Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 187: This is the whip corpse!

The rudder of the scene is forced, and it is still a capitalization.

"Is it the wrong way to open the door?" He muttered to himself. After opening the door of a yard, I stepped in and saw a desert.

Is it that I started the big battle of the nursing home?

He quickly turned his head and looked at the entrance door. Sure enough... the door has disappeared.

Hey, it’s really cautious, and the defensive array is like this. Fortunately, this time I used a magical puppet to come to explore the road, the body is innocent. Jing Mo rudder in the heart of the dark road.

But at this time, the main body of the sneak rudder of Yu Jian’s flight is a stiff one – the five sense link between him and the phantom puppet is broken!

The desert is still isolated from all connections with the outside world.

Damn, the means are really much.

Fortunately, the magic puppets are not just relying on 'remote manipulation'. When using a magical puppet, the monk needs to infuse his infuriating and spiritual power into the puppet.

Even if the five sense link between the ontology is broken, the magic puppet can continue to act and record what he sees and hears. After re-linking with the ontology, the stored information can be passed to the ontology.

However, this mode is very dangerous. When you remotely manipulate the magic puppets, you can avoid some disasters. But when the puppets act on their own, they only act by instinct.

Moreover, the negative information of ‘pain, mental shock’ and so on will be faithfully recorded and transmitted to the owner when the link is restored.

In case the illusion puppet is smashed by a sword, when the owner and the phantom puppet are re-linked, they should also taste the taste of being smashed.

How to say it is good, there are too few things in the world.

As a low-level ‘class avatar’ instrument, the phantom puppet is very good for the five-column link.

In fact, just because the magic puppet breaks the link, there is this uncorrectable flaw, the price will be so affordable, even the four-character monk has a chance to start one.



The illusionist of the magical puppet was strolling in the desert for a while, and suddenly a young man with a white horse in front of him was near him.

"Xiaobai, where did you go now, I thought you were going to get lost." The young man in the green shirt has been cheerfully coming, and this sentence is still a constant line.

Then he happily threw a sledgehammer: "Come on, let's practice the hammer method!"

The phantom puppet has not acted yet, and the young man in the green shirt has already hammered it... Then, the precious phantom puppet is smashed!

However, the hammer of the Qingzi boy did not stop, and the sly squatted cheerfully on the phantom puppet.

After half an hour...

The green shirt boy smiled heartily: "Hey, Xiaobai, I am here today. I will come back to you tomorrow!"

Then he turned over the horse. As the ringing of the horse rang, the young man disappeared.

Only the ruined puppets that were left in the wall were pumped on the ground, and then they fell silent.

There is only one heart at the heart of the information, and a small part emits a faint glow.

Waiting for the 'five sense link' with the ontology, the original experience of the previous experience is transmitted to the 'ontology' to complete its final mission...


11 o'clock in the evening.

The projections around the White Supreme began to disappear and no longer appeared.

The endless desert in the periphery has begun to slowly retract.

The White Respector’s retreat is finally over.

In the desert, the eyelids of the peas, which were motionless, finally turned: "It’s finally over."

Fortunately, there is a strong defensive enchantment around the pharmacist's home, which blocks the ‘real illusion’ that overflows when the white lord retreats. Otherwise, the entire Jiangnan University City will be covered in the desert. God knows what will happen?

Maybe the blood will flow into the river, and the people in the city will be inexplicably dead the next day?

Think about it is terrible!

Beanie decided in the heart, and tomorrow, the defensive enchantment outside the division’s home will be added! It is best to add a ten-layer defense. God knows how the white lord will toss?




The white lord finally blinked his eyes and stretched out with a sigh of relief: "Comfortable!"

At the moment of his blink of an eye, the desert and the white horse green shirts all disappeared.



At the same time, Song Shuhang was dark and found that he had returned to reality.

The moon is thin and the night is deep.

And he is still standing at the entrance to the gate, and the night winds are warm and refreshing.

"Come back?" Song Shuhang muttered.

He dragged his tired body and prepared to go to the third floor to find Peas. What happened to him?

At this time, he saw a broken puppet under his feet, so he picked it up and took it upstairs.



Third floor.

Sugar is less soft and soft on the floor, silent tears, the sadness in my heart can not be described in words. From small to large, she felt that she had never been wronged like this.

Not far from her, Peas quickly plugged in the power of the computer and connected to the network.

The next moment, the Peas eyelids are also moist: "My overlord suit!"



Jiangnan area, in a hotel.

Originally meditation on the cross-legged, restore the real yuan of the scene of the rudder main stunned eyes, eyes like goldfish eyes protruding, covered with bloodshot. He grabbed the sheets with both hands and made a painful snoring in his mouth!

Just now, he suddenly linked to his own puppet puppet. Then, it was the pain of a big hammer covering his face.

This is no problem, then the sledgehammer is still arrogant in all parts of his body, full of half an hour!

It’s crazy!

Animals, the phantom puppet has been flattened by a hammer! Was it still half a time for the broken magical puppet?

Is this a whip? How boring and s attribute people can you slap a small puppet with a big hammer for half an hour?

Do you smash the phantom puppet directly, but still retain the last part that stores information?

"Hey!" Jing Mo rudder main squatting down.

"The pressure of Shushan is great, this hatred, oh~ the old man wrote down. Hey ~ remembered!" Jing Mo rudder master muttered, grievances.


A few minutes later.

When Song Shuhang learned from Peas, the desert was inadvertently made when the ‘White Supreme’ retreat. He didn’t know what expression to use to express his heart.

His heart at this time, the whole is collapsed.

Beanie comforted and patted Song Shuhang, then pointed to the sugary sugar on the kitchen floor: "You are still good, look at her, not adult."

Song Shuhang looked at the sugar-stained master. The girl managed to recover from the state of being tortured, and experienced the things of today, too cruel!

It seems that I feel the eyes of Song Shuhang, the sugar lord is wronged and looks up, the pear flower tears, and then reveals a real smirk.

It’s over, it’s really stupid. Song Shuhang’s heart is dark.

When I was thinking about it, the white lord stretched out and looked at Song Shuhang and smiled: "Come back, book flight. Is the exam going smoothly?"

"The blessings of the predecessors are very smooth." Song Shuhang carefully.

The white predecessors are all big killers. When they are turned into statues, he can exude tempting charms. When he is confused, he can fall flat and wake up, which will lead to all sorts of 'rich and dangerous pursuits' events; even when retreating Can unconsciously create a big desert...

"Why are you looking at me with such a strange look?" Bai Zun looked up and down and found that he was not unusual.

This is the most terrible place - he is completely unaware of his own lethality!

"Nothing, white predecessors, I feel that after you retreat today, the whole person is rejuvenated!" Song Shuhang carefully replied, for fear of stimulating the white predecessors, and then a big desert.

Oh... The big desert is okay. If you come directly to a deep sea, he will die and will drown.

"Haha, you have this feeling too. I seem to think of a lot of interesting things when I retreat today. The mental state is better. The cultivation is the best." The white lord laughed and walked to the kitchen: "Sugar Sugar, is it good for dinner?"

"Oh... do it right away."

"Cry?" White Zun was puzzled.

"Nothing, nothing. Just suddenly the eyes are gray, old and uncomfortable." Sugar Master wise and Song Shuhang made the same choice, absolutely not dare to stimulate the White Lord.



On this day, Song Shuhang went to sleep on a trampoline without practicing. He is physically and mentally devoid of energy and has no energy to cultivate.

Early the next morning, Song Shuhang got up early.

After practicing a few martial arts, he rushed to the school in a hurry - he was afraid that the white predecessors would suddenly want to practice for a while, and then get a big desert to wrap him up, and the exam must be hung.

When he arrived at the school, Song Shuhang discovered that Tubo, Gao Moumou and Li Yangde had already chatted at the test center.

"Hey, are you so early today?" Song Shuhang asked.

Gao Moumou pushed his eyes: "Because the soil waves can't sleep, we pull all of us up. It's a blessing to share, and it's hard to share."

"Oh." Song Shuhang laughed, this is really the style of Tubo, so he decisively shifted the topic: "What are you talking about?"

"We are talking about buying and selling and hurting things!" Tubo said with a serious look: "Book Airlines, we have at least 300 million students in China now?"

"I haven't noticed it, but China has a population of more than one billion, and 300 million students should have it?" Song Shuhang replied.

"Assuming 300 million, let's calculate, suppose each student has to take five subjects per semester. Two exams per subject, two exams per year. This will consume six billion exams per year!"

"Assuming that a tree can make 1,500 test papers, six billion is equal to four million trees! It can fill the entire Chinese capital. So, for low carbon and environmental protection, are we not? You should reject the exam! Be aware that without buying or selling, there is no harm!"

"..." Song Shuhang nodded and replied: "Do not worry, Tubo. The future examination method will gradually evolve into an electronic examination method, and will not consume so many trees."

"Bastard!" Tubo hated.



I am a little busy in these two days. When I am busy, I will open the V group. Don't worry.