Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 2239: Such a building is soulless!

The mysterious girl Yunque smiled slightly, and she gently licked her long blue hair, and then handed her hand to the three waves.

The mad knife and three waves are confused.

"Take my hand." Xuan female door Yunque soft voice.

"The predecessors of the Skylark promised?" The three waves of the knives did not directly catch the skylark, but asked with vigilance.

After all... he has been pitted a lot.

"Do not talk nonsense." Xuan female door Yunquezi reached out and grabbed three waves.

Later, she accelerated the speed of Yu Jian's flight: "My time is precious, how can it be wasted in space? We are now accelerating to return to Earth. Hold on, three waves!"

Two dawns, flashing in the sky, rushing to the earth.

One of the twilights flashed cheerfully, and the other twilight showed a desperate taste.

On the other side, Lingdie Island.

Lingdie Shengjun looks at his mobile phone: "..."

After a while, he silently took out the sign - I heard that Sanlang is coming back from the moon, he is ready to count the time when the three waves of the knives arrived at the Earth.

Don't let him figure out the results, otherwise, this year, when Lingdie Island celebrates the New Year, he will kill a knife and three waves to worship the sky!

Kill three waves this year, kill four waves next year, kill one wave a year, and take the town of Lingdao.



On the moon.

The white predecessors stretched out, and in the potholes, they had already laid a layer of ‘one-time flying sword’.

Abai is the real chat, work and not forgetting.

He can use the branches of the 'wood body' to dexterously 'chat', while the other side of his own hands constantly make the ‘one-time flying sword’ broken black house version.

At the same time as the water group was completed, Dongfu’s ‘pothole’ was also covered with a one-time flying sword.

The first step is completed!

"Predecessors, do you still need a wooden sword?" Black skin feathers softly asked, her little hand was already shaking slightly - even cutting so many flying swords, her little hands produced an inertia. Even if there is no branch in the hand, the action of cutting the sword is involuntarily done.

She may be the first such hardworking demon in the world.

The white predecessor once again touched the head of the black skin Yukoko: "It’s hard, I don’t need it for the time being."

"The next step is to build a cave house? How is Bai Daoyou going to do it?" asked the Devil's Red Sword.

The white predecessors reached out and gave a simple visual illusion.

Then there were several styles of 'dongfu' sliding over the potholes.

The first one is the quaint-style Dongfu, which is also the mainstream on the moon, in line with the aesthetics of monks for hundreds of years and even thousands of years ago. It seems that there is also a special flavor.

The white predecessors took a stroke, and a sci-fi style Dongfu made by steel appeared like a painting style in science fiction film and television works.

Then there is the magical wind, the natural pastoral wind, the jungle original wind...

Wait a variety of styles of paintings in the cave, flashing on it.

[White Daoyou is trying to give Song Shuhang a illusion cave house? 】 Heart Devils Akasaka sword in the dark.

At this time, the white predecessors asked: "Which style do you think will be better?"

[It turns out that you don’t want to make a illusion, but just look at the design style. 】 The Devil Red Sword is somewhat disappointed.

However, it was learned this time, and it coincided with the reply: "I feel that the original style, the cave type of the cave, is very suitable for book navigation."

If you cover such a cave house, Song Shuhang can stand in the cave entrance every day when he comes out of Dongfu.

"Actually, I feel that even the pits are already ready-made. I directly put the stone sarcophagus of Song Shuhang into it, and put the soil on it. Then I will set up the stone monument, and the merits can be planted. A simple and practical Dongfu Formed." Chu Ge main hair with a lazy voice.

"Chu Gezhu, Song predecessors will cry." Black skin feathers soft road.

The Chu Ge master smiled and said: "No, the group of monkeys who are responsible for crying at that time. If it doesn't work, the old crying old man is also very suitable. Anyway, it is on the moon. Please ask him to come too long. time."

"You must have been infected by three waves... I am sick. I will check the body for you all the time." The white predecessor - the cave house he is going to cover now is a bait. When he stays in, he is the one who is easy to handle. '.

Since it is a bait, it can't be like that.

"In earnest, I feel that the tall tower was very good--it is a tall tower with a cylindrical structure that looks very conspicuous." Black skin Yuko said seriously: "In addition, I propose that the top of the tower can be Put a huge burning holy eye as a mark. The mark of the predecessors of the Song Dynasty is the 'eye of the saint'. When others see the tall tower and the burning eye, they can guess that this is the cave of the predecessors of the Song Dynasty."

When the tower is erected, the monks in this area of ​​the moon will be shrouded in the gaze of the sacred eyes of the predecessors of the Song Dynasty, recalling the fear of being dominated by the Eye of the Sage.

After thinking a little, the white predecessors nodded. "Okay, that's it. Give Yukako another credit. When I send a New Year's gift, I will send you and your body."

"Thank you for the white predecessor." The black skin Yukoko showed a quiet, lady's smile.

"The next step... started." The white predecessors smashed the law of the 'flat earth mantra'. The potholes on the ground were filled with a layer, covering the ‘one-time flying sword’.

But the white predecessors are not over yet, and the spiritual power is still constantly dying.

The earth seems to have received instructions, based on the potholes, rolling up and condensing upwards, such as 3D printing, layer-by-layer stacking, turning into high towers.

"The tower built in this way has no soul!" The demon red skull sword could not help but vomit.

"We don't have that extra time... we have to make a rough shell first," the white predecessor explained.

The Tian Ting party is likely to have assembled and started to act, so it is impossible to make the 'tower' seriously in layers.

Only make a shell first and disguise it.

After the event is over, re-create one more.

In the rumbling sound, a tower of about 500 meters was formed.

"It's almost enough." The white predecessor stopped the ‘flat earth curse’ law and nodded with satisfaction.

"But what will be done next to the 'eye of the flames'?" asked the Chu Ge master.

The make-up fairy blinked, and then she gestured "Blinking": "Song ~ Alacso ~"

"It's still a matter of course. The eyes of Song's predecessors sent four Confucian robes. If you blink your eyes, what if you don't come out?"

At this time, the beauty of the meritorious snake was a slight meal - she received the instructions of Song Shuhang.

Then she reached out and opened the core world of Song Shuhang, from which she put out a huge burning eye.

This eye is not the same.

It used to be a ‘God’ eyeball that is equivalent to the nine-character robes.

As a result, the white predecessors borrowed 2,346 sacred shadows from Song Shuhang... This eyeball **** was hammered and left this burning huge eyeball, which has been installed in the core world of Song Shuhang.

"Not bad." The white predecessor smiled and took the eye.

Then... he completely sealed Song Shihang's stone box, and even ‘God penetration' was locked, not letting him peer into the outside world.