Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 1803: It’s time to show my tricks.

Pregnancy gaze is definitely not a hobby.

Therefore, Song Shuhang thought of the eyes of Confucian saints for the first time. Is there any relationship between this Xiaoyao Xianxian and Confucianism or the Confucian saints?

At the same time, Song Shuhang’s mind immediately revealed some plots of ‘eye-cutting’.

"Don't talk about this, the second prize begins, and we will play our skills." The mad knife and three waves reminded: "I have a few good ideas. A group of us can be arranged in a string of 6, which must be very bright. ”

On the side, Su Shi A seven quietly looked at the three waves, then squatted back, gently stroking his love knife, fingers gently grinding the knife blade.

"In fact, at this time, calling 666 and flattering may be useless." Yurouzi said.

These two methods have been used before the Tonglu predecessors and Sanlang, and even more can be thought of, and they were used by everyone when they competed for the third prize.

"But is it better than not to call it?"

The second prize is a treasure of 6-7 layers. Even if it is a local tyrant of Huangshan, you can't despise such a treasure.

"Which means are used by everyone, it is worth a rush." ​​Seven repairs the holy road.

He is afraid that the Taoist friends in the group can't pull his face, so he deliberately said a word to the Taoist friends in the group. As a member of his predecessor, the group of friends can use all kinds of means without scruples.

Huangshan Supreme reminded: "Yes, make you a friend."

King of Creation: "???"

"Don't sing, put the microphone down...other ways to use it, but don't sing." Huangshan Zunren added: "I am afraid that you will sing, it will be used as an attack, and will be expelled from the throne."

The King of Creation looked at the microphone in his hand: "Actually, I am only prepared to read a few words, not ready to sing. You must believe me."

The phoenix son silently pulled out a set of custom earplugs and stuffed his ears. After thinking about it, he had a pair of pointed ears on his head, and he put the ear on his head into the earplugs.

Song Shuhang stared at the phoenix son in surprise, why did the son have four ears?

"Do you stare at me?" Fengfeng Gongzi turned his head and asked.

Song Shuhang waved again and again; "Nothing, nothing."

It may be that the ethnic variety of the phoenix son is quite special, so there are four ears. It is a bit rude to discuss other people's appearances in public, so Song Shuhang turned back and looked at Yurouzi.

"Right, Yukoko. What are you going to do?" he asked curiously.

Feeling that Yukoko seems to be coming to the second prize and the first prize, why didn't she see her action?

"Oh, I originally thought about a line, and I am going to read it again. But now I give up. Three places, except for a name that may be 'black box operation', I will fight for those two places." Jono Road.

At the fourth prize, everyone still didn't know to call 666. The bronze cymbals shouted, and he won the fourth prize.

When the third prize was won, everyone did not know when the three waves were taken, and he won the third prize.

And now the second prize, everyone knows that 666, put down the festival and cheers, the competition is too big. The one that wants to be the most visible among the people is extremely difficult.

Thus, Yukoko decisively gave up the competition and chose the second option.

I saw Yukoko silently took out the incense burner from his ‘one-inch shrinking bag’, took out a statue of a real person, and placed the incense burner and the statue.

“The statue of the white predecessor?” Song Shuhang asked, the statue was exactly the same as the statue of the white predecessor when he was at the time of the white predecessor’s exit.

"The Song predecessors guessed it, and there is a signature photo of the white predecessor in the statue." Yukoko proudly.

Song Shuhang looked surprised: "What time?"

When did Yu Yuzi find a white predecessor to sign?

At this time, Yukoko had already placed the statue and the incense burner. She took out the incense and pointed it on the incense stick. The incense was ignited.

After the incense, Yukoko has a model to start wishing: "White predecessors, I want to win a second prize! Please help me!"

I don't know if it is an illusion.

At the same time as Yukoko’s wish, Song Shuhang’s left eye seems to have seen something from the statue that resembles ‘blessing’ or ‘airlift bonus’ and falls on Yukiko’s body.

The second prize of the draw light column opens.

The same is the three beams of light, flying through the crowd.

A beam of light shuttled and finally landed on an old acquaintance.

The melon sage is a golden armor, and the pillar sword stands, especially dazzling. The light column descended upon him, and he won the lucky draw with his own fortune.

Song Shuhang’s eyes looked at the second beam of light and the feathers around him.

Can Yukoko's method succeed?

Thinking about it, the second beam of light swept to Song Shuhang... and then passed through him. In the end, it fell firmly on Yurouzi and stopped.

Song Shuhang: (⊙_⊙)

Really successful?

The light column enveloped Yukoko, and the light wrapped her body to make her look more beautiful.

"Yeah~ Success." Yukoko forced the fist, then she reached out and stroked her long hair, her hair fluttering, and every hair was wrapped in the light of the light column and shone.

At this moment, Yukoko is so shiny that people can't move their eyes. Most of the eyes of the audience were attracted to her.

Yukoko smiled and took back the white predecessor and the incense altar, and compared Song Songhang and Lingdie Shengjun with a victory gesture.

"Wang Tian!" The turtle's predecessors were shocked to say nothing.

"I saw no, my daughter, smart." Lingdie Shengjun wrapped in the sheet, proud.

Song Shuhang gave a thumbs up to Yurouzi.

Whether it is Yukoko's own gas, or the white statue of the predecessor, the result is that she is successful.

"I knew that I should try to grab the first place. But forget it, let the first place give it to others." Yukoko extended his hands and the light column turned into a token in her hand.

"Winter melon singularly a token, Yukoko a token, and who is a winner?" Song Shuhang was curious, just now his attention was attracted by Yukoko, unable to open his eyes, did not pay attention to the lottery scene .

So, who is the winner of the last beam of light?

"I didn't pay attention to it. I just watched the shining feathers."

The Six Immortals of the East: "I just seemed to be distracted, too nervous, not paying attention."

"Huangshan is stupid, do you pay attention to the third beam of light?" Peas asked.

Huangshan Shengjun nodded slightly, then reached for the point.

On his side, a handsome man showed a bitter smile. He reached out and showed the token to his hand. He was the third winner.

But at the moment of his award, most of the people's eyes were attracted by the shining, beautiful Mei Yuzi, and he ignored it.

"Congratulations to Juggernaut!" The slashing knife and the three waves clenched the fist: "This wave of sweepstakes, we can say that the 'Jiuzhou No.1 group' is a harvest, and almost won half of the country, but congratulations."

The handsome man's mouth twitched slightly, he wanted to say something, but in the end he seemed to give up, did not say anything.

Song Shuhang feels that the smile of the eye-catching layman is heartbreaking.

Therefore, he reminded: "Three waves of predecessors, not Juggernaut, is a layman."

At least the word '居士', he still remembers.

"First prize, then the most anticipated first prize! Everyone cheers up." Lichee Fairy transferred the topic in good faith.

After talking about it, she felt particularly guilty when she saw the bitter smile of the layman.

[Congratulations to the three award-winning friends, and then the last link of our wealth. First prize, only one. The sound of Xiaoyao Sanxian sounded again.

There is only one, then this one will operate in a black box? Or random extraction?

The second prize, the three winners, split the 6-7 layer of treasure.

The first prize, that is the treasure of exclusive 8-9!

It’s awful... If anyone wins, it’s super bad.

With so many treasures, you can use them to use them. If you can't use them, you can use them for resources.

Even if it is the teaching of the big door, you must be tempted to face so many resources.

So who will win the first prize?

All the monks present were not swallowed, full of expectations.

[The drawdown countdown...10, 9, 8, and 7. The sound of Xiaoyao Sanxian sounded.

The monks who are already familiar with the routines of the seniors are suddenly aware of them.

The so-called countdown is that the seniors are watching the friends, waiting for everyone to sacrifice the strongest means. Whether it is cheering, like, shouting 666, shooting horses, scattering fireworks, giving heart, it is time to sacrifice the strongest stunt.

Although there is only one quota, this quota should not be directly operated in a black box. However, who can guarantee that a happy person will not add a little chance of winning a certain practitioner?

The atmosphere of the throne of the thrift has entered the highest point.

The shouts shook the sky, the light effect covered the sky, and everyone tried their best and tried their best.

Beat a fight and fight for a better future.

At the same time, everyone's gaze is involuntarily aimed at the position of the ‘Bao Song Xuansheng’.

Because what is certain is that among the people in the place, the highest one is the ‘the tyrannical sacred sacred sacred sacred ─ ─ ─ ─ three times ‘the former sacred man’, may be the existence of robbing.

The tyrants of the Song Dynasty will enter the ‘the throne of the throne,’ which is definitely interested in treasures.

Before that, some people noticed that the previous awards, Ba Song Xuan Sheng did not shoot.

So, is the goal of Ba Song the first prize? At this time, what should he do to lock the first prize?

The tyrannical Xuan Sheng really shot.

I saw him reaching for a trick, and behind him there were 41 ghosts of ancient holiness.

A huge shrine led 40 small shrines, and they opened a volume of Confucian scriptures. Subsequently, the 41 holy shrines began to sing.

The leading sacred singer used the ancient language to lead the singer. The 40 little sacred priests used the different languages ​​of Chinese language, English, animal language, black dragon language, etc., and continued to sing ‘六六六,六六六’.

The stagnation is frustrating and the rhythm is catchy.

Obviously just a word, but was read out of the momentum of the epic masterpiece.