Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 1885: The last time I want to lie!

It seems that the fish Jiaojiao did not knock the white box, she returned safely.

Fish Jiaojiao: "The predecessor, I will now sort out the full version of "Shen Bing Qi Jian" and send it to the account of Book Air."

"Good." The voice of Bai Long’s sister is still gentle and responsive.

After the fish Jiaojia thought about it, he asked again: "Predecessors, this full version of "Shen Bing Qi Jian" is suitable for me to practice?"

"I don't know." White Dragon sister slowly said: "In fact, I have not seen the full version of this practice."

Fish Jiaojiao: "..."

"You can try to practice and look at it, but don't expect too much... The things that Song Wood God mysteriously made, the composition of the general mischief is even bigger. Especially the handsome skill of this name is likely to be cultivated to the end. You discovered that you have cultivated a spell for performance.” Bai Long’s sister spoke out, and after thinking about it, she said again: “You can go to the temple of the tenth temple to find it, if you are lucky. Maybe you can find something good there. Well, give you a hint. There is a private treasure chest in the temple, which is an ultra-small space."

"Thank you for your predecessors!" The fish is so happy that it is her chance.

"Go." White Dragon sister smiled.

"Right, predecessor." Fish Jiaojiao thought of one thing before hanging up the phone: "I just found a golden box after I dig 10 meters. The white box is missing."

She was still thinking, after knocking on the golden box, would you like to try to knock on the white box? But as a result, she only dug out the golden box.

White Dragon Sister: "Ha?"

"I was wondering if someone would ruin the sixth hall in order to take out the white box?" Fish guessed.

After thinking about it, Bailong’s sister showed a sharp dragon tooth: “I know, I have already guessed who did it.”

Knowing the things in the white box, I will do this kind of thing... It seems that only him.

When she changed her name, she was going to plan the grave of the surname Song.



Fish Jiaojiao hangs up the phone, and at the same time sent a full version of "Shen Bing Qi Jian" to Song Shuhang's account.

In the process, Yukoko is giving a loud voice to Song Shuhang in the illusion, teaching the scheme of ‘female incarnation.’

At the same time, Song Shuhang in the illusion has been hung six times before the demon pillar, a total of ten demon gods into the size of the sword, rotating around the body of Song Shuhang. One of them was hung up when he looked at the feathers and the other nine were hanged on the pillars after fighting the evil spirits head.

The white predecessors, the sacred sacred priests, the seven sacred monarchs, and the Huangshan sages are also listening to the experience of Yumoko and the avatar.

"Well, Yumoko's demon incarnation is very suitable for the current book and air friends." Huangshan Zunzi speculated.

Song Shuhang's current state is very suitable for giving birth to a demon. After the illusion is over, Song Shuhang will be able to complete the ‘incarnation of the devil.’

Seven repairs of the Holy King: "If you change someone, you may have already born a demons."

Only Song Shuhang, a small friend, can still maintain his heart after being hanged on the Devil's Column again and again.

"Song predecessors, did you understand?" Yu Rouzi squatted on the side of the ‘real illusion’ and asked with both hands.

"Ah ah ah ~ ah ~" is the standard Song screaming method, Song Shuhang body plus a demon column.

The new Song Shuhang gritted his teeth, and the "variant steel hand" was sacrificed. He reached out and waved a ‘palm thunder’ from the palm of his hand.

"I almost understood, now I am a little devil." Song Shuhang called.

Yukoko blinked his eyes: "The Song predecessors cheered."

She felt that the Song predecessors died several times, and the demons should come out.

"What is the status of me now?" Song Shuhang called, and he made a fist in both hands, and the effect of the palm of his hand extended and wrapped his fist.

Song Shuhang double-handed with the special effect of ‘ palm of the thunder, rushed up and smothered the evil spirits.

After being hanged for eleven times, he found himself gradually getting used to it. Dead and dead, it is numb.

Now, when he fights with the evil spirits, he is holding the way to hone his fighting skills.

He began to display some of the combat plans he had envisioned.

It doesn't matter if you only have ‘thundering thunder’ and ordinary lightning. As long as the palm of your hand is used to slip, it can also exert a very strong effect.

Song Shuhang thought of ‘the day of robbery and thunder.’

The robbery of the nine-day robbing was turned into a big hand, and the thunder was turned into a ‘palm thunder, and it still had the power to destroy the heavens and the earth.

In the palm of your hand, you can actually become bigger, not just tied to the ‘palm’.

He can completely expand the palm of his hand like the ‘day of robbery and thunder,’ from pineapple bag to basketball size! Even after joining ‘Nianli’, the palm of your hand can play more tricks.

Song Shuhang is a bitter pleasure.

The rising sun rises... The sun is shining... The sun sets... The moon is empty.


After the long night, the dawn of a new day is coming.

“Not finished yet?” Song Shuhang’s spirit is already very exhausting.

He couldn't remember how many times he had died and how many times he was hung on the Devil's Column.

"Is there anyone else?" Song Shuhang shouted.

"Well, everyone is here." The white predecessors were separated.

After a day of rest, some members of the 'Jiuzhou No. 1 Group' recovered from the drunken state + the singer of the singer.

The friends who recovered, they rushed to the beach and watched the live broadcast of Song Shuhang being demon.

"White predecessors, is it the first time?" Song Shuhang was powerless.

He couldn't even scream.

However, the harvest is not the same... The high-intensity battle has allowed him to accumulate a wealth of combat experience.

If it is also naked, Song Shuhang feels that he can play two or three of himself yesterday.

"98 times." The white predecessor was separated.

At this time, Song Shuhang’s side was already full of ‘Devil’s Column’.

Yukoko blinked: "Song predecessors, I have a hunch. After you break through 100, there will be changes. Because one hundred is an integer."

"I hope so." Song Shudao.

When he spoke, he was hung up again.

"The ninety-ninth time." Song Shuhang whispered: "The last time!"

This time, he is not prepared to resist any more. He is lying and hanging once, and he is full of 100. Will it change?

As he was thinking, he heard a sound of ‘banging’ from his side.

It is like the sound of a building collapse.

99 demon pillars, rotate.

They surround the Song Shuhang, like a foundation, and a root is inserted into the ground.

"99?" Feathers feel so uncomfortable, can't make a hundred?