Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 1841: Ultimate evolution

The governor of Chishaozi was engaged in a war with the Southern Emperor. Here, Song Shuhang turned his head and gave the old nest of the Southern Emperor. More familiar plots, the turtles always feel that they have heard of similar things.

Behind the scene of stealing the old man, you will be remembered.

Song Shuhang: "..."

Is this the palace of the Southern Emperor?

Do you want to be so clever?

Ok... The name of Nanqiu Temple is indeed in line with the style of the name of the Palace of the Four Dynasties.

Winter Palace, Summer Palace and Nanqiu Temple. Song Shuhang was a bit curious about the name of the palace of the 'Oriental Emperor.'

However, this Nanqiu Temple is not my pot!

Song Shuhang: "I really don't know that this ancient Tianting fragment is the Nanqiu Temple, the palace of the Southern Emperor."

Turtle predecessor: "..."

Song Shuhang turned his head and looked at the white predecessor: "And the people who blew out the Nanqiu Temple are not me, they are white predecessors."

"Well, I blew it out." The white predecessor nodded in a blank expression: "So, do you want to return it to the original owner?"

"Why do you return to the original owner?" The turtle's predecessors turned over and the water in the tortoise shell fell out: "We are not familiar with the Southern Emperor. Although he and my Lord are called the Quartet, we have not much friendship."

"And, the guy is squatting with the red scorpion." Akasaka sword scabbard: "Red scorpion is our camp, that is to say, this southern emperor is a hostile camp. The enemy's treasures are smashed, that is, we 哒La!"

"It makes sense." The white predecessors were calm and said: "The Nanqiu Temple is ours. It is temporarily stored in Song Shuhang's little friends."

After all, the white predecessors looked up and said, "You have no opinion?"

He asked the ‘South Autumn Temple’ spirit.

"I have no opinion at all... In fact, I don't have any impression of my master." Nanqiu Temple replied.

After all, its consciousness was born after it was destroyed in the ancient heavens. When its consciousness appeared, the ancient heavens were broken and it was in the 'ownership state'.

"However, there are a lot of prohibitions and controls in my body. If my former owner touched the control system and forced me to control me, I couldn't resist it." Nanqiu Temple added.

In fact, if the original owner really appeared to take it away, he felt that he should choose to follow the original owner. "Knife-raising" is cool, but the master is the person who refines it, the equivalent of the role of 'father'.

"Reassured, these prohibitions always have the opportunity to be removed." Song Shu Waterway - after all, he knows so much.

Luly mother: "So now, can we go in for adventure?"

Since regaining her freedom, she is very interested in these adventurous things - and this kind of treasure that can take risks without leaving the core world of Song Shuhang is her favorite.

You can play, adventure, and explore at home, and the core world is the best!

"Go, I lead the way. You keep up and see what is fun in the Nanqiu Temple." The white predecessors were separated.

Song Shuhang nodded: "Well, you are advanced, my consciousness is with you. Then, my body first takes Sukong to go to Tiantian Island."

The ancient Tianting Shard and the Nanqiu Temple, the less people know the better, so Song Shuhang is going to take Sukong to Tiantian Island first.

"If you are a small friend of Sukong, you can bring him first." The white predecessor suddenly suggested: "This time I can blow out the palace of the Southern Emperor, and it is also because of his robbery."

When the white predecessors blew up their treasures, they always saw that they had a share.

"As for the time, the part of his memory about your 'core world' and 'South Autumn Temple' is handled by me." The white predecessor added.

Song Shuhang’s ‘core world’ is the life-saving card of the pressure box. The less the outsider knows, the better.

This face-to-face white predecessor has a special and delicate mind.

"Since the white predecessors said so, then I will transfer him in." Song Shuhang laughed.

After all, he reached out and summoned Su Kong to the location of the 'South Autumn Temple' in the core world.

"The predecessors of the Song Dynasty, you really have promoted nine products?" When Su Kongyu appeared, admiringly looking at Song Shuhang.

Just now, he only felt ‘the world’s replacement,’ and then appeared in front of a magnificent temple hall.

Space transfer, this is the power that can be mastered by the nine products?

The monk community has been rumored recently that the predecessors of the Song Dynasty are not ‘eight-paste Xuansheng’, but the nine-product robbing fairy does not know what means to pass it, and again and again the people’s sacredness, perhaps the tyrants of the tyrants in the experiment.

In the past, Su Kong did not believe this statement. It seems that the predecessors of the Song Dynasty really mastered the space power. It is really a robbery!

"Don't think too much... you followed the white predecessors in this 'Nanqiu Temple'." Song Shuhang slammed his feet and reached for a shot on Sukong's head: "Nanqiu Temple, the ancient heavenly quadrilateral emperor's southern The Great's Palace, if you can understand a trick and a half in it, you will benefit for the rest of your life."

"The Southern Emperor's Palace?" Su Kong was shocked.

There are also some records about the legend of the ancient heavenly court. There are not many contacts in Sukong, but he knows that the ‘Quartet’ is a long-lived person!

He couldn't help but step forward and touched the pillar of the 'South Autumn Temple'.

This is the palace of the longevity!

Ah, this pillar ~ ah, this carving pattern ~ ah, this card 匾 ~

And this wonderful touch is really addictive.

"Little brother, can you touch my pillar? Itchy." Nanqiu Temple could not help but say.

Su Kong was shocked: "???"

Who is speaking?


"It is the spirit of Nanqiu Temple that is talking." Su Shi’s A-16 saw that Sukong was wondering what his face was.

"The palace will also speak?" Su Kong couldn't help but touched two on the pillar.

It is a palace of the long-lived, that is, there is a spirit and can speak.

It’s too much to go out and find A-16.

"Then, I will go back to Tiantian Island first, and the seal of the '2 Jin 3' days of robbery has to be dealt with." Song Shuhang smiled, he reached for a hand in Nanqiu Temple, a "knives" Fall: "Work well with my core little helper, it will arrange a suitable position for you in my world."

"I will arrange it on the side of the Winter Palace." The core assistant appeared, and his plan is being revised.

"Winter Hall?" After a slight meal at Nanqiu Temple, I was happy: "The buddy is also here at the Song Dynasty Xuansheng? I know it. It was my neighbor."

"Come on." Song Shuhang added a "Cultivating Knife" to Nanqiu Temple. In addition, before leaving the core world, Song Shuhang did not have the same feelings. He turned to the scabbard of the predecessors of the Akasaka sword. Surgery.


the other side.

The red scorpion who was fighting the Southern Emperor suddenly retreated.

In his hands, there is an ‘Aurora’ on the Akasaka sword, which is very beautiful.

"You are messing up?" asked the chief of the red scorpion.

Akasaka Sword silent for a moment, said: "I feel ... I want to begin to evolve!"