Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 2278: Book Air, are you being stolen? (seeking

Jiuzhou No.1 group.

Pharmacist: "Is there any material found in the seven cups before the repair?"

The pharmacist recently used voice input to indicate that he felt that Mandarin was quite standard, but typos often appeared after becoming a text. It’s better to let the Jiang Ziyan generation come soon... By the way, you can do something happy.

"There are no such types in the evils that have appeared in the past few hundred years. I am still looking for it and give me some time. It feels a bit clueful."

The Seven Masters are the most knowledgeable members of the ‘Jiuzhou No.1 Group’, and members often think of him when they encounter difficult problems.

Huangshan is so tired and wants to retire: "I found a record similar to evil here, but I simply mentioned one sentence. I didn't tell how the evil was solved. Things were in the Mediterranean coast seven hundred years ago. There have been similar evils like rivers. Even the spells of the Wupinling Emperor are not effective for it. Seven predecessors, you are looking for relevant records of 700 years ago."

"I went to see the information of that time period." Seven repairs Shengjun replied: "In addition, contact the White Road Friends?"

The Six Immortals of the East replied: "The white predecessors still have not responded."

"In other words, will it be that this evil is very strange, the ability of the white predecessors to avoid the sinister spurt?"

"!!!" Susu is a heart-to-heart: "The son does not scare me... At present, there is no other action in this big river evil, just surrounded by the guardian squad, people can't cross the big river. We are just ordinary. The martial art can't stand the toss."

"Susu fairy, can you take a photo of ‘大河邪妄’?” Song Shuhang entered in the group and he followed Gao’s three people back to the dormitory and quickly entered on the mobile phone. The powerful sense of the monk can guarantee that he will not be surprised when he walks with his mobile phone.

Just now, Song Shuhang turned up in the chat record and found no photos of evil.

"I have a few pictures, this is passed to you." Susu fairy returned.

I am a little white crane on the edge of the sky: "Book Airlines, did the white predecessors stay with you?"

"No, the white predecessors are in the world of beasts. So the mobile phone may not be able to contact... you can go to the 'Jiuzhou No. 2 Group' that I established, and contact the white predecessors with the No. 2 group." Song Shuhang came out.

After hearing the reply from Song Shuhang, Baihe Zhenjun was in a good mood.

Huangshan is so tired and wants to retire: "!!!"

Song Shuhang did not mention this, because of the role of 'Heavenly Black House', Huang Shanzun did not think that he was promoted to the 'Jiuzhou No. 2 Group' owner. He deliberately did not think about Jiuzhou II. Number group'.

Now Song Shuhang mentioned that Huangshan’s heart and soul began to rise.

Beihe Sanren: "I tried it, but the second group is in the upgrade state, and there are still three days after the upgrade."

“Hey? How to upgrade?” Song Shuhang’s doubts sneaked into the ‘Comprehensive’ chat function.

[Increase the 'virus warning' function module, it is estimated that the upgrade takes three days. 】

Song Shuhang: "..."

By the way, it is his own virus warning function that is temporarily added by Ms. Long Luo, in order to prevent the ‘Tiandao Wills Ball’ from launching a long-range attack against him.

At this time, Susu Seiko had sent the photos to the group, and sent a copy to Song Shuhang’s private chat.

She also sent some features of the evil spirits again.

This evil river has the characteristics of some 'ghost hitting the wall'. After breaking into it, no matter how deep it is, it will turn back to its original position.

But as long as it passes over it, it will not be affected at all.

Song Shuhang pinched his chin and stared at the photos and clues.

After a while...

With detailed information and photos, he quickly matched this ‘big river evil’ with the data in his mind.

"It should be it, the "Dragon's Devil" that was cut off by the ‘Dragon Pulse’, no difference in form or character. Then its solution...” Song Shuhang’s mind took information.

At the same time, he replied to the hamster: "Is it true... The contents of the ‘Xiepu Science Collection’ given to me by the white predecessors can be circulated? 】

[You are free, evil is only a fun thing for us in the world, just bring a few interesting back to the nine world experiment. 】 Hamster evil spirits return.

"That's good." Song Shuhang nodded.

He knows that this will be the answer, but it is polite to ask carefully. After all, this evil sacred book not only has knowledge about evil spirits, but also has a variety of seals, which can be classified as ‘work law’.



Jiuzhou No.1 Group.

Song Zun: "@素素心系苍生,素素仙子. If I am not mistaken, this big river evil should be 'broken dragon evil spirits'. It is artificially cut off by the dragon vein representing the air transport. Condensed in a long period of time. Because it itself represents 'gas transport', it is slightly more difficult to deal with. Ordinary spells have little effect on it."

"How do you solve it?" Susu fairy quickly replied.

"The easiest thing is to blast it out in a single breath, beyond the force that it bears the limit. Or, find a friend who has the atmosphere to let him go to the 'Broken Dragon'." Attacked and broken." Song Shuhang replied.

"Throw a white predecessor into it?"

Beihe scattered people: "I feel that throwing a copper gong into the effect is not bad."

“Is it possible to sprinkle some photos of the white predecessors?” Bai Hezhen proposed.

Susu’s heart is alive: “But now the whites can’t get in touch.”

"The vegetarian fairy does not need to panic, and the dragon evil is itself a 'long pulse'. Therefore, you can use the seal of the dragon's 'golden needle seal dragon array' to limit it first, so that it can no longer grow quickly. At the same time, 'golden needle seal The Dragon Array can still be weakened by nailing it to its original place, and it will continue to weaken." Song Shuhang added.

‘Golden Needle Sealing Dragon Array’ is a five-element seal array method, generally used to limit dragon veins or spiritual veins. There are many people in the real world.

"I will try the "golden needle seal dragon array", I will try it right away. @宋尊者, thank you ~" Susu fairy quickly replied, try to go offline.

Song Shuhang smiled slightly.

Ah~ cool!

It is this feeling!

This feeling of becoming a reliable big predecessor is cool!

Well, after the Susu fairy really settles the big river evil, he can also give the fairy flying sword a piece of 'onion tip' to see if he can break the evil river.

Sally, but the three-eye predecessor, Jinkou, has the existence of ‘the heavenly posture’.

There is also the longevity of the red scorpion, which is also the cultivation of the green onion as a future heaven.

This is a hint of onion with a natural gas, and it is feasible to suppress the evil river!

"Speaking... Book Air, are you being stolen?" Snow Wolf Cave asked suddenly.

Song Shuhang: "???"