Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 2120: Burial with death (question for monthly

Song Shuhang: "..."

At this time, the knives should be inserted on Tiantian Island. When he left Tiantian Island last time, he accidentally dropped the knives and disciples on the island.

After preparing to return from the animal husbandry, he will pick up the disciple and the sword.

I didn’t expect to grab a hand today and caught the ‘Bao Dao’.

When you think about it carefully, there is indeed a brand of "Shen Bing Ji Jian" left by the beauty of the meritorious snake.

The "Shen Bing Qi Jian" left by Song Wood is a practice of selling sheep meat to sell sheep.

Listening to the name, I feel that this is a spell dedicated to identifying the soldiers.

In fact, its role is to leave a mark on the gods and weapons, and then through the "Shen Qi Qi Jian" secret method, no matter in the ends of the earth, you can lock the coordinates, the magic weapon extracts back.

This is the secret method of robbing the fairy tales or the geniuses of the heavens with special space talent.

"Is this the master of the "Shen Bing Ji Jian"?" Song Shuhang grasped the knife handle broken by the knife.

He has no real grasp of 'space power'.

At this time, relying on the addition of the ontology ‘Confucian sage’s eye’ + ‘the tombstone of the tyrannical songs’ + the core world, and the support of the merits of the meritorious snake beauty, he successfully activated the “Shen Qi Ji Jian”.

Moreover, because the ‘Core World’ is used as a transit... When Song Shuhang holds the knives and knives, he can feel that his body can also follow the arm and directly reach the position where ‘Baozhiba is broken’!

"Miao!" Song Shuhang smiled.

"What?" The stone monument is doubtful.

"This "Shen Qi Qi Jian" is wonderful, more interesting than I thought." Song Shuhang haha ​​laughed.

This is the coordinates!

His core world has always been where it came from, and it is easy to be targeted.

When the avatar was still there, he could use the avatar as a temporary coordinate to open another exit in the core world. However, after entering the world of nine products, Song Shuhang lost the available coordinates.

Today, the knives have broken the function of the new 'coordinates'!

And this new coordinate is reproducible.

As long as the meritorious snake beauty leaves coordinates on some solid and durable objects, and these coordinates are placed where they are needed, Song Shuhang can directly construct a transmission network using the combination of "Shen Bing Ji Jian" + core world.

Even if the "Shen Qi Qiao" is further developed, this spell may be used in combat.

This is a potential spell.

"So, can we go back to the land of the trial of the holy mountain of Gard?" asked the stone tablet.

Song Shuhang: "..." No, you can only take the space through train to Tiantian Island.

"So, don't worry about it any more." Stone inscriptions are long-lasting.

"Package on me, stone monuments." After Song Shuhang thought about it, Yuanshen loosened the hand holding the knives.

Instead of taking the knives back, he first let it continue to fill a coordinate.

After coming out of the 'Place of the Test of the Holy Mountain of Gard,' he can try to jump to Tiantian Island with the smashing as the coordinates.

Then, Song Shuhang once again displayed the "Shen Bing Ji Jian".

This time I feel more than the last time.

"This time, I have already smelled the taste of the holy mountain of Gard." Stone tablet smiled.

Song Shuhang Yuanshen nodded.

He stretched out the arm of the **** and forced himself into the void.

This catch... caught another handle.

"Day, who, scared to death, believe it or not, I will cut you!" The lovely voice of the predecessor of the Red Devils sword: "To die, die alone, don't drag me!"

"The seniors under the knife, it is me, Song Shuhang on the shore of Daming Lake." Song Shuhang hurriedly called.

"Lake your sister, if it is not timely to detect that it is your breath, I cut you early." Said, the heart of the red sword is pulling hard.

Song Shuhang’s **** of the gods was directly pulled by the heart and the red sword.

"Wait, don't leave me a monument!" Shibei Daoyou rushed, and the spirit leaped hard, sucking Song Shuhang's god.

The next moment, it was pulled together with Song Shuhang by the demon sword.



Hum ~

Song Shuhang’s Yuanshen fell out of the core world and broke into a yellow sand.


Moreover, this desert is dancing with enthusiasm - it is a sandstorm!

"Red 霄 sword predecessors, you pit me!" Song Shuhang called.

"Oh, huh, after all, I am a demons." The devil is red and the sword is happy: "And, it is you who pitted me first."

Song Shuhang: "???"

Stone tablet: "..." In short, I am the stone tablet that is innocently involved.

The wind and sand riots, the yellow sand is pressed like a wave.

Not long after, Song Shuhang, Shibei, and Akasaka were buried alive.

Sandstorms come quickly and go fast – this is obviously not a normal natural sandstorm.

After the storm, the desert returned to calm.

On the endless desert, there is a big monument.

On the edge of the monument, there is also a black ancient sword.

Desert, tombstone, ancient sword...

Don't have a lonely taste.

Song Shuhang Yuanshen buried in the sand bottom, the liver bursts and hurts.

He was distressed by himself and was buried alive twice.

"The predecessors of the Akasaka sword, what is the white predecessor?" he asked in a loud voice.

Before the sixteen and white dragon sisters and he mentioned, the Akasaka sword predecessors disappeared with the white predecessors.

"It's nearby.... Before I was caught by you, I was hiding from the sandstorm. If you suddenly reached out and grabbed my hilt, I should have avoided the sandstorm like Baidaoyou. " Akasaka sword out of the channel.

This is the place where the Akasaka sword was depressed before the seniors.

It’s good to hide from the dust, and suddenly a hand reaches out and grabs it, causing it to get caught in the storm.

"I'm sorry." Song Shuhang is a man who dares to admit mistakes.

"Nothing, don't mind. Anyway, this hate me to write down, I will give you the opportunity next time." The devil is red and the sword is happy: "After all, the old man is a demon."

Song Shuhang: "..."

“咦?书航?” During the speech, the white predecessor’s figure descended from the air.

The white predecessors were spotless, and he cleverly avoided the sandstorm. In addition, he still holds a pillar-like stone in his hand - this is a small vein that is sealed. It is the harvest of the white predecessors in this dust storm.

"Book Air, how come you?" After the white predecessor landed, he saw the stone tablet again: "Tomb of Song Shuhang? Overlord Song Xuansheng was sleeping here on November 27, 2019? Hey, you are dead. With a tombstone?"

I am afraid that I will die if I don't recognize myself. No one has to clean up my bones. So I bring my own tombstone and bury it with death.

Recently, Xiaoyou is quite conscious.

"What are you playing, do you want me to dig you out?" The whites squatted in front of the tombstone and asked the stone tablet.

"White predecessors, I am not playing." Song Shuhang said in a serious way: "Actually, I am a young man."

“Hey?” The whites squinted.

On the opposite side of the tombstone of the tyrants, the body of the tomb was hot.

"White predecessors, when lying on the ground, I suddenly remembered a poem." Song Shudao: "Later, the homesickness is a short grave. I am inside, white predecessors are outside."

Heart Devil Akasaka: "..."