between him and his Those big shackles, I think he has been psychologically inflated and stunned. Far away, saying that between me and him, after he was promoted to five products, it swelled to me."

For example, the last time, when he saw it, he used 8 stars, 8 diamonds and 8 cores to tie his heart. Is this already inflated in the heart?

"I feel that the Overlord is facing you, it is an attitude from beginning to end, and there is no change. ‘You are busy, T233’ smiles at the hamster.” Little Sun reminded.

Hamster Demon: "..."

The white predecessors reached out and gently tapped on the pillar of the demon god. Suddenly said: "You said, will the tyrants be my brother?"

Although he was in the secret space for the last time, he was in contact with the singer who looked at the future state, and told the other party to have a younger sister. But with the awkward character of Tiandao Bai, maybe it will give him the whole younger brother?

Song Shuhang is not the reincarnation of anyone. It is not the reincarnation of any power. Even if you pursue the generations of the ancestors, it is really just ordinary people, without any abnormalities.

At this point, the white predecessor has repeatedly verified several times.

But this is the most unusual place, obviously so ordinary, but it is six months and six products...

So, will he be the ‘brother’ secretly prepared for himself by ‘Heavenly White’?

"Impossible, my lord's charm is so big, the tyrannosaurus is just a beautiful face, no charm at all. How does he compare with my master?" The hamster shook his head again and again.

"However, the affinity of the tyrants is very powerful." Little Sun T233 came out, it did not touch the tyrants several times, and they all came to contact him because of the master's orders. But after a few contacts, his senses of the tyrants were very good.

"I just said one possibility." The white predecessors two smiled.

There are also several speculations in his mind about the ‘sister’ or ‘brother’ he may have.

The first one is naturally the ‘white predecessor’ of Song Shuhang’s life.

Have the same looks, the same charm, and the same air transport.

For the first time, I went to contact Song Shuhang. In fact, I wanted to get more information about this ‘white world’ from the Song Shukou. As a result, I did not know how it developed. The feelings between him and Song Shuhang are even deeper than those between the ‘the world’s white.’

Every time Song Songhang screamed at the ‘white predecessor two rescues,’ he would have a sense of satisfaction.

The second object of doubt is Song Shuhang itself.

Whether it is himself or the 'present world white', and Song Shuhang's friendship is good - perhaps it is the nerve necrosis of this guy, it is the only thing in the world that can be glamorous, stressful and communicate with oneself. presence. So whether it is the present world and himself, this guy will take special care. Moreover, six products for six months is a very doubtful place.

The third object of doubt...and he just discovered it not long ago.

The eyes of the white predecessors, through the core world, look to ‘羽柔子’.

At first he didn't even think of anything suspicious about this long-legged girl. Until that day, he saw the star road map on Song Shuhang's ‘Hunted Whale Dan’.

Song Shuhang's whale-dan star road map, this feather-soft girl, at the beginning and end, one person occupies two positions. On the other hand, there is no place in the world.

But in his eyes, the one who pushed in at the end of the star road was not the ‘Yurouzi’, but the present white.

This is interesting.

In his eyes, ‘the world’s white’, in Song’s own eyes, is another Yukoko.

Therefore, he also included ‘Yurouzi’ in the object of doubt.

But there is a lot of cause and effect on this ‘Yukoko girl’.

Some of them are linked to the ‘Emperor’ and then linked to the ‘fat ball’ by the Emperor.

Therefore, the white predecessor two can't be sure of this girl. In the end, it is ‘天道白’ for her secretly laid-out sister, or fat ball is doing things.

In addition to the above three more doubtful objects, there is a more inconspicuous existence.

The group owner of the 'Jiuzhou No. 1 Group' that Song Songhang joined... Huangshan Zhenjun has now been upgraded to Huangshan Supreme.

From Song Shuhang to open up the core world, the white predecessor two can project some of his own power through the 'core world' to the present world, he followed the interpersonal relationship of Song Shuhang and turned around in the world.

Most of the members of the 'Jiuzhou No.1 Group' have secretly contacted him. They want to know if Song Shuhang’s friends are as fun as Song Shuhang.

Huangshan Supreme is a key contact person.

The white predecessor two had observed him far away, and then found that Huangshan Zunren had a taste similar to him. To be precise, it is very similar to the one that was originally in the ‘White Horse Green Shirt’.

At that time, he, like the Huangshan Mountain, took care of the ‘white’ in the desert and broke his heart.

The same is true of Huangshan Supreme, which is obviously a 'group of people'. If you really want to talk about relationships, it is not a close relationship. But he broke his heart for the members of this batch of 'Jiuzhou No.1 Group'.

Huangshan Supreme is like the time of the ‘green shirt’s young man’s time.

And ‘now white’ is more like the white of the “desert period” than it is.

"That said, my lord. Just the root of the demon god, is the inheritance of the emperor? Is it okay to throw it to the tyrants?" At this time, the hamster asked cautiously.

Although Song Shuhang’s cultivation is messy, Buddhism, Dao Zong and Confucianism have all cultivated a little. However, the magic method of the Mozong is different from the above three. If you practice at will, will there be a problem?

"Are you worried about him?" the white senior smiled.

"How is it possible? I just thought that if he cultivated the result of the demon emperor's inheritance, he would not be able to step on him under the bright future." The hamster demon looked up and handsomely smashed himself. Swordsman robe.

"Do not worry." The white predecessor said: "Although it is the inheritance of the emperor, it is not the inheritance of the emperor that everyone imagines."

The Emperor is a very confident person who is good at calculating layout.

His character... When he is not in a desperate situation, he will not leave his ‘magic door inheritance’. And the inheritance in the pillar of the devil is indeed the inheritance of the ‘not the devil,’ but it is not the inheritance of the magic.


The core world.

Song Shuhang’s idea was moved, and the demon pillar that was banned was removed from the core world.

"Hey? Song predecessors, can this demon **** column not be able to reap the core world?" Yukoko asked curiously.

Song Shuhang shook his head and said: "The things like the prohibition, imprint, and the like on this pillar of the gods have been erased. Now, he is ours!"

"That is, can you read the Enchanted inheritance from above?"

Song Shuhang nodded: "Yes."

He picked up this demon pillar and felt that it was still a bit too big.

Can this thing be reduced like a wishful golden hoop?

How to say is also the magic of the Emperor, can be big and small should be the basic function?

Song Shuhang reached out and pressed it on the pillar of the devil: "Little!"

After a long while.

Yukoko: "Song predecessors, it has not changed."

"Well, I saw it." Song Shuhang calmly said.

Bad reviews, demon magical instruments, even shrinking can not do!

"However, I read some of the information from the Emperor's heritage." Song Shuhang said again.

Now, he suddenly expects a moment when Gongzihai reads the inheritance of the Emperor.